El Paso facts
While investigating facts about El Paso Shooting and El Paso Electric, I found out little known, but curios details like:
While the two cities border each other, El Paso, TX is one of the safest large cities in the US and Juarez, Mexico is one of the most dangerous cities in the world.
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Texas is so expansive that El Paso, in the western corner of the state, is closer to San Diego, California than to Houston.
Who was the shooter at el paso?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happened at el paso tx. Here are 28 of the best facts about El Paso News and El Paso Weather I managed to collect.
what happened at el paso?
Texas is so huge that El Paso, in the western corner of the state, is closer to San Diego, California, than it is to Houston, Texas.
El Paso is closer to San Diego (636 mi) than it is to Houston (677 mi).
El Paso, TX was once considered the second-safest city in America. Meanwhile, the Mexican city with which it shares a border, Juarez, had one of the highest murder rates in the world.
The architecture of the University of Texas at El Paso is modeled after Bhutanese monasteries, known as Dzong architecture.
Feminicidio ("feminicide"), the violent mysterious deaths of hundreds of women and girls since 1993 in the northern Mexican region of Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, a border city across the Rio Grande from the U.S. city of El Paso, Texas.
Since the site was in a relatively isolated location - south of Albuquerque and Santa Fe and northeast of Las Cruces and El Paso - radiation fallout was not a major concern of the government. With that said, few studies were done about the long term effects of the test, unlike those done about the atmospheric nuclear bomb tests in Nevada.
During the Mexican Revolution, Hotel Paso del Norte (formerly known as Camino Real Hotel), in El Paso, Texas, offered guests a comfortable place to watch battles – from a safe distance. El Pasoans climbed to the top of the hotel to watch the Battle of Juárez over beers.
The 51 Blockbuster stores still open, 7 of them are in El Paso.
The device was detonated at 5:29 am, leaving a five foot deep and thirty foot wide crater. The blast could be felt 100 miles away and the mushroom cloud reached nearly eight miles into the sky. It could be seen and heard in El Paso, Albuquerque, and Las Cruces.
El Paso is closer to California than it is to Houston
El Paso data charts
For your convenience take a look at El Paso figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is el paso safe?
You can easily fact check why is el paso the safest city by examining the linked well-known sources.
Olivas V. Aoy was a Spanish Mormon who founded a school in El Paso, Texas to help Mexican students be prepared for public school.
Austin, TX is closer to New Orleans, LA than it is to El Paso, TX and that San Diego, CA is closer to El Paso than Houston is. - source
When a man was attacked in El Paso, Texas in 1881, he and the town marshal almost instantly killed the assailants. The incident became known as the Four Dead in Five Seconds Gunfight. - source
Major cities in the United States along the Rio Grande include Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Mesilla, Las Cruces, Truth or Consequence, El Paso, Presidio, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, Laredo, Rio Grande City, Brownsville, and McAllen.
Juarez, Mexico is one of the most dangerous cities in the world. 8 miles north is El Paso, Texas one of the most safest cities in the world. - source
What time is it en el paso?
It's a shorter distance to drive from Santa Monica, CA on the Pacific Ocean to El Paso, Texas than it is to drive from El Paso, Texas to the eastern side of Texas.
How safe is el paso?
El Paso, Texas fought to stay in the Mountain time zone, making it the only city in Texas to use Mountian time.
Cathedral High School, a small school in El Paso, that was revoked of its Notre Dame Leprechaun logo after going unnoticed by the college for over 86 years.
Tips On Hiring A Carpet Cleaning Business In El Paso TX
El Paso in America and Juárez in Mexico form one metropolitan area.