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Pulled Shelves facts

While investigating facts about Zantac Pulled From Shelves and Bibles Pulled From Shelves, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Nike pulled a t-shirt that said "Boston Massacre" with a blood spatter pattern off the shelves after the Boston Marathon bombings. Another product they've had to recall was an ad featuring Olympic sprinter Oscar Pistorius with the caption "I am the bullet in the chamber."

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Bayer sold HIV and Hepatitis C contaminated blood products that caused up to 10,000 people in U.S.A alone to contract HIV. After they found out they pulled it off the shelves in the U.S. and sold it to countries in Asia and Latin America so they wouldn't lose money from it.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 21 of the best facts about Pulled From Shelves Crossword and Excedrin Pulled From Shelves I managed to collect.

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  1. Bayer sold HIV and Hepatitis C contaminated blood products that caused up to 10,000 people in U.S.A alone to contract HIV. After they found out they pulled it off the shelves in the U.S. and sold it to countries in Asia and Latin America so they wouldn't lose money from it.

  2. Chilly Bang! Bang! was a kids' juice in a water pistol. Kids would put the barrel in their mouths and pull the trigger to drink it. It was pulled from store shelves.

  3. In 2015, Whole Foods tried to sell Asparagus Water for $6 (literally three stalks of asparagus in a bottle of water). Twitter users made fun of the company for selling such a ridiculously pricey item. The company's CEO then issued an apology and pulled off the product from the shelves.

  4. In 1995 a shirt that featured Margaret from Dennis the Menace saying "Someday a woman will be PRESIDENT!" was pulled from shelves when one Walmart shopper said it offended "family values." It was restocked 4 months later due to women's groups threatening to boycott Walmart.

  5. McDonald's once created bubblegum-flavored broccoli in an attempt to make kids eat more vegetables. The taste confused children and the product was pulled before it even reached the shelves.

  6. In 1987 Count Chocula had to be pulled from store shelves as boxes showed Dracula wearing a prominent Jewish Star of David, caused by a 6-pointed medallion not being drawn correctly.

  7. In the mid 1990's 20th Century Fox brought legal action against Lion Nathan's for producing Duff Beer. The product was ordered to be pulled from store shelves and destroyed. The beer became a collectors' item in the process, with one case selling for US$13,000

  8. Sunchips pulled their biodegradable bags off shelves for being too noisey

  9. The 2001 PS1 game "Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro" was pulled from shelves, in the wake of 9/11 and re-released with any usage and references of the Twin Towers removed, completely changing many key elements to the plot.

  10. Pixar sued DMA Design (Now Rockstar) and successfully had Uniracers for the SNES pulled from the shelves.

pulled shelves facts
What are the best facts about Pulled Shelves?

Why is zantac being pulled from shelves?

You can easily fact check why was excedrin migraine pulled from the shelves by examining the linked well-known sources.

Majestic Studios released an RPG game full of assets stolen from popular movies and games such as Diablo, Morrowind and LotR. This was pulled from shelves and the head developer went in to hiding.

Hard Hat Mack was the first game published by Electronic Arts, and was pulled off the shelves the same year it was released. - source

In 2004 a pornographic-themed game with actual video footage called "The Guy Game" was pulled off the shelves due to one of the women being underage whilst showing her bosom. - source

In The 80's the Bayer company found that some of its medicine had been infected with HIV and Hepatitis C, pulled it from US shelves, and sold it in Europe and Japan to turn a profit, infecting and killing thousands of people.

The rap group, Insane Clown Posse, was once signed to one of Disney's record labels in 1997. Fearing backlash from the public due to the album's graphic lyrics, Disney pulled the album off of shelves on its release day. - source

When was zantac pulled off the shelves?

Sun Chips made a 100% biodegradable bag, but had to pull it from shelves after consumers complained the sound of the bag crumpling was too loud (95 decibels)

A 1950s toy, the "Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Laboratory," came with four sources of radiation and a Geiger counter. It was pulled from the shelves after a year.

Learned that in 1995 Wal-Mart pulled a t-shirt from their shelves for being offensive to family values. The T-Shirt was a cartoon character saying "Someday, a woman will be president!"

After the release and price reduction of the FM Towns Marty II over in Japan, they ultimately decided to pull it off the shelves because "it was a lost cause". This led to the creation of the Japanese "Marty's Law" -"if you don't keep offering something to sell, you can't increase sales."

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Pulled Shelves. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Pulled Shelves so important!

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