Cards Deck facts
While investigating facts about Cards Deck, I found out little known, but curios details like:
D&D is a very popular game in prisons throughout North America and since dice are not allowed inmates use decks of 20 playing cards to roll
"Cold Case Homicides Playing Cards." The deck of 52 playing cards each have victims information and are passed out to inmates in hopes they will come forward with any information. Florida has an average of 2-3 solved cases per deck.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Cards Deck I managed to collect.
There are more ways to arrange a deck of cards than atoms on Earth. Any time you pick up a well-shuffled deck, you are almost certainly holding an arrangement of cards that has never before existed and might not exist again.
A man named Jerry Gretzinger has been drawing a map of an imaginary world for over 50 years. He draws from a deck of cards each morning to decide the fate of his hand-drawn world, which is over 2000 square feet in size.
"Cold Case Homicides Playing Cards." The deck of 52 playing cards each have victims information and are passed out to inmates in hopes they will come forward with any information. Florida has an average of 2-3 solved cases per deck.
During WWII, Bicycle playing cards were made so that, when submerged in water, they could be peeled apart to reveal parts of a map inside. When all put together, they were a larger map. These decks were given to POWs, so that if they escaped, they would have a map.
there are more possible orders of a deck of cards than there are atoms on Earth. Because of this, 99.7% of the time you shuffle a deck of cards, that is the first time in history that specific order of cards has happened.
Each of the suits on a deck of cards represents the four major pillars of the economy in the middle ages: heart represented the Church, spades represented the military, clubs represented agriculture, and diamonds represented the merchant class
A deck of cards has a coincidental relationship with a calendar year. The sum of all cards is 364, plus one joker for 365 and an extra joker for leap years, four suits for the seasons, 52 cards for the weeks in a year, and two colors to represent night and day.
Tarot decks were originally used to play various card games similar to bridge, and are still used this way in parts of Europe. They did not become widely associated with the occult until more than 300 years after they were invented.
Cards Against Humanity was released under a Creative Commons license, which allows people to download the game for free and print out their own deck, rather than having to buy it from a store.
Some states print decks of cards featuring the names/images of victims of unsolved crimes to be used in prisons and have successfully solved cold cases.
Cards Deck data charts
For your convenience take a look at Cards Deck figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about cards deck?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Most playing cards are right-handed, a southpaw will have to fan theirs with their off hand. An ambidextrous deck will have numbers in all four corners, a lefty deck will have numbers in the upper right and lower left corners.
If you thoroughly shuffle a deck of playing cards, you'll end up with a sequence which has (probably) never existed before. There are 8,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 different combinations. - source
During WWII, Bicycle playing cards were made so that, when submerged in water, they could be peeled apart to reveal parts of a map inside. These decks were given to POWs, so that if they escaped, they could assemble a full map out of the cards. - source
It takes 7 shuffles to randomize a deck of cards.
During WWII, the card company Bicycle fabricated special decks that were sent to POW in German Camps. When moistened, the cards peeled apart to reveal sections of a map indicating precise escape routes. - source
The deep meaning behind the 52 Cards in a complete deck. The 4 suits represent the 4 seasons, while the 52 cards represent the 52 weeks in a year. The 13 cards per suit represent the 13 lunar cycles in a year, and even the 365 days of the year are marked by the number of total points in a deck.
Bicycle Playing Card Company joined forces with American and British intelligence agencies to create a special deck of cards, specifically created to help allied prisoners of war escape from German POW camps.
If every star in our galaxy had a trillion planets, and each of those planets had a trillion people, and each of those people had a trillion decks of cards that they shuffled at a rate of 1000 times per second since the Big Bang - we would only now start to see repeat combinations
The US Playing Card company produced decks with hidden maps for POWs during WWII
The reason for the name, "jack" in a deck of cards is because it used to be, "knave" (servant of royalty), but jack was a colloquialism for knave, so it changed over time.
USPCC (Bicycle Cards) made special decks to send as gifts for American prisoners of war in German camps. When these cards were moistened, they peeled apart to reveal sections of a map indicating precise escape routes.
Cards deck infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Cards Deck numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.