Positive Correlation facts
While investigating facts about Positive Correlation Examples and Positive Correlation Definition, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A Stanford study (2016) found a positive correlation between use of profanity and honesty. In both individuals and groups, those who use profanity tend to be more fucking honest.
how to know if correlation is positive or negative?
There's a positive correlation between the obesity rate of a population and the number of Walmarts servicing that population
Explain what positive correlation is?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is indicated by a positive value for a correlation. Here are 14 of the best facts about Positive Correlation Graph and Positive Correlation Meaning I managed to collect.
what's positive correlation?
The discovery of the neutron nearly twenty years later helped solidify scientists" understanding of how atomic number correlates with elements" positions on the table.
There is little evidence supporting thar specific foods trigger acid reflux; only being overweight and smoking are positively correlated
A survey of almost half a million people found that sex and STEM occupation (science, technology, engineering & math) was positively correlated with degree of autistic traits
Multiple studies reveal a positive correlation between loud snoring and risk of heart attack (about +34% chance) and stroke (about +67% chance.)
Research indicates that facial symmetry is linked to the 'big-five' model of personality. The most consistent finding is that facial symmetry is positively correlated with extraversion, indicating that individuals with more symmetric faces are also more extroverted.
A 2007 medical study found significant positive correlations between socioeconomic status and childhood IQ
Brain volume actually correlates positively with intelligence
A recent study shows positive correlation between childhood defiance and adult success
Researchers from Oxford University found that smarter people are more trusting. Both vocabulary and question comprehension were positively correlated with generalized trust.
The shift of hip-hop and rap music from positivism to violent overtones and drug use advocation is attributed to executives in the 90's understanding that their investment decisions in music had direct positive correlation to their investments in private prison institutions.
Positive Correlation data charts
For your convenience take a look at Positive Correlation figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What are positive and negative correlations and why do they enable?
You can easily fact check why correlation matrix is positive definite by examining the linked well-known sources.
Having a higher BMI is positively correlated with a risk for a variety of cancers, including esophagus cancer, colon cancer, pancreas cancer, kidney cancer and breast cancer.
There is evidence that suburban lifestyle are correlated with higher obesity rates in children and adults. There is also a positive association between frequency of commuting by transit and physical activity - source
Positive correlation infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Positive Correlation numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.