Radio Waves facts
While investigating facts about Radio Waves From Space and Radio Waves Uses, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Tin Foil Hats actually amplify, not protect one's brain from radio waves.
how radio waves are produced?
In the 1960's, for fear of having their submarine communication cables cut by the Soviets, the US military sent 480,000,000 copper needles into space to secure their communications infrastructure. The needles acted as a mirror for radio waves, enabling communication between distant sites.
What radio waves are used for?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what radio waves do cell phones use. Here are 50 of the best facts about Radio Waves Definition and Radio Waves Examples I managed to collect.
what radio waves does 5g use?
In 2010 we started to receive radio waves from an unknown object in the nearby galaxy m82. The radio emission is unidentifiable and doesn't look like anything seen before
There's an unknown object in the nearby galaxy m82 that started sending out radio waves. The emission doesn't look like anything seen before
Planets "emit sounds" by pulsing with radio waves, which can be picked up by radio antennae. The Earth's noise is sometimes referred to as Earth's "chorus" because it sounds a bit like birds chirping.
Because radio waves travel faster than sound sound waves, if you stand at the base of Big Ben you can hear the chime on the radio before you hear it in real life.
Near the 1940s it was popular to build DIY radios called "crystal sets." It needed no other power source but that received solely from the power of radio waves received by a wire antenna.
Heinrich Hertz, the man who discovered radio waves, stated they had "no use whatsoever".
By twisting radio waves into a vortex, researchers transmit data (over a distance of one meter) wirelessly at a speed of 2.5 terabits per second
There is a quiet zone located in Virginia and West Virginia, nearly 13,000 square miles in size, where radio transmissions are strongly restricted by law, to the point of having a patrol that goes around and forces you to shut off anything that emits radio waves.
Nokia was developing a method of harvesting radio-waves in 2009, technology for a self-charging cell phone that can use ambient radio waves.
Some bacteria might generate, and communicate with radio waves.
Radio Waves data charts
For your convenience take a look at Radio Waves figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why radio waves are reflected by ionosphere?
You can easily fact check why radio waves are not harmful to us by examining the linked well-known sources.
When a radio wave is received in a radio the tuner is what makes it possible to pick up a specific radio station because it makes it possible to listen to particular radio waves and tune out others.
Modern telescopes can detect infrared and radio waves.
In 1888 Heinrich Heinz published his findings on electromagnetic radiation or radio waves and Professor Righi had done research on Hertz's work and shared some of his work with Marconi who continued to experiment with wireless telegraphy.
It was Clerk Maxwell in the 1860s that first predicted that radio waves existed. His theory is called Maxwell's equations and described radio and light waves to be electromagnetism waves that were traveling through space.
A radio wave can be very short or very long. Wavelengths can reach 62 miles.
When radio waves were discovered?
In the 1890s Guglielmo Marconi created the first practical and usable radio transmitter and receiver.
How radio waves work?
A radio wave is broadcast in different frequencies which can include FM radio waves that broadcast between 88 MHz and 108 MHz, and AM radio waves that broadcast between 550 kHz and 1600 kHz.
There is a supermassive black hole at the heart of M87 that has the mass of about 3.5 billion Suns. This object is a strong source of multiwavelength radiation, particularly radio waves. Between the stars is a diffuse interstellar medium of gas that has been chemically enriched by elements emitted from evolved stars.
It is believed that radio waves will travel forever unless something absorbs the waves. If this is true and if there are other life forms in other places of the universe it is possible that radio waves from earth have been heard on other planets.
Radio waves will bounce off items if not absorbed. This means radio waves can bounce off the ground or a cloud or any electric conductor object.
Those radio waves on the cover of Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures come from the pulsar C-1919, which was the first observed pulsar ever.