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Retail Chains facts

While investigating facts about Retail Chains In India and Retail Chains Closing, I found out little known, but curios details like:

During prohibition in the US an exemption was made for whiskey prescribed by a doctor and sold through a pharmacy. The Walgreens pharmacy chain grew from 20 retail stores to almost 500 during this period, from 1920 to 1933

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The Lululemon retail chain's name came from the founder's desire to watch Japanese people try to pronounce it

What retail chains are closing in 2020?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are retail chains. Here are 18 of the best facts about Retail Chains Uk and Retail Chains In Trouble I managed to collect.

what retail chains are closing?

  1. During prohibition, an exemption was made for whiskey prescribed by a doctor and sold through a pharmacy. The Walgreens pharmacy chain grew from 20 retail stores to almost 400 during this period, from 1920 to 1933.

  2. Hundreds of giant companies including banks, phone companies, hotels, radio stations, retail chains, drug companies, and others all use the same woman for their automated phone system voice, and that she even does voices for talking toys

  3. During the Prohibition era, the US Government made an exception for Whiskey to be sold through pharmacies. As a result, the Walgreens pharmacy chain grew from 20 retail stores to almost 400.

  4. Foot Locker is the last of the F.W. Woolworth company, one of the world's largest retail chains during the 20th century. Initially a sub-brand of a subsidiary, Foot Locker became the corporation's top performer as traditional stores declined. The corporation adopted the Foot Locker name in 2001.

  5. When Home Depot first opened in 1979, They had trouble getting enough inventory to fill stores, so empty product boxes were stacked on the shelves to create the illusion they had more inventory than they did. It worked. Today Home Depot is one of the 10 largest retail chains in the world.

  6. In the US, The FDA requires chain restaurants and retailers to identify nutrition information on all food - Movie Theaters are exempt, claiming "[their] primary purpose is not to sell food."

  7. Retail Apocalypse refers to the closing of a large number of North American brick-and-mortar retail stores, especially those of large chains, starting in the 2010s and continuing through 2018.

  8. Kroger is the United States second largest retail chain behind Wal-Mart.

  9. Seafood harvested or processed by slaves was making it into the supply chains of major U.S. retailers like Walmart, Kroger, Safeway and restaurants like Red Lobster. Slavery is rampant in the fishing industry.

  10. 30% of commercial chain retailers use facial recognition software to store images of costumers to prevent theft, over 70% track their costumers in some way, world wide.

retail chains facts
What is supply chains in retail?

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

America's TJ Maxx rebranded as TK Maxx when opening stores in Europe to avoid potential conflict with the British retail chain TJ Hughes

In Sweden a government owned chain of liquor stores called 'the system' is the only retail store allowed to sell alcoholic beverages that contain more than 3.5% alcohol by volume. - source

Sesame Street had their own chain of US retail stores similar to Disney Stores in the 1990s - source

Before CVS stopped selling tobacco, the retail chain was among the top 10 most-cited in the US for selling cigarettes to minors.

There was a precursor to the Apple Store in the 90s called "Newton Source" which was a chain of retail outlets that only sold and provided info on Newton MessagePads. - source

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The largest Grocery Store chain in the United States, Kroger, is also the fifth largest retailer in the world.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Retail Chains. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Retail Chains so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor