Incredible and fun facts to explore

Extra Virgin facts

While investigating facts about Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Up to 75% of the extra virgin olive oil sold in the US does not meet the legal standard for such a label and is often fraudulently composed

how extra virgin olive oil is made?

Most Italian extra virgin olive oil sold in stores is a fraud. Nearly 70% of cheaper olive oil is not from actual olives, but is cut with cheaper seed oil to lower the price, and much of the product doesn't even come from Italy.

What extra virgin olive oil good for?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what extra virgin olive oil is real. Here are 18 of the best facts about Extra Virgin Nyc and Extra Virgin Olive Oil Benefits I managed to collect.

what's extra virgin olive oil?

  1. A study in a Swiss population concluded: a Mediterranean diet, rich in extra virgin olive oil, with a Swiss twist of dairy products, lowers cancer and heart disease risk

  2. An Italian mob pulled an elaborate heist involving olive oil, using adulterated and chemically treated oils and labelling their containers as extra virgin. The profit margin of this heist was said to have "three times the profit margin of cocaine."

  3. Almost 70% of the extra virgin olive oil sold in stores could be fake.

  4. The Mob was profiting from selling adulterated extra virgin olive oil-70% of the extra virgin olive oil sold is fake. In 2008 an investigation dubbed “Operation Golden Oil” was conducted by Italian officers which led to the arrest of 23 people and the confiscation of 85 farms.

  5. The oil from olives can be extracted with cold-pressed methods to produce extra virgin olive oil. This is a common ingredient in many of the dishes in the Mediterranean diet - considered to be one of the healthiest in the world.

  6. Most Italian extra virgin olive oil found in stores around the world are substandard and cut with other cheaper oils

  7. Spielberg wrote a sequel to E.T. the Extra Terrestrial that involved Elliott and his friends being kidnapped by evil E.T.'s, and their attempts to contact E.T. for help. Spielberg decided against pursuing it, feeling it "would do nothing but rob the original of its virginity".

  8. Extra virgin olive oil is not just great to cook with but is also an excellent lubricant.

  9. There is an International Olive Council that determines if olive oil meets the specifications of being extra virgin

  10. Extra virgin olive oil is good not only for your health, also for your hair & skin

extra virgin facts
What extra virgin olive oil means?

Why extra virgin olive oil is better?

You can easily fact check why extra virgin olive oil is good for you by examining the linked well-known sources.

Some higher end extra virgin olive oils have a desirable peppery property that delivers a stinging sensation in the throat which can force a cough

Extra virgin olive oil is made from crushing fresh, healthy olives (viz., no solvents) and may taste fruity, pungent, or bitter - source

80% of Italian olive oil on the market is fraudulent. Extra virgin Italian olive oil flooding the world’s market shelves is neither Italian nor virgin. Low-quality oils from Syria, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Spain & Greece are passed off as extra virgin Italian. - source

The profit margin selling fake Extra Virgin Olive oil can be three times better than the profit margins selling cocaine.

At least 75% of the extra virgin olive oil sold in the US does not meet the legal standard for such a label and is often fraudulently composed - source

When to use extra virgin olive oil?

Jenna Fischer, the actress who plays Pam on The Office, was an extra on The 40 Year Old Virgin. She plays "Woman #1" and can be seen at the beginning of the nightclub scene.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Extra Virgin. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Extra Virgin so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor