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Public Defender facts

While investigating facts about Public Defenders Office and Public Defender Salary, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Historically speaking, liberal arts studies were defined as skills that a free person should know; such as, "participating in public debate, defending oneself in court, serving on juries, and most importantly, military service."

how public defenders are paid?

Mister Rogers defended public television to the US Senate; his testimony helped convince the Congress to increase funding to PBS, rather than cut it in half, as President Nixon wanted

What public defenders?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does a public defender do. Here are 35 of the best facts about Public Defender Gun and Public Defender San Diego I managed to collect.

what public defenders do?

  1. A Public Defender dared a deputy sheriff to arrest her, then sued for false arrest, and won (sort of). Both sides effectively told to grow up.

  2. In New Orleans, public defenders are handling the equivalent of almost 19,000 cases per year per attorney, which literally limits them to 7 minutes per case.

  3. Castle Doctrine Laws. Indiana is the only state you can defend yourself (with force) from a public servant unlawfully intruding onto your property

  4. Al Sharpton led the public civil rights involvement of a rape case of Tawana Brawley in which 6 whites (including police officers) were accused of raping the young girl and putting her in a trash bag covered in feces. The jury later found the defendants innocent and the story fabricated.

  5. Juliana Morell, who in 1608 became the first woman to receive a university degree. By age 12 she had defended her theses in public and by 14 she finished her degree summa cum laude.

  6. Despite the US constitutional right to have an attorney, in many states, defendants are charged a fee for use of a public defender.

  7. Russia has eight public holidays including the New Year, Christmas (January 7th), Defender of the Fatherland Day (Feb 23rd), International Women's Day (March 8th), National Flag Day (Aug. 22nd), Spring and Labour Day, Victory Day (May 9th), Russia Day (June 12th), and Unity Day (November 4th).

  8. In the 70s, World-Renowned Public Intellectual Noam Chomsky, Although Jewish Himself, Defended the Freedom of Speech of Holocaust Denier

  9. There is a public defender who tattoos the names of the defendants he let down on his back.

  10. The Anti-Masonic Party, in the 1832 Presidential Election, nominated a former Freemason who publicly defended the Freemasons during his campaign

public defender facts
What does a public defender do for you?

Why become a public defender?

You can easily fact check why be a federal public defender by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Scopes trial was deliberately staged in order to attract publicity to the small town of Dayton, Tennessee. John T. Scopes was unsure whether he had ever actually taught evolution, but purposely incriminated himself so that the case could have a defendant.

In 2014 a Florida judge encouraged a Public Defender to a fist fight. He is still a ruling judge. - source

You DON'T have a right to a public defender unless you prove to the court that you are dirt poor. They will force you to sell your stuff to pay for a lawyer before they will appoint you one. - source

The creator of Rocket Raccoon, Bill Mantlo, quit comics to become a public defender in the Bronx. In 1992 he was a victim of a hit and run, and has been in institutional care ever since.

Today the Alamo is a public monument and is considered to be a shrine to the heroes who tried to defend it in the Battle of the Alamo.

When do you get a public defender?

The actress that portrayed the Public Defender Billie Young on the sitcom Night Court was also the singer who frequently sang duets with Meat Loaf on the Bat Out of Hell album.

How much do public defenders make?

Animal defendants appeared in court as early as 1386 when a French pig dressed in waistcoat and gloves was tried and publicly executed for murder.

The ranchers in SE Oregon that are currently being defended by an armed militia, started 139-acre wildfires on public land first to cover up their deer poaching, and later when a burn ban was in effect.

Orleans public defender's office began refusing serious felony cases because they can't provide a suitable defense to their clients.

A Public Defender is an employee of the state but a Court-Appointed Attorney is not and can have a private practice

The female singer in Meatloaf's "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" was the actress whom played public defender Billie Young in the first season of the 80's sitcom Night Court.

When do i get a public defender?

A Florida judge was removed from the bench after he started a physical fight with a public defender and then returned to his duty after he defender was not present.

Judy Clarke acted as public defender for Susan Smith, the Unabomber, Zacarias Moussaoui, Eric Rudolph, the AZ mass shooter and the Boston Marathon bomber.

Mark Twain despised the press due to untrue publications "It has defended official criminals, on party pretexts, until it has created a United States Senate whose members are incapable of determining what crime against law and the dignity of their own body is, they are so morally blind,..."

In California, for every $1.00 of funding sent towards prosecutors, $0.53 is sent towards public defenders.

Anthony Bourdain publicly defended an 86-year old's Olive Garden review after she was mercilessly mocked online. And then published an entire book of her reviews.

How to get a public defender?

In the USA, parolees have to pay hundreds of dollars a year for the privilege of being on parole, and their parole can be revoked if they fall behind. Most states charge for prison stays, electronic monitoring and public defender fees, too.

San Francisco elects its Public Defender

In 2016, Missouri cut the budget of an already overburdened public defense system, so the disgruntled director responded by invoking an obscure law to oblige the governor (an MO-barred attorney) to act as a public defender

A Florida Judge was fired fighting a Public Defender while court was in session.

If you are unfortunate enough in the US to have to rely on a Public Defender (both funded by the state), The Gov't will spend 3x's as much on the prosecution than on the Defense...

Will Smith publicly defends the Church of Scientology and the story of the movie "After Earth" shows parallels to the book "Dianetics" written by Ron Hubbard

Throughout the Middle Ages in Europe animals were arraigned in court, assigned public defenders, and tried for human crimes ranging from obscenity to murder.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Public Defender. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Public Defender so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor