Pints Beer facts
While investigating facts about Pints Beer And Ice Cream and Pint Beer Size, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Bob Hawke is the only Australian prime minister with a world record and his world record is for drinking 2.5 pints of beer in under 11 seconds.
how many pints in a barrel of beer?
In 1355, the town of Oxford and the students of Oxford University erupted in rioting for days because some students didn't like the beer they were served and threw a pint of beer at a tavern owner. The townsfolk eventually stormed the school where 63 students and 30 locals were killed.
What is 12 ounces of beer in pints?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is 7 pints of beer. Here are 47 of the best facts about Pints Beer Garden and Beer Pint At Bar I managed to collect.
what is the most pints of beer drank in a day?
Lawrence Brewer ended the last meal in TX when he ordered two chicken-fried steaks, a triple bacon cheeseburger, an omelette, fried okra, a pound of barbecue, half of a loaf of bread, three fajitas, meat-lover’s pizza, a pint of ice cream, fudge, and three root beers and didn't eat any of it.
Since 1617, breaches of etiquette at Oxford University have been punished by making the offender drink up to four pints of beer in one go.
There exists a giant cloud of alcohol in outer space which can be used to produce 400 trillion trillion pints of beer.
Norway is the most expensive place for beer in the world, the average price for a pint at bar is $11.44.
The Mayor of Dublin used up his annual allocation of 10,560 pints of beer in just 7 months
The Ironman Heavymetalweight Championship, a Japanese wrestling title once held by a monkey, a child, 3 different ladders, a pint of beer, a sex doll dressed up like Hulk Hogan, a man dressed up like Jushin Liger calling himself Jushin Satsugai Liger, and the title belt itself.
Tap water costs around 0.097p a litre – or around 1p for a bucket of water. Bottled water costs on average 500 times more than tap water, the equivalent of paying £1,500 for a pint of beer or glass of wine.
Measurements Canada will 'investigate and ensures corrective action' if a Canadian bar sells a pint of beer that's less than 20 ounces
The UK annually loses at least 93000 litres (162,719 pints) of beer due to men's facial hair.
The Ironman Heavymetalweight Championship, a Japanese wrestling championship whose winners have included a cat, a monkey, three elementary schoolgirls, a pint of beer, a ladder (three times), Vince McMahon's Hollywood Walk of Fame star, a pair of chopsticks, and the title belt itself.
Pints Beer data charts
For your convenience take a look at Pints Beer figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is beer sold in pints?
You can easily fact check why is beer measured in pints by examining the linked well-known sources.
Guinness did a study finding drinkers with moustaches lose on average 1.5 pints of beer in their moustaches annually
UK law requires draft beer to be sold in imperial measurements only. Crown stamps indicate the glass fits the standard measure for a liquid pint, while the number indicates where the glass was made. Today, most pint glasses in Britain are made in France. - source
Guinness is the perfect diet drink. A pint of the black stuff contains only 198 calories. That’s less than most light beers, wine, orange juice or even low fat milk. - source
Until 1970 the Royal Navy issued a daily rum ration. At times this alcohol ration was a gallon (3.785 L) of beer, a pint (473.176 mL) of wine, or half a pint (237 mL) of liquor.
Bartenders in Ireland could refuse to serve unaccompanied (single) women a pint of beer but not liquor until 2000 - source
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There is a giant nebula 10,000ly away, G34.3, which contains enough ethyl alcohol to fill 300,000 pints of beer every day to every single person on earth for the next billion years.
How many pints in a keg of beer?
The standard size of a pint of beer traces back to a demand in the Magna Carta
In space, there is a gas cloud with alcohol in it enough to make 400 trillion pints of beer
A 16 oz pint containing 8% alcohol volume delivers 1.28 ounces of pure alcohol. This is roughly equivalent to 3.2 ounces of spirits at 80 proof (40% abc) or two good-measure shots of whiskey vodka or gin. This of course makes the beer very good value on the Buzz per Buck scale.