Ivy League facts
While investigating facts about Ivy League Schools and Ivy League Basketball Tournament, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Between the 1940s and 1970s several Ivy League schools, including Harvard and Yale, took mandatory nude photographs of all freshman students
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Vanessa Bayer of SNL was sent to Hawaii on a "Make-a-Wish" trip as a teen, because she had leukemia. She beat the cancer, graduated from the Ivy League, and now does charity work with the organization.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what ivy league should i go to. Here are 50 of the best facts about Ivy League Football and Ivy League Basketball I managed to collect.
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Guillaume Dumas, a teenager who snuck into Ivy League schools over 4 years, gaining free education from Yale, Brown, Stanford and many others.
A community college in the Bronx uses the same cirriculum as Columbia University in the Ivy League. For the past three years, professors at Hostos have been teaching a version of the Columbia Core in their freshman composition classes
Princeton, an Ivy League university, doesn't have a business, law, or medical school
From the 1940s until the 1970s, Ivy League schools including Harvard and Yale took nude photos of all incoming freshmen.
Ivy League Schools would take nude pictures of students as part of the admission process.
The term "Ivy League" originated from people mispronouncing the Roman Numeral in "IV League", which was the original four universities: Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and Columbia.
The NBC page program is extremely prestigious and even more competitive than Ivy League admissions. Many pages go on to have successful careers in the entertainment industry and notable former pages include Regis Philbin, Michael Eisner and Aubrey Plaza.
Most Ivy League colleges did not accept women until very recently. Harvard in 1977, Columbia in 1983.
Indiana Jones has changed the image of archaeology. Before 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' (1981), people imagined an archaeologist as a weak, older person who needs rescuing. Now the stereotype is a male Ivy League professor/adventurer with a bullwhip.
Princeton was the last Ivy League college to admit a black student in 1947. That was 90 years after Yale admitted its first black student in 1857
Ivy League data charts
For your convenience take a look at Ivy League figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why ivy league schools?
You can easily fact check why ivy league is called ivy league by examining the linked well-known sources.
The (unofficial) mascot of the prestigious Ivy League Dartmouth College is Keggy the Keg, an anthropomorphic beer keg
Stephenie Meyer's 'Twilight' novels, when translated into Chinese, were published with detailed footnotes explaining cultural references (Pop-Tarts, slumber parties, Ivy League colleges, Greek mythology, etc.); some took up more than half the page. The books were all best sellers. - source
Women couldn't enroll at most Ivy League colleges until after 1969. - source
President Chester Arthur's grandson Gavin was described as "an Ivy League dropout, an Irish Republican Army activist, an experimental-film actor, a commune leader, a gold prospector, a teacher at San Quentin, and a bisexual sexologist/astrologer."
When the Ivy League imposed admissions quotas on Jews, the University of Michigan became a favored choice for bright Jewish students from New York and eventually earned the nickname 'Harvard of the West' - source
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In 1940 student newspapers of most Ivy League colleges heavily petitioned the White House against joining WWII, and went as far as seeing no major differences between Axis and Allies in moral standing.
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Hypothetically, two people with the same SAT score, one of whom applied (just APPLIED) to an Ivy League and one of whom was accepted into and attended one, would have, in the end, the same average income.
Every Supreme Court Justice went to Harvard or Yale Law School. The last non Ivy League educated SCOTUS Justice was nominated in 1981. .4% of the US attended an Ivy League school
In the 1940s - 1970s, incoming freshmen at certain Ivy League colleges including Harvard & Yale were photographed naked to gauge the rate and severity of rickets, scoliosis and lordosis. The remaining images were sent to the Smithsonian and most were destroyed between 1995 - 2001.
Although synonymous with academic achievement, status the "Ivy League" is actually a sporting league in the NCAA. The association is made from the reputation of the schools that make up the group.
Despite the stereotype, every single IVY league school is more ethnically diverse than the USA with caucasians being underrepresented.