Accepted Challenge facts
While investigating facts about Accepted Challenge 24 Hours and Accepted Challenge Words, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Abraham Lincoln was challenged to a duel in 1842. As the challenged party, he would have the right to select the weapons used. He accepted the challenge and chose broadswords "of the largest size" in order to take advantage of his superior reach.
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Serena and Venus Williams were 16 and 18 years old when they challenged any man outside the top 200 best tennis players in the world to beat them, Karsten Braasch the 203 player accepted the challenge and defeated them with 6-1 and 6-2, they later changed it to beating anyone outside of top 350.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is challenge accepted trending status in whatsapp is about. Here are 25 of the best facts about Challenge Accepted Challenge Completed and Challenge Accepted Challenge Instagram I managed to collect.
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American company MegaBots challenged Japanese manufacturer Suidobashi Heavy Industries to a giant mech fight. Suidobashi accepted, saying "Giant robots are Japanese culture. Yeah, I'll fight. Absolutely."
In the 1690s, Swordswoman and Opera Singer Julie d’Aubigny kissed a woman while wearing men’s clothes at a ball. For such an 'insult' she was challenged to a duel by three men. She accepted and beat all three, at the same time!
Abraham Lincoln was challenged to, and accepted a duel. It ended abruptly due to Lincoln's height intimidating his opponent.
Bruce Lee had an epic private fight against a 24 year old Shaolin Grand Master in 1964 San Francisco. After the outcome of the fight was disputed, the Grand Master challenged Lee to a public fight, to which the easily provocated Lee never accepted. [Wiki source]
Abraham Lincoln was once challenged to a duel by a political adversary. Lincoln accepted. Instead of pistols Lincoln chose swords instead of pistols. Friends intervened and it ended bloodlessly. Lincoln and his opponent laughed it off as being silly and became lifelong friends.
The One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge, offered by the James Randi Educational Foundation, ran from 1964-2015 and had over 1,000 applicants of whom none succeeded. 'Psychic' Sylvia Browne accepted the challenge on the Larry King Show in 2001 but never followed through.
In 1998 the young William's sisters stated they could beat any male tennis player ranked outside the world's top 200. German Karsten Braashch ranked 203 and a heavy smoker accepted the challenge. After playing a round of golf having some beers and beat them 6-1 and 6-2 respectively.
Uwe Boll, a German director, challenged some of his critics to boxing match and they accepted.
Ruth Thalía Sayas Sánchez and El Valor de la Verdad, the game show that challenged her to reveal personal and embarrassing secrets about herself. After revealing that she accepted money for sex while dating her boyfriend, he murdered her. The game show was renewed for a second season.
In Switzerland a group of citizens may challenge a law passed by Parliament, if they gather 50,000 signatures against the law within 100 days. A national vote is scheduled where voters decide by a simple majority whether to accept or reject the law.
Accepted Challenge data charts
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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
You would not actually slap someone to challenge them to a duel but rather to accept the challenge after the glove was thrown on the ground.
In the current Kentucky Oath of Office, a full third of the oath concerns a prohibition against having dueled, sending a challenge or accepted a duel, acted as a second in duel or assisted anyone involved with duel. - source
Serena and Venus Williams said they could beat any man ranked outside the world's top 200. The challenge was accepted a German player ranked No 203. Before the matches, he played a round of golf, drank beers, smoked cigarettes, and then played them for a set each. He defeated them, 6-1, and 6-2. - source
It's illegal to challenge or attempt by any means to provoke another person to fight a duel, attempt to provoke a person to challenge another person to fight a duel, or accept a challenge to fight a duel, in Canada.
To accept every challenge with a positive mindset - source
What to say when someone says challenge accepted?
In 1998, Serena and Venus Williams said they could beat any male tennis player ranked below 200. Karsten Braasch who was ranked 203, accepted the challenge and beat them 6-1 and 6-2
How to respond to challenge accepted?
Bob Guccione Jr accepted to fight Axl Rose after being challenged in the song "Get in the Ring", but Axl Rose backed down.
Mel Mermelstein was paid $50,000 after accepting a challenge from a Holocaust Denial group to prove that gas chambers in Auschwitz were used to intentionally kill people. The judge added an additional payment of $40,000 when Mermelstein proved that very fact.
American company MegaBots challenged Japanese manufacturer Suidobashi Heavy Industries to a giant mech fight. Suidobashi accepted, saying "Giant robots are Japanese culture. Yeah, I'll fight. Absolutely."
Preston Brooks, the southern US senator that beat Sumner on the floor of the Senate prior to the Civil War, later challenged another senator to a duel for publicly insulting him over the matter. When the senator accepted, and Preston learned he was a crack shot, the southerner backed out.
America challenged Japan to a giant robot fight in 2016. Japan accepted.