Scoville Scale facts
While investigating facts about Scoville Scale Peppers and Scoville Scale Chart, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A succulent native to Morocco produces Resiniferatoxin, a compound so spicy that it is approximately 1,000 times stronger than pure capsacin on the Scoville scale. It can cause severe chemical burns and is being researched towards a possible new class of analgesics
how scoville scale works?
the Scoville scale which is used to figure out the heat of any given pepper is determined by the number of dilutions of sugar water needed to eliminate the heat.
What is the hottest pepper on the scoville scale?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the hottest pepper in the world on the scoville scale. Here are 14 of the best facts about Scoville Scale 2019 and Scoville Scale Hot Sauces I managed to collect.
what is the scoville scale?
The Scoville scale for measuring the heat of peppers. The capsaicinoids are extracted and diluted until 3/5ths of expert tasters cannot taste the heat. The units refer to the number of drops of water used for dilution: 1 million means 1 drop of extract requires 1 million drops of water.
On the Scoville scale (measurement of heat in a food), the chipotle registers between 3,000 and 10,000 SHUs.
The Scoville scale was created by Wilbur Scoville. It measures the heat of a chile. The hottest chile known to exist for sale is the Carolina Reaper which measures 2.2 million on the Scoville Scale.
To rate the heat of a chili's oil using the Scoville Scale, you gradually introduce a mix of water and sugar until you can no longer detect the heat of the oil. It takes 1 part chili oil to 1.6 million parts water and sugar to dilute the hottest chili in the world, the 'Trinidad Moruga Scorpion'
The Scoville Scale was originally calculated by diluting peppers in a solution that was then given to a group of people experienced with eating hot chilis to determine the scoville rating.
The Madame Jeanette pepper (125.000 - 350.000 on the scoville scale) is used in almost all facets of Surinamese cuisine.
There is a hot sauce called FlashBang, that comes in a container that looks like a flashbang grenade and is extremely hot (around 5 million on the Scoville scale)
Resiniferatoxin, a ultra-potent analogue of Capsaicin has a Scoville Scale rating of 16,000,000,000, which is 8000 times more potent than the Carolina Reaper Chilli!! (The World's Spiciest Chilli) In fact only 10g of it can be lethal!
'The Scoville Scale' is a measurement of the pungency (spicy heat) of chili peppers, or other spicy foods, as reported in Scoville heat units (SHU), a function of capsaicin concentration. Capsaicin is one of many related pungent compounds found in chili peppers.
The first Scoville scale relied on a panel of taste testers. Alcohol extract of capsaicin oil from a dried pepper is mixed with a solution of water and sugar to the point where a panel of taste-testers can barely detect the heat of the pepper.
Scoville Scale data charts
For your convenience take a look at Scoville Scale figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about scoville scale?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Tabasco sauce rates about 5k on the Scoville scale, while Blair's 16 Million Reserve rates at 16 million.
You may of heard of the Scoville scale, but TIL of the Pyruvate scale for pungency - source