Incredible and fun facts to explore

Tobacco Smokers facts

While investigating facts about Tobacco Smokers By Country and Tobacco Smokers And Covid, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Honas Wagner card; the most expensive baseball card in the world is so rare because it was sold by the 'American Tobacco Company'. Wagner was a non smoker and he threatened to seek legal action against ATC so they stopped producing it.

how many tobacco smokers in the world?

Even before the surgeon general issued his report on the dangers of tobacco, Mad Magazine went on an anti-smoking crusade ridiculing big tobacco, as agencies, and even smokers. Also before it became law, Mad Magazine's offices were smoke free and none of their content featured smoking.

What state has the most tobacco smokers?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 20 of the best facts about Tobacco Smokers Statistics and Tobacco Smokers Rights I managed to collect.

what of ryo smokers prefer an authentic tobacco product?

  1. The fertilizer used by the Tobacco Industry is radioactive. The plant absorbs it and the smoker inhales it. It gets lodged in the lungs and over time contributes a huge radiation dose to the smoker and could be factor in lung cancer.

  2. 43 US states are compensated by Big Tobacco based on the number of new smokers.

  3. Tobacco leaves used in making cigarettes contain radioactive material and are thought to be one of the key factors in lung cancer among smokers.

  4. Tobacco smokers and coffee drinkers have a reduced risk of acquiring Parkinson's Disease.

  5. There are radioactive isotopes in cigarette smoke. A smoker receives the equivalent of 300 chest x-rays every year. This is due to the fertilizer chemicals used to grow tobacco.

  6. Sugar is naturally present in tobacco and even more of it is added in the manufacturing process of cigarettes. The taste and smell of caramelized sugar in tobacco is agreeable to adolescents smokers.

  7. In May 1941, members of a Young Women's Republican Club in New England held an old-fashioned "smoker" with "tobacco, poker, the strip tease and other masculine enjoyments that had frequently cost them the evening companionship of husbands, sons and brothers."

  8. Tobacco smokers are 60% more likely to be infertile than non-smokers.

  9. Tobacco smokers have a much lower rate of suffering from Parkinson's disease and nobody knows why.

  10. The first documented European smoker was Rodrigo de Jerez, who sailed with Columbus in his first vogage. He picked up the tobacco smoking habit and was imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition. When he was released 7 years later, smoking tobacco had caught on in Europe.

tobacco smokers facts
What are the best facts about Tobacco Smokers?

What is true about tobacco smokers?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Smokers' lungs recieve a radiation dose of 160mS a year, 3 times the radiation worker dose limit. This is due to tobacco containing lead-210 and polonium-210, both of which are radioactive carcinogens.

In 2001, tobacco company Phillip Morris published a survey for the Czech government that said that smokers' early mortality and cigarette-tax revenue, outweighed the costs of health-care and lost tax revenue from early death and that smoking was beneficial to Czech public finances. - source

Honus Wagner, an early 20th century ballplayer and dedicated non-smoker, objected when an American tobacco company planned to put him on a cigarette card without his permission. Threats of legal action prevented its release, but a few slipped out, one of which was auctioned for $2.8M in 2007. - source

A Frank Statement to Cigarette Smokers" was an ad run by major American tobacco companies in over 400 newspapers on January 4, 1954, in response to a study linking cigarette tar to cancer. The ad kicked off a campaign expressing doubt about scientific research linking disease and smoking.

Cigarettes have radioactive ingredients making smokers the highest receivers of radiation in the world, due to led and other materials in the processed tobacco, surpassing even people currently living around radioactive areas such as fukushima - source

When was tobacco first smoked?

The first European tobacco smoker was imprisoned by the Spanish Inquisition for his "sinful and infernal" habits, because "only Devil could give a man the power to exhale smoke from his mouth". When he was released seven years later, smoking tobacco had caught on.

How does tobacco affect non smokers?

The lungs of an average smoker receives around 160000 mSv worth of radiation each year from tobacco smoke. In comparison a dental x-ray is 0.01 mSv. That's like giving your lungs 43835 x-rays each day for a whole year.

Contrary to what most smokers believe, tobacco use does not alleviate stress but actually increases it.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Tobacco Smokers. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Tobacco Smokers so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor