Political Leanings facts
While investigating facts about Political Leanings Of Media and Political Leanings Of Uk Newspapers, I found out little known, but curios details like:
One can predict with 95% accuracy whether a person politically leans left or right based on different brain responses to seeing something "disgusting"
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The leader of Myanmar (formerly Burma) was advised by a wizard that his country was leaning too far to the left, politically. To remedy this, he forced the population to drive on the right side of the road, causing mass confusion.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what political leanings does the hill have. Here are 12 of the best facts about Political Leanings Of Supreme Court Justices and Political Leanings Fallout 4 I managed to collect.
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Charlie Chaplin was originally excluded from the Hollywood Walk of Fame presumingly due to his left-leaning political views.
Shortly before his death author George Orwell compiled and delivered a list to the government disclosing names of persons he considered sympathetic to Stalinism and therefore unsuitable as writers the agency. Each name has notes regarding possible homosexuality and political leanings.
There is a significant link between an individual's political leanings and the size of his/her amygdala.
Brain scans can be used to accurately predict if someone political beliefs lean right or left
Colin Firth is a co-author on a scientific article investigating the correlation between political leanings and brain structure
Republicans used to be 'blue' (the color of the Union Army) and Democrats used to be 'red' (the color of most left-leaning political parties around the world). It only changed because in 1980 ABC decided to map Republican states as red, because Reagan/Republican/Red all started with 'R'.
JFK spoke about secret societies and their harm on society. Regardless of your political leaning I hope most can find the unifying sentiment of this speech
In 2011, Colin Firth commissioned and co-authored a scientific paper regarding political leaning and brain structure.
Our political affiliation correlates very strongly with our propensity to feel physical disgust; it goes so far that the reaction to just a single image can predict a person's political leanings with 95% accuracy. High levels of sensitivity tend to go hand in hand with a conservative ethos.
In 1981, German club FC St. Pauli became the first team in Germany to ban right-wing/fascist conducts, due to building a new fan base around "left(wing)-leaning politics, social activism and the event and party atmosphere".
Political Leanings data charts
For your convenience take a look at Political Leanings figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Political leanings infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Political Leanings numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.