Satellite Orbit facts
While investigating facts about Satellite Orbits and Satellite Orbit Height, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A Canadian inventor tried to create a “supergun” which could fire satellites into orbit from a 512 foot-long barrel embedded inside a hill. When Western funding failed, he turned to military application of his ideas for Saddam Hussein, but then he was assassinated in Brussels.
how satellite orbits around earth?
The McDonnell Douglas F-15 can reach 30,000 ft (9,100m) in 60 seconds and has a thrust-to-weight ratio that allows the aircraft to accelerate while flying straight up. It is also the only aircraft to ever shoot down a satellite orbiting in space.
What keeps a satellite in orbit?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is low orbit satellite. Here are 50 of the best facts about Satellite Orbit Map and Satellite Orbiting Earth I managed to collect.
what satellite orbits earth?
In 2007 China tested a missile and shot down one of their own satellites, accidentally creating 2,087 pieces of space debris on crazy orbits, all of which are now required to be tracked to avoid space collisions
In 1965, two astronauts in orbit reported: "We have an object, looks like a satellite going from north to south, probably in polar orbit...I see a command module and eight smaller modules in front. The pilot of the command module is wearing a red suit."
There is a satellite orbiting Earth that is predicted to re-enter the atmosphere in 8.4 million years, carrying a message addressed to the beings/humans and civilizations of the future.
The United States accidentally destroyed Britain's first satellite after detonating a nuclear bomb in orbit.
About Apophis (Egyptian god of death and darkness), an asteroid that will pass earth closer than our own satellites orbit on Friday 13th, 2029. It will touch our atmosphere, and we will be able to see it wiz overhead. There is a debated chance of it impacting Earth when it returns in 2036.
Maj. Gen. Doug Pearson became the only "space ace" when he shot down a satellite orbiting at 345 miles while piloting an F-15 on Sept. 13, 1985.
There are more than 500,000 pieces of debris floating or orbiting around Earth now. Most of them originated as parts of satellites and rockets.
There are currently 4,256 satellites currently orbiting the planet as of 2016, but only 1,419 are operational
The Milky Way has several "satellite galaxies", smaller galaxies that orbit our galaxy like moons to a planet.
In 8 million years the LAGEOS satellite orbit will decay, and it will re-enter Earth's atmosphere, carrying with them a message to any far future descendants of humanity, and a map of the continents as they are expected to appear then.
Satellite Orbit data charts
For your convenience take a look at Satellite Orbit figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why satellite orbits the earth?
You can easily fact check why does the velocity of a satellite change as it orbits the earth by examining the linked well-known sources.
There are over 40 dangerous radioactive satellites in orbit of Earth. One - Kosmos 954 - already crashed in Canada in 1978 spreading radiation over 600km, eventually leaking into the US
In 1985 an F-15 fighter jet successfully shot down a satellite with a missile; by 1998, there were still 8 trackable pieces in orbit - source
Digital cameras were developed so spy satellites could send images back to earth more quickly. Before digital cameras in 1976, spy satellites used film. After the film was shot, the satellites loaded the footage into capsules and dropped them from orbit into the atmosphere for collection. - source
The magnitude 9.0 great earthquake that struck Japan on 11 March 2011 "was so powerful that its rumble was 'heard' from space. Scientists in France and the Netherlands have found that sound waves from the quake reached as far as an orbiting satellite [GOCE], 260 kilometres [161.6 miles] above."
There's a satellite in orbit that's running a Nexus 1 Android as one of its main CPU's - source
An earth satellite in an elliptical orbit travels fastest when it is?
The F-15 Fighter Jet Was Capable of Shooting Down Satellites in Orbit.
How satellite orbit earth?
Scientists are working on plans to equip the International Space Station with a laser cannon to zap space debris in an effort to clean up the 3,000 tons of discarded satellites and other garbage in orbit
On Friday the 13th of April in 2029, an asteroid named Apophis (Egyptian god of death and darkness), which is the size of the Rose Bowl, will pass Earth at a distance that is closer than our orbiting communication satellites.
Earth's only natural satellite has no other name and is simply called "the Moon" because people didn't know other moons existed until Galileo Galilei discovered four moons orbiting Jupiter in 1610.
There are 23,000 cataloged objects orbiting Earth in space, with the majority (14,950) produced by a Chinese anti-satellite test. A collision with even the tiniest of these fragments can be disastrous to any spacecraft.
The three rings around the Unisphere, constructed in Queens, NY for the 1964 World's Fair, represented the orbital flights of Yuri Garagrin, the first man in space, John Glenn, the first American in space and Telestar, the first active communications satellite.
Satellite orbit infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Satellite Orbit numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

The altitude of all active satellites in low Earth orbit under 1000 km on 30 Apr 2018