Celsius Temperature facts
While investigating facts about Celsius Temperature Scale and Celsius Temperature Chart, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The frequency of a cricket's chirps is consistent with air temperature, count how many chirps there are over 25 seconds then divide by 3 and add 4 to tell you the temperature in Celsius.
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In 2012 scientists at the Hadron Collider formed a quark-gluon plasma and subsequently recorded the hottest temperature created by man, 5.5 trillion degrees celsius.
What celsius temperature does water boil?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what celsius temperature is a fever. Here are 50 of the best facts about Celsius Temperature Conversion and Celsius Temperature Fever I managed to collect.
what celsius temperature does water freeze?
Japanese Honeybees defend themselves against wasps by swarming them and "baking" them by vibrating their wings to 47 degrees Celsius. One degree above the wasp's max temperature.
As soon as 2100 Humanity could begin to suffocate due to an average 6 degree Celsius increase in temperature disrupting the process of photosynthesis in two thirds of the world's oxygen producing organisms.
Scientists have unexpectedly found that the bacterium Colwellia psychrerythraea, an extremophile, can survive at -196 Celsius degrees, the temperature of liquid nitrogen. They're not sure how this is possible.
NASA has discovered stars with temperatures lower than the human body. The star 'WISE 1828+2650' is less than 80 degrees Fahrenheit (25 Celsius).
Space temperature can never get lower than a minimum of just 2.7 Kelvin or -270.45 Celsius, the temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which permeates the entire Universe.
Gallium literally melts in your hand. It’s soft, glass-like, silvery, and has a melting point of 29.76 degrees Celsius - which is just above room temperature, so it will pool in your hand like liquid silver.
When you die you can have your remains turned in to a diamond. Carbon is extracted from your cremated ashes or hair and compressed to almost 900,000 PSI and subjected to temperatures of 2,500 degrees Celsius to form a bonding of the atoms.
An amateur chemist created a material called Starlite that could withstand temperatures up to 10,000 degrees Celsius. He feared losing control of the rights to the material and therefore never revealed the composition, which is still unknown.
Despite common misconception, ice worms are a real species that tunnel through glaciers. If their body temperature exceeds 5 degrees celsius they melt.
Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius (1701-1744), originally created the temperature scale Celsius with the freezing point of water being 100° and boiling point being 0°. Eventually after Anders Celsius died, scientists changed the scale to the way we know it today.
Celsius Temperature data charts
For your convenience take a look at Celsius Temperature figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about celsius temperature?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Crocodile gender is based off the temperature of their nest. Below 31.7 degrees Celsius is a female, and above 31.7 degrees Celsius is a male.
The 300 Club is the name given to people who have experienced an instantaneous 166 degree Celsius (300 °F) drop in temperature, in Antartica when the temps reach -73C / -100F - source
Russian polar scientists at Vostok Station, coldest place on Earth, have a tradition called 200 Club. They take a sauna heated up to 120°C (248°F) and then run outside into -80°C (-112°F) wearing nothing but underwear and flip-flops, experiencing a quick temperature change of 200 degrees Celsius - source
The temperature of the earth has increased by one half of a degree Celsius in the last 100 years, which might seem small but it can have drastic effects on the earth as a whole. This temperature change can melt ice caps and cause water levels to rise globally.
The average temperature on Mars is -60 degrees Celsius, but they vary much more at the poles and equator, much like on earth.
Basal temperature when pregnant celsius?
Above 355 degrees Celsius (the Curie temperature), nickel is no longer magnetic.
How to change temperature from fahrenheit to celsius in ac remote?
The highest temperature ever reached on earth was 4 trillion degrees Celsius - this was in quark-gluon plasma at Brookhaven RHIC and is the hottest matter ever created in a laboratory.
The average surface temperature of the Moon during the day is 107 degrees Celsius or 224.6 degrees Fahrenheit.
Green toads tolerate increased salinity and temperatures of 40 degrees of Celsius. They remain dormant during the hottest part of the year (phenomenon called aestivation) in the extremely hot and dry areas.
Menhaden swim near the surface of the water almost entire year (except during the winter). They prefer areas with water temperature of 18 degrees of Celsius.
Unlike many other dinosaurs, Brachiosaurus was able to keep its body temperature stable at roughly 38 to 45 degrees of Celsius. Metabolism of Brachiosaurus was somewhere in between the metabolism of cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals.