Ottoman Empire facts
While investigating facts about Ottoman Empire Map and Ottoman Empire History, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1452 a Hungarian engineer, known as Orban, offered to sell an extremely powerful cannon to the Roman Emperor. He refused, so Orban instead sold the cannon to the Ottoman emperor, who used it to breach the walls of Constantinople in 1453, which brought the end to the Roman Empire
how ottoman empire started?
During WW1 the Ottoman government murdered over 1,500,000 Armenians living in their empire. The event coined the word "Genocide". The Armenian Genocide is the second most-studied case of genocide after the Holocaust.
Where is the ottoman empire located at?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's ottoman empire. Here are 50 of the best facts about Ottoman Empire Netflix and Ottoman Empire Ww1 I managed to collect.
when was the ottoman empire at its height?
The Zildjian cymbal company is one of the oldest companies in the world, started in 1623 in Constantinople, making cymbals for frightening the enemies of the Ottoman Empire.
When coffee first appeared in the Ottoman Empire, it was considered a drug and its consumption was forbidden
The pirate Hayreddin "Red beard" Barbarossa (1478-1546) was exiled from so many countries that he ended up starting his own country (Regency of Algiers) with the blessing of The Ottoman Empire which became present day Algeria, Tunisia and parts of Morocco.
White people have their own history of slavery by the Ottoman empire up until the 19th century.
Sultans of the Ottoman Empire employed deaf servants, because silence played a key role in expressing majesty to subjects and visitors.
When the Ottoman empire attacked Skenderbeg's town (1450), he put candles on the horns of goats and sent them into the mountains at night. As the Ottomen attacked a herd of goats, Skenderbeg defeated their massive army from by a rear attack.
Potential heirs to the throne of the Ottoman Empire, when born, were kept in a "cage" until they assumed the throne, resulting in many kings to be crazed uneducated madmen.
Archeologists discovered more than 40 well preserved ship wrecks ranging from Byzantine, to the Venetian, to the Ottoman empires. The wood of some ships was so well-preserved that chisel and tool marks were still visible on individual planks due to the unusual water chemistry of the Black Sea
Ottoman Empire data charts
For your convenience take a look at Ottoman Empire figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why ottoman empire fell?
You can easily fact check why ottoman empire joined ww1 by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 1914, four empires claimed to be successors to the Roman Empire; the German Empire, Russian Empire, Ottoman Empire and Italian Empire. All of them collapsed because of WW1 except for the Italian Empire, leaving them as the only empire to claim succession from the Roman Empire.
Sultan Abdulmejid I of the Ottoman Empire legalised homosexuality in 1858 - source
The Ottoman Empire laid siege to the city of Candia for over 21 years. The besieged citizens considered using biological warfare, by attacking them with a liquid made of the spleens of plague victims to spread the disease. - source
The last heir to the former Ottoman Empire, Bayezid Osman, is a 92-year old former librarian living in New York City, who served in the U.S. Army and never had any children
The Armenian genocide, where in 1915 the Ottoman Empire killed as many as 1.5 million Armenians. Turkey refuses to acknowledge the genocide to this day. - source
When ottoman empire started?
The last official declaration of jihad by a caliph was on November 11, 1914, when the Ottoman Empire entered World War 1.
How ottoman empire ended?
An Ottoman Empire sultan later known as 'Ibrahim the Mad' once executed all 280 women in his harem simply so he could have the pleasure of picking their successors
At the onset of WWI Germany gifted two warships to the Ottoman Empire for their safe harbour from the pursuing British. A gift that persuaded the Ottoman's to join the Central Powers, leading to its eventual collapse and creating many of today's Middle Eastern countries.
On March 7th 1788, the Austrian army defeated itself. Believing they were under attack by Ottoman forces the Austrians fired on their own troops, ultimately leading to the deaths of 10,000 Austrian soldiers and the easy capture of Karansebes by the Ottoman Empire.
100 years ago today the Turkish government set out to massacre the Armenian people in the Ottoman Empire. Roughly 800,000-1,500,000 Armenians died which was more than half of the countries total population. This genocide is thought to have inspired Adolf Hitler's genocide of the Jews.
Islamic history has largely been indifferent of homosexuality. In 1858, homosexuality was legalised in the Ottoman Empire, who ruled much of the Sunni world. Modern rejection and criminalization of “homosexuality in Islam gained momentum through the effects of European colonialism.