Trillion Trillion facts
While investigating facts about Trillion Trillion How Many Zeros and Trillion Trillion Trillion Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The smell of the air after a storm is caused by Geosmin: A chemical released by dead soil bacteria. Humans are hyper sensitive to it, capable of detecting at a concentration of 5 parts per trillion. It's theorised in our evolutionary past this helped us seek out water.
how many zeros in a trillion trillion?
North Korea is sitting on 6-10 trillion dollars worth of minerals it can't access due to lack of technology and equipment.
What is 1 trillion times 1 trillion?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's 1 trillion * 1 trillion. Here are 50 of the best facts about Trillion Trillion Billion and Trillion-trillion Scientific Notation I managed to collect.
what is a trillion times a trillion?
Cigarette butts are the most littered item at the world, with an estimated 4.5 trillion littered annually. Each butt can take 5 to 400 years to completely break down.
The "Fearless Girl" statue that's famous for "standing up to the Bull on Wallstreet" was commissioned by an investments firm, State Street Global Advisors, which holds $2.8 trillion in assets. The statue was to advertise a new investment fund they were offering.
Peter McCathie survived being hit by lightning when he was a teenager and now he’s won the lottery — both events combined come to about a 1 in 2.6 trillion chance.
When LimeWire shut down back in 2010, the copyright damages were totaled to be ~$72 Trillion, greater than the sum of the world GDP, which came out to approximately $105,000 for every time one of the 11,000 copyrighted songs was downloaded. It was later settled with the RIAA for $105 Million.
In 2012 scientists at the Hadron Collider formed a quark-gluon plasma and subsequently recorded the hottest temperature created by man, 5.5 trillion degrees celsius.
The solar storm of 1859 caused worldwide electrical failure, with telegraph systems being knocked out, some throwing sparks and shocking operators. This event, if it occured today, would cause trillions in damages.
In 2010, Israel's weekly state lottery drew exactly the same 6 numbers as the draw 3 weeks earlier – an event statisticians said was a one in four trillion chance.
The Recording Industry Association of America claimed damages due to online piracy against LimeWire totaling $75 trillion – more than the global GDP
It is estimated that trillions of oysters once surrounded New York City, filtering bacteria and acting as a natural buffer against storm surges.
Around roughly 4 pounds of your body weight is the weight of trillions of microorganisms in your gut
Trillion Trillion data charts
For your convenience take a look at Trillion Trillion figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about trillion trillion?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The worlds most littered product is the cigarette butt, with approximately 4.5 Trillion being tossed each year.
The US religion industry is worth $1.2 Trillion a year, more than America's 10 biggest tech companies, combined! - source
The Dutch East India Company was the most valuable company in history. Worth 78 Million Dutch Guilders, adjusted to dollars it was worth $7.4 Trillion. - source
There's a water reservoir in space that's 100,000 times bigger than our sun with 140 trillion times more water than all of our oceans.
Bout Emma Haruka Iwao, a Japanese computer scientist who this year broke the record of most digits of Pi calculated, at 31.4 trillion. - source
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Russia has a vast diamond field containing "trillions of carats", enough to supply global markets for another 3000 years. The field was discovered in the 1970s underneath 35 million year-old asteroid crater in Siberia.
How much is a trillion times a trillion?
The Pentagon alone has never been audited, leaving roughly $8.5 trillion in taxpayer dollars unaccounted for since 1996.
At $1.5 trillion, the Greater New York area's contribution to the US economy not only outstrips all other regions in the Unites States, it also exceeds the GDP of all but 11 countries.
Ants make up 15% of all terrestrial animal biomass, and there are 10 thousand trillion ants on the planet
10,000 light years away from Earth, there is a huge cloud of alcohol. It is 1000 times larger than the diameter of our solar system and contains enough alcohol to fill 400 trillion trillion pints. To drink all of it, everyone on Earth would have to drink 300K pints each day—for 1 billion years.
Central Park had an estimated property value of $528 billion in 2005; In today's market that would be $810,801,446,400.00 - nearly a trillion dollars. If it were in Detroit, instead of NY, it's value would be $4.5 million.
Trillion trillion infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Trillion Trillion numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

World GDP (Trillions of USD) Source: World Bank