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Red Staplers facts

While investigating facts about Office Space Red Stapler and Red Swingline Staplers, I found out little known, but curios details like:

After the movie Office Space premiered, Swingline received requests for red staplers, which they stopped selling years prior. Due to high demand, they began to produce the red staplers again. They would later become the company's best selling stapler and transform the image of the company.

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Swingline did not make a red stapler prior to the movie Office Space, and the one used in the movie was painted over to become red. Due to demand after the movie release, it was manufactured and is now the most popular item on the Swingline website.

What is the red stapler from office space?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the significance of the red stapler in office space. Here are 14 of the best facts about Red Staplers I managed to collect.

what does the red stapler mean in office space?

  1. Prior to Office Space, Swingline did not manufacture a red stapler.

  2. Red Swingline staplers didn't exist before the movie Office Space. Mike Judge just wanted an office item that would stick out on camera so they spray painted the stapler. Swingline was inundated with so many calls after the movie that they started making them. Its now their most popular product.

  3. Swingline didn't introduce a red stapler until after Office Space was made and fans of the movie kept demanding for them.

  4. Swingline Staplers didn't actually have a red model of the stapler in Office Space (they painted it red), but because of the movie, people requesting it, they decided to release a red stapler that then became their top selling model.

  5. Swingline actually didn't produce a red stapler, as seen in the movie Office Space, until fans of the film repeatedly requested they manufacture one.

  6. The stapler used in Office Space was painted red and Swingline only started producing red ones after the film’s popularity and people calling to request one

  7. Swingline didn't make red staplers until Mike Judge made them famous in the movie Office Space

  8. The Red Swingline Stapler portraited in the movie office space didn't actually exist until 3 years after the movie.

  9. The red stapler in the movie Office Space had to be customized, because director Mike Judge wasn't satisfied with the look of any existing staplers available. It had to be more bulbous with a bigger hump on the top.

  10. Swingline did not make a red stapler until consumers began requesting them after the movie Office Space was released

red staplers facts
What movie has a red stapler in it?

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You can easily fact check why red sox and white sox by examining the linked well-known sources.

Swingline never made red staplers until Office Space fans kept requesting them. Now it's their number one selling stapler.

About the "The Red Stapler Effect" - The situation where a movie affects or creates a Real Life demand for an object, good or service - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Red Staplers. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Red Staplers so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor