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Radio Broadcasts facts

While investigating facts about Radio Broadcasts Of Live And Recorded Music and Radio Broadcasts Are Generally, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Back in the 1980's people were able to download Video Games from a radio broadcast by recording the sounds onto a cassette tape that they could then play on their computers.

how to listen to past radio broadcasts?

In 1947, the Superman radio show did a series called "Clan of the Fiery Cross" in which they exposed many of the KKK's most guarded secrets. Within two weeks of the broadcast, KKK recruitment was down to zero. And by 1948, people were showing up to Klan rallies just to mock them.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Radio Broadcasts From The 1940s and Radio Broadcasts From The 1930s I managed to collect.

what is radio broadcasts?

  1. The most powerful commercial radio station ever was WLW (700KHz AM), which during certain times in the 1930s broadcasted 500kW radiated power. At night, it covered half the globe. Neighbors within the vicinity of the transmitter heard the audio in their pots, pans, and mattresses.

  2. Most of the radio broadcasts that Robin Williams delivered in the movie 'Good Morning Vietnam' were improvised by him.

  3. A re-creation of the famous War of the Worlds broadcast preformed in Ecuador caused such a panic, that police and fire brigades rushed out of town to fight the supposed alien. After the people found out it was fake, they burned down the radio station, killing 6 people.

  4. In 2017, Norway will be the first country in the world to shut down FM radio and go digital instead. Norway plans to switch to DAB (which stands for ‘Digital Audio Broadcasting’), since FM is eight times more expensive.

  5. The 'hysteria' created by Orson Welles' 'War Of The Worlds' was a myth created by newspapers to instil fear over the power of broadcast radio

  6. UVB-76" is a mysterious Russian radio signal (on 4625 kHz). For almost 40 years a repeating buzzing sound has been broadcasted, though every very few years it stops, and a Russian voice reads numbers and Russian names. In 2013, for the first time, UVB-76 issued an order: "Command 135 initiated"

  7. A radio station in Cincinatti was the first to broadcast at 500-kilowatts - a signal so powerful, some could hear the station from the metal in their mattresses and box springs.

  8. The US warned Japanese citizens at least 5 days in advance of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They dropped millions of leaflets and issued radio broadcasts urging citizens to flee.

  9. UVB-76, a mysterious Russian radio signal that has been transmitting continuously since 1982. Nobody knows who makes the signal, only that it is located near Moscow, makes a buzzing sound 25 times a minute, and every few years will broadcast a string of random names and numbers.

  10. One of the checks which a British nuclear submarine makes to see whether the government is still functioning is whether BBC Radio 4 is broadcasting.

radio broadcasts facts
What are the best facts about Radio Broadcasts?

Radio Broadcasts data charts

For your convenience take a look at Radio Broadcasts figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

radio broadcasts fact data chart about [Request] Heatmap might be preferable. Attached is a map of
[Request] Heatmap might be preferable. Attached is a map of brightest cities from Google imagres. Could someone combine data from city brightness, highest population, and most radi

Why was listening to foreign radio broadcasts banned?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

It is illegal in the US to broadcast a phone call on the radio unless all parties consent before recording. If your local morning show has a prank call, "birthday scam", or "expose your cheating lover" segment, it's 100% fake.

The most powerful commercial radio station ever was WLW (700KHz AM), which during certain times in the 1930s broadcasted 500kW radiated power. At night, it covered half the globe. Neighbors within the vicinity of the transmitter heard the audio in their pots, pans, and mattresses. - source

The story of mass panic in New York caused by the radio broadcast of The War of The Worlds in 1938 is largely false and was caused by the newspaper industry sensationalizing the story, seeing it as an opportunity to attack the radio as being an untrustworthy source of news. - source

Douglas Adams, creator of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, wanted Slartibartfast's name to sound very rude. He was originally called "Phartiphukborlz", and changed it gradually until the BBC accepted it for radio broadcast.

MTV officially started broadcasting 38 years ago on August 1, 1981 and the first music video played was "Video Killed the Radio Star" - source

When did radio broadcasts begin?

All of our terrestrial radio and television broadcasts become indistinguishable from background noise at only a few light years away from the Earth thanks to the inverse square law

How to find old radio broadcasts?

The most powerful radio station ever was so strong locals could hear it in pipes, bedsprings, and pots and pans. It was located in OH and it's broadcast covered the eastern half of the US.

After the War of the Worlds broadcast a similar stunt was tried in a Ecuador. Once listeners realized it was a hoax they they surrounded the radio station and burned it down with around 100 people inside. Survivors leapt out of windows but 6-20 people died.

The US Government has spent about half a billion dollars broadcasting tv and radio into Cuba. The signal has always been blocked and 90% of Cubans have never even heard of the program. Congress continues to fund the program $27 million a year.

The Hindenburg disaster had more survivors than victims, wasn't the deadliest airship accident at the time, and the emotional "Oh, the humanity!" audio report wasn't live, but was a radio broadcast from later that night, and subsequently overlaid on the newsreel videos after the fact

Radio was broadcast live until the late 1940s because of how bad recorded phonograph discs sounded. Prime time shows had to be performed twice in the U.S., once for each coast.

When were the first radio broadcasts?

The BBC does not use a recording of Big Ben's chimes for radio, instead the audio is sent live from the tower to broadcast

On August 13, 1966, in response to John Lennon's "More popular than Jesus" comment, a radio station in Texas held a burning of Beatles merchandise. The next day, the broadcast tower was struck by lightning, damaging much of their equipment and sending the news director to the hospital.

The original radio broadcast War of the Worlds In 1938 did not induce mass panic across the US as widely believed and that the hysteria was actually just an early example of fake news being reported by the newspapers.

On Christmas Day, 1942 during the Battle of Stalingrad, Radio Moscow broadcasted the message that “Every seven seconds a German soldier dies in Russia” to the besieged Nazi Army. The message was accompanied by the sound of a ticking clock. The ticking clock was broadcast all day.

How to sync radio and tv broadcasts?

The War of the Worlds was re-broadcast in 1949 in Quito, Ecuador. It was fully believed, emergency vehicles drove to the landing site to fight/help, and people started fleeing in panic. When it was revealed as a hoax, the city rioted, and burned the radio station down (killing ~6 people).

In 1942 RMS Laconia was sunk by a German U-Boat who then commenced rescue operations, broadcasting their humanitarian intent on open radio. With a deck full of survivors, USAAF bombers then sunk the boat. The German navy subsequently abandoned attempting rescue of civilian survivors.

In 1989, Australian radio station Triple J had been playing "Fuck tha Police" for up to six months, before being banned by Australian Broadcasting Corporation management. In response the staff went on strike and played N.W.A's 'Express Yourself' for 24 hours straight.

As part of the British Royal Navy's 'Last Resort Letters', in the event of a catastrophe submarine commanders will verify annihilation of civilised society in Great Britain by checking if BBC Radio 4 is still broadcasting.

The CBS radio broadcast of H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" did not actually cause mass hysteria or panic

Joe Castiglione, Red Sox radio broadcaster, told Daniel Nava to swing as hard as he could on the first pitch before the game because "that's the only first pitch in the majors you'll ever see,". Nava is only the fourth player to have hit a grand slam in his first at-bat.

NASA has it's own internet radio station called 'Third Rock Radio' which plays Indie/Alternative rock music with NASA news items and mission updates embedded throughout the broadcast

The warning tones played before an Emergency Alert Broadcast contain information and automatically activate the system by audio alone. Playback of the recorded tones (like in an an ad) over TV or radio can kick the actual system online, resulting in heavy fines.

All radios manufactured in the US between 1953 and 1963 had a white triangle on the dial at 640 AM to indicate where Civil Defense information would be broadcast.

Until the 1990s, U.S. broadcasters were prohibited from owning more than one AM and one FM radio station in any given city.

None of the actors in the infamous "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast from 1938 intended for the citizens of America to take it as seriously as they did, considering that many of the scripts were improvised and most of the sound effects came from houseware items

In 1975 a young Bill Gates was confused to learn someone had programmed a computer he was selling to broadcast music onto nearby radios. This wasn't something that the computer should have been able to do.

Old school computers like the Apple //e could save and load games to/from cassette tapes in a tape recorder. This basically worked by interpreting the audio data as game data. This prompted some pirate FM radio stations in the 1980s to broadcast games right over FM radio every weekend.

A second broadcast of the 'War of the Worlds' was performed in 1949 by Radio Quito in Quito, Ecuador. After it was revealed that the broadcast was fiction, hundreds attacked Radio Quito. The riot resulted in at least seven deaths, including those of the producer's girlfriend and nephew.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Radio Broadcasts. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Radio Broadcasts so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor