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Escape Routes facts

While investigating facts about Escape Routes Crossword and Escape Routes For Agents In Crestwood, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Junaluska, a Cherokee leader who saved Andrew Jackson's life. Jackson later sent the Cherokee on the Trail of Tears from NC to OK, which killed up to 1/3 of them en route. Junaluska survived, escaped twice, walked hundreds of mountainous miles home, and lived well into old age as a Chief.

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In 1842 Queen Victoria had a pistol aimed at her while she was riding a carriage, but the gun misfired and the assassin escaped. The next day she deliberately took the same route to bait the assassin, who subsequently caught.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what routes did slaves use to escape. Here are 17 of the best facts about Escape Routes Bitlife and Escape Routes Lynnwood I managed to collect.

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  1. During WWII, the card company Bicycle fabricated special decks that were sent to POW in German Camps. When moistened, the cards peeled apart to reveal sections of a map indicating precise escape routes.

  2. USPCC (Bicycle Cards) made special decks to send as gifts for American prisoners of war in German camps. When these cards were moistened, they peeled apart to reveal sections of a map indicating precise escape routes.

  3. The first artifact placed inside the museum was the Survivors" Staircase. This staircase served as an escape route for evacuees during the attacks on 9/11. Hundreds were saved because of these granite-covered stairs.

  4. Issues covered by Red Nose Day in the U.K. include discrimination and prejudice against disabled people, rights of older people, and domestic violence escape routes for women.

  5. There is a temple dedicated to the English language in India.English is deified as a "goddess".The lower caste Indians(formerly known as "untouchables") view English as a route out of social, intellectual and economic depression, and a vehicle to escape horrendous caste system.

  6. Jan Baalsrud, a member of the Norwegian commando group Linge Company, who spent 9 weeks on the run in occupied Norway after a mission went wrong. Escape included being buried in an avalanche, frostbite, and amputation of his is own toes. His route to safety is marked as a hiking trail today.

  7. The Great Fire of London burned 13,200 houses, 87 parish churches, St Paul's Cathedral. It is estimated to have destroyed the homes of 70,000 of the city's 80,000 inhabitants. Once the riverfront was on fire and the escape route cut off by boat, the only exits were the eight gates in the wall.

  8. Pademelon spends its life in dense undergrowth of forest. It creates tunnels in the tall grass and bushes that are used to facilitate access to the feeding areas and as the escape routes. Most macropods use their tail as a third leg. Due to small size of a tail of pademelon, it is not used as additional limb (pademelon drags it across the ground while it moves through the forest).

  9. The highest levels of the Catholic Church, including Pope Pius XII, developed a system of escape routes for Nazi and Fascist war criminals to flee to places like Argentina and join Juan Peron. They were called 'Ratlines'.

  10. "Ratlines", which were a system of escape routes set up to attempt to hide Nazi criminals after World War 2. Specifically, Argentina was used as a primary smuggling location for thousands of former S.S. and Nazi soldiers.

escape routes facts
What are fire escape routes?

What is true about escape routes?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

During the transatlantic slave trade so many Africans were either jumping overboard to escape or dying and having their corpses tossed overboard that some shark species changed their migration routes to follow alongside the ships

Joss Stone narrowly escaped her own beheading when the two planned murderers en route to her home became lost, were reported to the police for "suspicious behavior," and a samurai sword, hammers, and knives were found in their car. - source

Major Nazi war criminals escaped after the war through the use of "ratlines": escape routes provided mostly by Catholic priests and bishops - source

About Herman Lamm, a discharged Prussian soldier who applied his military training to U.S. bank robberies in the 1920s. The "Lamm Technique" pioneered the careful study of targets (casing), floor plans, escape routes, and stressed the importance of timing: paving the way for modern criminals.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Escape Routes. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Escape Routes so important!

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