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Quitting Smoking facts

While investigating facts about Quitting Smoking Timeline and Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Willie Nelson used to smoke 2-3 packs of cigarettes a day on top of smoking marijuana. After suffering pneumonia several times, he knew he had to quit one or the other. He chose to quit tobacco.

how quitting smoking changed my life?

A study shows that smokers have been found to be more successful at quitting smoking when they go "cold turkey" (sudden abstinence), as opposed to gradually cutting back.

What happens after quitting smoking?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to expect when quitting smoking. Here are 45 of the best facts about Quitting Smoking Side Effects and Quitting Smoking Symptoms I managed to collect.

what quitting smoking does to your body?

  1. Research suggests playing Tetris can give a “quick and manageable" fix for people struggling to stick to diets, or quit smoking or drinking.

  2. Within 48 hours of quitting smoking, your senses of smell and taste begin to return to normal.

  3. Dwight Eisenhower smoked 4 packs a day, but quit cold turkey and never smoked again after being advised to quit. He attributed his success to developing a scornful attitude toward smokers who couldn't quit, saying, “I nursed to the utmost my ability to sneer at them.”

  4. In 1969, Carl Sagan wrote an essay under pen-name “Mr. X” about how "marijuana produced a very rich array of insights” in the book “Marihuana Reconsidered”, who enjoyed smoking marijuana quite frequently

  5. An old brand of cigarettes named "Death". Slogans on the packaging included phrases such as "Let Us Be The Nail In Your Coffin", "The Grim Reaper Don't Come Cheaper", and "Cigarettes are addicting and debilitating. If you don't smoke, don't start. If you do smoke, quit."

  6. As a person quits smoking, residue comes off their lungs and up their nose which now has a heightened sense of smell causing vivid, realistic dreams of smoking

  7. Adolf Hitler promised to end the use of tobacco in the military after the end of the war and encouraged close friends not to smoke, He even began to offer a gold watch to any of his inner circle who could quit.

  8. Kevin Smith quit smoking cigarettes in 2008 after taking up smoking cannabis after working with Seth Rogen on Zack and Miri Make a Porno.

  9. A study was done for which over 200 cigarette smokers were observed for a year as they attempted to kick the habit. 62% relapsed within the first two weeks, and 95% of those who smoked even just one cigarette after trying to quit resumed their previous pattern of smoking.

  10. Theo Kojak from the show Kojak sucked on lollipops because the actor who played him (Telly Savalas) was trying to quit smoking throughout the first season's episodes.

quitting smoking facts
What to expect after quitting smoking?

Why quitting smoking is so hard?

You can easily fact check why quitting smoking is good by examining the linked well-known sources.

In Pakistan and India smoking scorpions to get high is a growing trend. The high lasts about 10 hours, with the first 6 being quite painful. Addicts of scorpion smoking describe it as more addictive than heroin, saying the hallucinations make “Everything appears like it is dancing.”

Sigmund Freud was a chain-smoker whose habit caused him to require 34 surgeries and the loss of part of his mouth, yet he never quit smoking. - source

Bees become docile with smoke because it masks their communicating pheromones, rendering them quite literally confused - source

Figs are recommended to the people who would like to quit smoking. Due to high alkalinity of the fruit, figs diminish desire for cigarettes.

In a study at Johns-Hopkins smokers who tried to quit had an 80% success rate using psychedelic mushrooms. The best smoking cessation drugs are only 35% effective. - source

When quitting smoking what are the side effects?

A study found that mindfulness training can be more beneficial in helping people quit smoking than the offical American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking treatment.

How quitting smoking affects the body?

To help keep the esophagus healthy or to help it heal if GERD has developed, it's best to eat smaller meals, avoid caffeine, alcohol, carbonated beverages, quit smoking, lose weight if needed, and sit up for a while after eating.

Ted Geisel aka Dr Seuss in order to quit smoking packed a pipe with dirt and plant seeds and watered it with an eyedropper

Sigmund Freud never quit smoking despite having over 30 cancer surgeries because of it.

Opium addiction among kids in Afghanistan is so high, there are drug rehab centers which cater purely to kids trying to quit their opium addiction. Most of which became addicts from inhaling their dad's opium smoke.

The FDA has only one approved medical use for nicotine; quitting smoking. According to research, it's no more effective than quitting without the use nicotine.

When quitting smoking when is the hardest day?

Feds Paid $5 Million to Convince Hipsters to Quit Smoking

Pez candies were originally invented to be a quit smoking aid.

Bhutan passed the Tobacco Control Act in 2010 as a way of promoting its Gross National Happiness. The act banned the harvesting, production, and sale of tobacco products-- it also provided people with treatment and counseling in order to quit smoking.

President Ronald Reagan quit his pipe smoking habit by replacing them with jelly beans. He continued his Jelly Belly habit throughout his presidency to the point of giving specially made Jelly Bean jars with the presidential seal to dignitaries.

Turkmenistan President Saparmurat Niyazov banned smoking in his country after being required to quit himself for health reasons, made it illegal for men to have long hair or beards, and banned dogs from the capital for their "unappealing odour."

How quitting smoking changes your body?

Jeanne Calment, the oldest person to ever live died at the age of 122. She only quit smoking at 119 y

Jeanne Calment, the person with the longest confirmed human lifespan, smoked cigarettes for 96 years and quit when she was 117 years old.

Continuing smoking cigarettes while quitting addiction to drugs or alcohol increases the chances of a future relapse, despite the fact that people commonly say things like "well quit one bad habit at a time/It's the lesser of two evils"

Actor Paul Newman died from lung cancer despite having quit smoking three decades earlier

Chinese pharmacist, Hon Lik invented the e-cigarette to quit smoking – but now he's a dual user

A 50 year study into mortality in relation to cigarette smoking, showed that the life expectancy of those who quit smoking by the age of 30 on average lived almost as long as those who've never smoked.

People who smoke menthol cigarettes are less likely to try to quit and are less likely to succeed when they do try.

Magic mushrooms are being used to help people quit smoking.

There is an inverse, dose-dependent inverse correlation between smoking and Parkinson's disease. And when it comes to quitting, people with PD are able to quit smoking more easily.

Ray Liotta quit smoking with Chantix! Goodfellas Edition.

L today i didn't is better than looking desperate all my life because of nicotine habbit.Today i quit smoking.

If "smoking the whole pack" helps you quit smoking.

William B. Davis (Cigarette Smoking Man from The X-Files) quit smoking in the late 1970s and while filming The X-Files, he smoked herbal cigarettes.

Quitting cold turkey is the best way to quit smoking

The world's ugliest color could help teenagers quit smoking

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Quitting Smoking. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Quitting Smoking so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor