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Radio Station facts

While investigating facts about Radio Stations and Radio Stations Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Lady Gaga admited that Kiss FM was the only radio station to correctly censor the song during the chorus when she replaces "poker face" with "fuck her face". Although not in the official lyrics, the switch can be heard every second repetition of the phrase during the chorus.

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There is a radio station in New Orleans for the blind. Volunteers every day read the local newspaper on the air, along best-sellers, grocery ads, stories for kids, mysteries, the Wall Street Journal, young adult novels and much more.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what radio station is heart. Here are 50 of the best facts about Radio Stations Online and Radio Stations In Chicago I managed to collect.

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  1. In 2009, a 14-year-old boy showed up at a Chicago police station in uniform and worked 5 hours of a shift. He allegedly got a police radio, ticket book and rode with an officer for several hours before his identity was realised. He knew procedure due to a "police explorer" program he’d gone to.

  2. The legendary Johnny Cash fought for the rights of Native Americans and dedicated an entire album to them. Radio stations refused to play any of the album. In retaliation, Cash bought an ad on Billboard asking: "Where are your guts?"

  3. After Janet Jackson's incident at the Super Bowl halftime show, Viacom retaliated by keeping her music off their properties including MTV, VH1, and radio stations. They also rescinded her invitation to the Grammys. Justin Timberlake was still allowed to go and actually picked up some awards.

  4. In 1972 Canadian radio station CBC held a poll to find a national simile (an answer to 'As American as apple pie'). The winning response was "As Canadian as possible under the circumstances."

  5. The most powerful commercial radio station ever was WLW (700KHz AM), which during certain times in the 1930s broadcasted 500kW radiated power. At night, it covered half the globe. Neighbors within the vicinity of the transmitter heard the audio in their pots, pans, and mattresses.

  6. In 1978 a radio station accidentally played "Imaginary Lover" by the Atlanta Rhythm Section at the wrong RPM, causing it to sound just like Stevie Nicks. Stevie Nicks eventually heard about it, and played the record at the increased speed for bandmates, who all believed it was her singing.

  7. The practice of playing music for callers on hold began with a faulty phone line connection. A loose wire touching the steel frame of an office building caused it to act as a giant radio receiver, allowing callers to hear music from local radio stations while they waited on hold.

  8. The rap/male vocals in Evanescence's "Bring Me To Life" were added because radio stations thought the song was "too feminine." You can listen to Amy Lee's version of the song on the band's 2017 album "Synthesis."

  9. A re-creation of the famous War of the Worlds broadcast preformed in Ecuador caused such a panic, that police and fire brigades rushed out of town to fight the supposed alien. After the people found out it was fake, they burned down the radio station, killing 6 people.

  10. Rockstar allowed fans in 2007 to call a number to rant about what they think was wrong with America. The best ones were feature on the radio station WKTT in GTA IV

radio station facts
What radio station is klove?

Radio Station data charts

For your convenience take a look at Radio Station figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

radio station fact data chart about I took /u/carsausage's pie charts of the most popular radio
I took /u/carsausage's pie charts of the most popular radio station genres in the US and turned them into a map representation

radio station fact data chart about Distribution of call sign letters (excluding the first lette
Distribution of call sign letters (excluding the first letter) and frequencies in American FM radio stations

Why are radio stations playing christmas music?

You can easily fact check why 101 radio station by examining the linked well-known sources.

After the death of Princess Diana, radio station XFM banned certain songs that might upset people. Banned songs included Drive by The Cars, Airbag by Radiohead and anything by the Crash Test Dummies.

When the space station Skylab fell to Earth in 1979, it landed in Esperance, Western Australia. The Shire of Esperance fined NASA $400 for littering, which went unpaid for 30 years until a radio host raised the money and paid it on behalf of NASA. - source

Last year (2015), amateur British radio enthusiast, Adrian Lane, called International Space Station (ISS) when it was passing over his home about 200 miles up in the sky at 18,500 miles per hour & received answer from an US astronaut who "welcomed him aboard" - source

A radio station in Cincinatti was the first to broadcast at 500-kilowatts - a signal so powerful, some could hear the station from the metal in their mattresses and box springs.

The avant-garde band The Residents recorded an album of 40 one-minute songs, then purchased 40 one-minute advertising slots on San Francisco's most popular Top-40 radio station and had the station play each track over the course of three days - source

When are radio stations playing christmas music?

That, in July 2005, the British radio station Planet Rock invited their listeners to select a singer, guitarist, bassist and drummer to create the "ideal supergroup". The members of Led Zeppelin won in each category.

How do radio stations make money?

