Round Golf facts
While investigating facts about Round Golf Swing and Round Golf Mirror, I found out little known, but curios details like:
According to his biography, Kim Jung-Il first picked up a golf club in 1994, at North Korea's only golf course, and shot a 38-under par round that included no fewer than 11 holes in one. Satisfied with his performance, he reportedly immediately declared his retirement from the sport.
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Actor Christopher McDonald, the actor who played Shooter McGavin in Happy Gilmore, says he never pays for a round of golf because of his widespread fame from that role.
What is a round of golf?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do golfers eat during a round. Here are 22 of the best facts about Round Golf Cart and Round Golf Cart Mirrors I managed to collect.
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After Serena and Venus Williams had claimed they could beat any man outside the top 200 at tennis, Karsten Braasch took them up on the challenge. Braasch played them fresh after finishing a round of golf and two beers, beating Serena 6-1 and Venus 6-2.
Alice Cooper has credited golf with playing a major role in helping him overcome his alcohol addiction. He has even gone so far as to say that when he took up golf, it was a case of replacing one addiction with another. He now plays six rounds a week with a 2 handicap.
When Pyongyang's first golf course opened in 1994, Kim Jong-il was given the honour of playing the first round. He shot a 38-under-par round, which included 11 holes-in-one. His 17 bodyguards were put forward as witnesses to his remarkable feat.
Serena and Venus Williams claimed they could beat any male tennis player ranked 200 or below. Karsten Braasch, ranked 203, easily beat each of them 6-1 and 6-2 respectively; all after playing a round of golf, drinking a couple beers, and smoking several cigarettes.
In 1998 the young William's sisters stated they could beat any male tennis player ranked outside the world's top 200. German Karsten Braashch ranked 203 and a heavy smoker accepted the challenge. After playing a round of golf having some beers and beat them 6-1 and 6-2 respectively.
Johnny Weissmuller, famous actor for playing Tarzan, was in Cuba during the Revolution. While playing a round of golf he was surrounded by rebels. He let out his trademark yell. Recognizing it, the rebels led him to safety.
Woodrow Wilson played 1200 rounds of golf while in office
US President Dwight D. Eisenhower played more than 800 rounds of golf while in the White House and is in the World Golf Hall of Fame ️
The odds of making two hole-in-ones in one round are 64 million to one. Kassandra Komma achieved this recently.
US track star Steve Scott set the record for the fastest round of golf played on a regulation course, completing 18 holes in 29 minutes, 33.05 seconds using only two clubs and running from hole to hole. He posted a respectable score of 95
Round Golf data charts
For your convenience take a look at Round Golf figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are there 18 holes in a round of golf?
You can easily fact check why is it called a round of golf by examining the linked well-known sources.
Serena and Venus Williams said they could beat any man ranked outside the world's top 200. The challenge was accepted a German player ranked No 203. Before the matches, he played a round of golf, drank beers, smoked cigarettes, and then played them for a set each. He defeated them, 6-1, and 6-2. - source
In Kim Jong Il's first ever round of golf, he claims to have shot a 38 under par 34 with five hole in one's. - source
In 2011 a 53-year-old IT manager from North Carolina accomplished a feat seen only twice in the 52 years previous and not once since 1979: a perfect round of Putt-Putt (not to be confused with miniature) golf: 18 holes, 18 shots.
Canadian golfer, Robb James, played 47 rounds of golf in a single day. - source
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President Woodrow Wilson played a round of golf almost every day during his presidency.
How much is a round of golf at pebble beach?
Any resident of Germany who wants to play Golf needs to obtain a Golf License (**Platzreife**), by passing a written test and completing a round in 108 strokes or fewer.
In 1998 serena and wendy williams said they could beat any man ranked 200th or worse in a game of tennis. Karsten Braasch,ranked 203th ,accepted their challenge and beat them 6-1,6-2. Before the matches,Braasch played a round of golf in the morning,drank a couple of beers,smoked a few cigarettes
That, when Golf was invented, finishing on even par was known as "Going round in bogey" because players competed against "Colonel Bogey" which was the shot target. When it became more popular, par scores were tightened meaning more people were shooting over, so "bogey" was changed to 1 over par.