Win Oscar facts
While investigating facts about Who Is Oscar In Oscar Awards and What Is Best Picture In Oscar, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Mario Puzo, the author of the Godfather books who’d also adapted them to film, had no idea what he was doing as he’d never written a screenplay before. After winning two Oscars, he decided to buy a book on screenwriting to learn how. In the first chapter, it said “Study Godfather I”.
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Eminem's song "Lose Yourself" was the first rap song to win an Oscar for Best Original Song, but Eminem did not even watch the awards because he did not think he stood a chance at winning. Instead, he fell asleep watching cartoons with his daughter.
What won oscars 2020?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what won oscars. Here are 50 of the best facts about What Is In Oscar Sauce and Winners In Oscar 2019 I managed to collect.
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Killing Fields, a movie about the Cambodian Genocide, starred Haing Ngor, an actual genocide survivor. Co-star John Malkovich defended Ngor's lack of prior acting experience, saying he had to be a pretty good actor to survive the Khmer Rouge. Ngor went on to win an Oscar for his performance.
When Three Six Mafia beat out Dolly Parton to win the 2006 Academy Award for Best Original Song, Dolly was thrilled, and personally sent a congratulatory letter, "We're proud of you guys, and I'm just glad that the Oscar came back to Tennessee one way or another!"
Marlon Brando was the last person to reject a winning Oscar award (1973 best actor for The Godfather). He did it to protest the film industry's poor treatment of Native Americans. When a young Native American woman gave her speech in Brando's place, part of the crowd booed.
Term "EGOT" was coined by Miami Vice actor Philip Michael Thomas who said he planned to win an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony within 5 years. As of 2019, he has yet to be nominated for any of the awards.
Arctic explorer Peter Freuchen who took a 1000-mile dogsled trip across Greenland, starred in an Oscar-winning film, amputated his own toes, escaped a Nazi death sentence, cut his way out of a blizzard shelter with a knife made from his frozen feces, and won The $64,000 Question game show.
The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King is one of only three movies win 11 Oscars and the only movie to win every Oscar for which it is was nominated. Of those 11 nominations, none were for the cast, all were for technical and production elements.
Woody Allen has consistently refused to attend the Oscars or acknowledge his Oscar wins. His publicly given reason is his standing engagement to play clarinet in a Monday night ensemble.
Robert Downey Jr. was nominated for an Oscar for his role as Kirk Lazarus in Tropic Thunder -- the character he plays is an overly pretentious method actor who only takes roles that will potentially win Oscars.
Oscar winning actress Emma Thompson quietly adopted a former child soldier from Rwanda who now works as a human rights lawyer.
Win Oscar data charts
For your convenience take a look at Win Oscar figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why did la la land win an oscar by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 1976 Jodie Foster starred in 5 feature films (including Taxi Driver, Bugsy Malone & Freaky Friday), winning 2 Baftas, an Oscar nomination, and countless other awards. She was 13 years old.
Cate Blanchett's Academy Award for playing Katherine Hepburn in "The Aviator" made her the only actor to win an Oscar for portraying another Oscar-winning actor - source
Forrest Gump beat 'The Shawshank Redemption' and 'Pulp Fiction' to win the Oscar for the Best Picture in 1995. Also, Tom Hanks beat Morgan Freeman and John Travolta to win the Best Actor in the same year. - source
Keanu Reeves came to the aid of Oscar-winning actress Octavia Spencer when she first moved to LA and was stranded on the side of the road
Ropert Lopez, who won an Oscar for the Disney songs "Let it Go" and "Remember Me", also wrote the song "The Internet is for Porn" for the Tony Award-Winning show "Avenue Q". - source
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Mel Brooks is one of twelve people to ever win an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar, and a Tony (an EGOT) and the only person to ever receive those four plus awards from the American Film Institute and the Kennedy Center
How many oscars did a star is born win?
Marcia Lucas (née Griffin) was the only Lucas to win an Oscar for Star Wars (editting). She largely influenced pivotal scenes in Ep. 4, 5, & 6; but has been downplayed since her divorce with George.
Oscar Hammerstein II is the only perso to win an Oscar and be named Oscar.
Katharine Hepburn is the only actor/actress to win the Best Actor/Actress Oscar four times.
Woody Allen's Oscar-winning script, "Midnight in Paris," began as just a title he liked for a film. So, rather than coming up with a title for a written film, he wrote the film only after coming up with the title; it took several months for the film's idea to come to him and fit the title.
Chinese American James Wong Howe was an Oscar-Winning cinematographer who pioneered the use of wide-angle lenses, low-key lighting, crab dolly and deep-focus cinematography. He was not an American citizen until 1943 and his marriage with a white woman was illegal until 1948 due to racism.