In 1971 John List murdered his family to save their souls and arranged their bodies on sleeping bags. He then cleaned up, cut himself out of the family's photos, turned on a religious radio station, and fled. Only after the lights in the house had burned out one by one did neighbors call police.

Radio GTMO, the Armed Forces radio station at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has a vinyl collection of over 20,000 records, including some albums that exist nowhere else.

On April 1st, 1993 a San Diego Radio station reported that the space shuttle Discovery had to make an emergency landing at the local airport at 8:30 am. Over 1000 people headed for the landing site to catch a glimpse, crowding the airport and causing traffic jams. It was an April Fools hoax.

Shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks a memo was distributed to radio stations with a list of songs deemed 'lyrically inappropriate'; the list contained 165 suggestions with one reading "Every Rage Against the Machine Song".

Radio station infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Radio Station numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

radio station fact infographic about Christmas songs played by a local radio station in Dec 2018

Christmas songs played by a local radio station in Dec 2018

When was the first radio station?

In 1948 a DC radio station asked ambassadors what they'd like for Christmas. The French ambassador said "world peace", the Russian said "freedom from the enslavement of imperialism", and the Brit said "Well, it’s very kind of you to ask. I’d quite like a box of crystallised fruit."

The most powerful commercial radio station ever was WLW (700KHz AM), which during certain times in the 1930s broadcasted 500kW radiated power. At night, it covered half the globe. Neighbors within the vicinity of the transmitter heard the audio in their pots, pans, and mattresses.

Spotify pays artists between 150-200% more than regular US radio stations.

Robert Plant once donated $10,000 to KBOO, a non-profit community radio station in Portland Oregon, to never play "Stairway to Heaven" ever again.

There was a radio station in San Jose whose call letters were KOME. Their slogans included "Don't touch that dial, it's got KOME on it," "You've got KOME... oozing out of your speakers," and "Wake up with KOME in your ear."

How to make a radio station?

IHeartRadio, the media conglomerate that owns most radio stations you know, 'auditions and hires actors to call in to talk radio shows and pose as listeners ... to provide shows ... with planned content in the form of stories and opinions.'

The Columbian army had a pop singer record a song with Morse Code hidden in the chorus so their soldiers in FARC rebel camps would know to expect a rescue attempt. They knew the rebels listened to a particular radio station and they had the DJ play it repeatedly

Garth Brooks's 1993 song “We Shall Be Free” was boycotted by some country radio stations because it included the line “When we’re free to love anyone we choose”

NASA has it's own radio station called 'Third Rock Radio' which plays Rock/Indie/Alternative music with NASA news items and mission updates embedded throughout

When Elvis Presley's debut single was first played on the local radio station, he was invited for an on-air interview. The DJ asked Elvis which high school he attended: a roundabout way of informing the audience of his race without actually asking the question

John Lennon's comment 'More popular than Jesus' created a huge backlash in the US Bible belt, with one Texas radio station holding a large bonfire of Beatles albums only for a lightning bolt to strike its transmission tower the following day and sending the station temporarily off the air.

The most powerful radio station ever was so strong locals could hear it in pipes, bedsprings, and pots and pans. It was located in OH and it's broadcast covered the eastern half of the US.

The song "Brown Eyed Girl" by Van Morrison was originally titled "Brown-Skinned Girl", but was changed to "make it more palatable for radio stations"

After the War of the Worlds broadcast a similar stunt was tried in a Ecuador. Once listeners realized it was a hoax they they surrounded the radio station and burned it down with around 100 people inside. Survivors leapt out of windows but 6-20 people died.

Corn Nuts released a radio commercial in the early nineties with the tagline "Bust a nut!". The ad was promptly pulled from many radio stations

In 1989, the Australian youth radio station Triple J played the song "Express Yourself" by NWA on continuous loop for 24 hours (360 times in a row) while the station went on a protest strike against censorship of NWA's song Fuck Tha Police

On Sept 11, 1997, a man claiming to be an ex-Area 51 employee frantically called into a radio station. During the call, the radio station suffered a satellite failure.

NASA has a radio station called Third Rock Radio which plays only alternative rock.

On August 13, 1966, in response to John Lennon's "More popular than Jesus" comment, a radio station in Texas held a burning of Beatles merchandise. The next day, the broadcast tower was struck by lightning, damaging much of their equipment and sending the news director to the hospital.

In 1959, a Norwegian insulation company took on the challenge from a radio station of driving a truck carrying three tons of ice from the arctic circle to the equator. The ice only lost 11% of its mass during the 27 day long journey

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Radio Station. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Radio Station so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor