Picture Nominees facts
While investigating facts about Picture Nominees 2020 and Picture Nominees 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Patriot, released in 1928, was the last silent film nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture until 2011's The Artist. It is also the only Best Picture nominee that has since become lost.
how to watch best picture nominees?
When presenting at the Oscars in 1985, Laurence Olivier forgot to name the Best Picture nominees. He simply opened the envelope and proclaimed, "Amadeus (1984)".
What are the best picture nominees for 2020?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the nominees for best picture. Here are 5 of the best facts about Picture Nominees 2018 and Picture Nominees For Oscars I managed to collect.
what are the best picture nominees for 2019?
The Disney film Beauty of the Beast was nominated for Best Picture at the 1991 Academy Awards, making it the only animated film to be nominated for the Best Picture Oscar until the Academy expanded the number of nominees in 2009.
The US National Film Registry has 6 movies that were released in 1994, including 3 of the 5 Best Picture nominees that year (Forrest Gump, Pulp Fiction, The Shawshank Redemption). Also, the most recent film inducted is nearly 15 years old (Brokeback Mountain, 2005).
The campy cult favorite "Army of Darkness" has an IMDB rating equal to or better than three of the five Best Picture Oscar nominees from that year (1992)
Picture Nominees data charts
For your convenience take a look at Picture Nominees figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.