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Magnus Carlsen facts

While investigating facts about Magnus Carlsen Net Worth and Magnus Carlsen Invitational, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The current chess grandmaster, Magnus Carlsen, intentionally plays non-book "inaccuracies" during opening (moves he knows aren't the best) to force the game into a non-book position ASAP so his opponents will have to think for themselves instead of going by memorised opening theory

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Chess Grandmaster Magnus Carlsen once defeated 10 players of 10 different matches all at once without even looking at the board.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what nationality is magnus carlsen. Here are 16 of the best facts about Magnus Carlsen Iq and Magnus Carlsen Chess Games I managed to collect.

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  1. Magnus Carlsen is possibly the best chess player in history, he remembers over 10,000 of his past games and can play against 10 people simultaneously without looking at the boards, just remembering where all the pieces are in his minds eye

  2. Chess prodigy and current World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen earned his grandmaster title in 2004 at the age of 13 years and 148 days. He plays himself in the movie/documentary "Magnus."

  3. Magnus Carlsen (World Chess Champion from Norway) missed a chance to act in Star Trek: Into Darkness because he couldn't get a US Work Permit in time.

  4. Chess Grandmaster Magnus Carlsen once played 10 games simultaneously, and won...with his back turned the whole time.

  5. Bill Gates lost a chess game against world champion Magnus Carlsen in 9 moves. His final move was a "help mate," walking directly into a checkmate.

  6. Magnus Carlsen, the number one ranked chess player in the world, took on ten opponents simultaneously while blindfolded and won.

  7. Magnus Carlsen, known as the Mozart of chess, once played ten games of chess simultaneously, with his back to the boards. He won all ten games.

  8. Magnus Carlsen who played against 10 chess grandmasters simultaneously with his back turned to them while verbally being told each person's moves. He beat them all.

  9. World chess champion Magnus Carlsen raps (his verse starts at 6:20)

  10. Magnus Carlsen, the 25 year old chess world champion. Can play 10 different games of chess at the same time ...without looking at any of the chess boards and only remembering the moves of every game in his head.

magnus carlsen facts
What is the age of magnus carlsen?

What is true about magnus carlsen?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

World Chess champion Magnus Carlsen losses a game in just 24 moves to Ukraine GM. To know how checkout this video

Simen Agdestein, former coach of the world #1 chess player Magnus Carlsen, was at one point Norway's #1 chess player whilst also playing for their national team in football. - source

While playing a 3-minute blitz game of chess at the 2019 World Championships, GM Magnus Carlsen wasted 20 seconds of his time taking his suit coat off, drinking water, and organizing his chess pieces. - source

World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen once beat Liverpool footballer Trent Alexander Arnold in 17 moves. TAA played with 5 minutes to his 1, was given help of two English chess prodigy, and got extra info from eye-monitoring technology 4tiitoo, that would give him advance warning of Magnus' moves

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Magnus Carlsen. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Magnus Carlsen so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor