Playing Cards facts
While investigating facts about Playing Cards Games and Playing Cards Names, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Ben Affleck is banned for life from playing Blackjack at the Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas after being caught counting cards.
how playing cards are made?
D&D is a very popular game in prisons throughout North America and since dice are not allowed inmates use decks of 20 playing cards to roll
What playing cards are red?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the best playing cards. Here are 50 of the best facts about Playing Cards Names With Pictures and Playing Cards Images I managed to collect.
what playing cards are in alice in wonderland?
Playing cards featuring summaries of cold cases and victims' photos have been made available to prison inmates in several U.S. states. So far, approximately 40 cases have been solved as a direct result of being featured on the cards.
In the 50's NASA recruited Deaf people to research why they didn't get motion sickness. Tests included flights in 'Vomit Comet' and sailing in the rough seas (researchers got violently sick, while Deaf people just played cards happily).
The US military developed a set of playing cards with the names and faces of the most wanted members of Saddam Hussein's government on them so the troops would learn to recognize them while playing cards
"Cold Case Homicides Playing Cards." The deck of 52 playing cards each have victims information and are passed out to inmates in hopes they will come forward with any information. Florida has an average of 2-3 solved cases per deck.
Annie Oakley was such a great shooter that she could repeatedly split a playing card, edge-on, and put several more holes in it before it could touch the ground, while using a .22 caliber rifle, at 90 feet.
"Cold Case Homicides Playing Cards." The deck of 52 playing cards each have victims information and are passed out to inmates in hopes they will come forward with any information. Florida has an average of 2-3 solved cases per deck.
During WWII, Bicycle playing cards were made so that, when submerged in water, they could be peeled apart to reveal parts of a map inside. When all put together, they were a larger map. These decks were given to POWs, so that if they escaped, they would have a map.
The TV show 'The Golden Girls' began as a joke. To promote 'Miami Vice' to advertisers, NBC in 1984 put on a skit about the nonexistent 'Miami Nice', about retirees in Florida playing cards. Network executive Warren Littlefield, watching the audience laugh, liked the idea of such a sitcom.
Tarot decks were originally used to play various card games similar to bridge, and are still used this way in parts of Europe. They did not become widely associated with the occult until more than 300 years after they were invented.
There was a game called Perplex City which involved clues on playing card to find a cube with a prize of 100000 pounds. One of the clues was called "Billion to One" which featured a man and Japanese text that translates to "Find me". He is still missing to this day.
Playing Cards data charts
For your convenience take a look at Playing Cards figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why playing cards are 52?
You can easily fact check why playing cards is good by examining the linked well-known sources.
Most playing cards are right-handed, a southpaw will have to fan theirs with their off hand. An ambidextrous deck will have numbers in all four corners, a lefty deck will have numbers in the upper right and lower left corners.
If you thoroughly shuffle a deck of playing cards, you'll end up with a sequence which has (probably) never existed before. There are 8,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 different combinations. - source
There was once a fifth suit of playing card - a green eagle for the US market and a blue crown for the British. - source
Greeting cards that play music contain mercury, making them unsafe to discard in the normal trash.
Legendary gambler Phil Ivey won over $9 million dollars playing baccarat with the help of a woman named Chen Yin Sun. Sun spent hundreds of hours memorizing flaws in the patterns on the back of the playing cards--aberrations along margins of the card backs, no wider than 1/32 of an inch. - source
When playing cards what is the order?
During the Vietnam War, several companies requested packs of playing cards that contained nothing but the Ace of Spades, because they used them in psychological warfare. They believed enemy troops saw it as a symbol of death, and scattered them in the jungle. Thousands of packs were sent.
How playing cards were invented?
During WWII, Bicycle playing cards were made so that, when submerged in water, they could be peeled apart to reveal parts of a map inside. These decks were given to POWs, so that if they escaped, they could assemble a full map out of the cards.
In the game Uno, you are only supposed to play a "+4" card if you have no other playable cards. If you play it and someone challenges you, you need to show your cards. If incorrectly played, you have to pick up 4 yourself, but if correct then the challenger must pick up 6.
By agreeing to be in star trek Stephen Hawking achieved two life dreams. First appearing in star trek his favorite show. Second playing cards with Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.
In WW2 the US and Canada banned postal chess (a form of chess where players play by marking a card and mailing it from one to another, in which games take months or years) as they were worried that the games "were being used to send secret messages to enemy forces."