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Originally Supposed facts

While investigating facts about Who Was Originally Supposed To Play The Terminator and Who Was Originally Supposed To Be Gossip Girl, I found out little known, but curios details like:

As a Joke, the Original Looney Tunes Animators Created a Scene Where Porky Pig Uses Profanity. It Was Never Supposed to Leave the Studio...

how was glee originally supposed to end?

What was supposed to be Cartoon Network's first original show, Wacky Races Coast to Coast - a racing show that was scrapped after creator Mike Lazzo had a fever dream the night before production was set to begin, in which he imagined the character Space Ghost hosting his own talk show.

What was grey's anatomy originally supposed to be called?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was spongebob originally supposed to be. Here are 50 of the best facts about Where Was Disneyland Originally Supposed To Be Built and What Was Spongebob Originally Supposed To Be I managed to collect.

who was originally supposed to perform at the super bowl?

  1. Food Network's 'Chopped' was originally supposed to be set in a mansion with the host being a butler. The butler was also to be holding a Chihuahua and when a chef was chopped, the losing dish was fed to the Chihuahua.

  2. Originally M&M's were supposed to be the candy in the movie E.T. but Mars rejected the idea; thus giving Reese's Pieces a spot in the movie, after which sales skyrocketed 300%

  3. Krusty the Clown was originally supposed to be Homer Simpson's secret identity.

  4. Chuck E Cheese was supposed to originally be a coyote, but instead they received a mouse costume and went with it

  5. The knights in Monty Python And The Holy Grail were originally supposed to ride real horses, but the film's budget was too small, hence the addition of the coconut joke.

  6. A line of pillow talk in Fight Club was originally supposed to be “I want to have your abortion,” but Laura Ziskin, a producer at Fox 2000, found that too offensive and begged it be changed. It was changed to “I haven’t been fucked like that since grade school."

  7. In English, multiple adjectives are supposed to be listed in the following order: Quantity, Opinion, Size, Age, Shape, Color, Origin, Material, Purpose.

  8. The Janitor in Scrubs was originally supposed to be a figment of J.D.'s imagination, as he does not interact with another character till season 2.

  9. Chris Columbus was originally suppose to direct "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation," but dropped out because Chevy Chase was difficult to work with. A few weeks later he got the script for "Home Alone," which revitalized his career.

  10. Yoda was originally supposed to be portrayed by a monkey with a mask.

originally supposed facts
What was naruto originally supposed to be about?

Why was the origin of species banned?

You can easily fact check why is the origin of species important by examining the linked well-known sources.

In the business environment, you're supposed to sign with blue ink and not black because the blue ink represents the "original" document, when black ink represents the "copy."

In the live-action movie "Scooby-Doo: The Movie", Tim Curry was originally supposed to play Scooby. He read the script and declined the roll because Scrappy-Doo was going to be in the movie. - source

The time traveling machine in Back to the Future was originally supposed to be a refrigerator, but director Robert Zemeckis feared that children would climb into their home fridges and suffocate themselves so they went with the DeLorean instead. - source

The Eiffel Tower was originally supposed to be in Barcelona. But thinking the thing would end up looking like an eyesore, the city rejected Gustave Eiffel's plans, and he was forced to repitch the project elsewhere. Luckily, Eiffel found a home for his idea in Paris.

The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco was not originally going to be painted orange. The orange color was only supposed to be for a sealant and was to be painted with black and yellow stripes to ensure visibility by passing ships. The orange color worked better for fog so it was kept instead - source

When was brexit originally supposed to happen?

The sculptor of Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Gutzon Borglum, planned to make a secret room behind the hairline of Abraham Lincoln which was supposed to be a doorway to a chamber originally intended to hold some of America's most treasured documents but was left unfinished due to his death.

How was house of cards originally supposed to end?

For his role in FernGully Robin Williams provided 14 hours worth of improvised lines for the part which was originally only supposed to be an 8-minute role

Shrek, originally was supposed to be played by Bill Murray, but dreamworks took over and Chris Farley was cast. Farely recorded about 90% of the dialogue, but died before finishing. Mike Myers stepped in and recorded the entire film before deciding to start over with a Scottish accent.

The Hulk was originally supposed to be grey to portray lack of ethnicity, but problems with the printing ink caused a green one that they stuck with.

Mr. Potato Head got its name because it was originally a set of plastic pieces that you were supposed to stick into a real vegetable

The four vultures in Disney's The Jungle Book were both designed after and originally supposed to be voiced by The Beatles.

When was supernatural originally supposed to end?

The supposed Bible quote "God helps those who help themselves" actually originated from a political article from the 1600's.

Mount Rushmore was originally supposed to depict each president from head to waist, but lack of funding forced construction to end early

The original version of "I put a spell on you" was not sang by Nina Simone, but by the far too excentric Screamin' Jay Hawkins. It was supposed to be a blues ballad, but after some chicken, ribs and boose, they came out with this version

The 'holy grail' of lost movies is the original 8 hour cut of Greed (1924). Screened for only 12 people, of which 3 would call it the greatest film of all time, it was cut down to 2 1/2 hours by MGM and flopped at the box office. Supposedly, the first cut was accidentaly thrown out by a janitor.

The name "Scotch tape" originated as a pejorative aimed at the creators for supposedly being too cheap to use more adhesive

How was armistice day originally supposed to be celebrated?

In the original story of The Little Mermaid, she fails to marry the prince. In order to end her suffering she considers killing him with a knife in his sleep and letting his blood drip onto her feet, which is supposed to turn her back into a mermaid.

The original Halloween series was supposed to branch into a anthology series of horror films based on the night of Halloween. However due to the popularity of Michael Myers, it caused the third film which was based on a separate story, to fail at the box office.

Marge Simpson's hair was originally supposed to conceal large rabbit ears, but the designers chose to scrap the gag before it was revealed.

The Peddler from the beginning of Aladdin was originally supposed to be revealed to be the Genie at the end of the movie, but it was cut as the story changed.

All the songs in "Singin' in the Rain" besides "Moses Supposes" and "Make Em Laugh" are originally from other movies.

Stan Lee was originally planned to appear as one of The Collector's collections in Guardians of the Galaxy. He was also going to be killed in the explosion and his head was supposed to roll into the frame.

Switch was originally supposed to be a women in The Matrix, but a man in the real world. She was instead presented androgynously after Warner Brothers rejected the idea.

In the original storyline of Frozen, Elsa was a villain and the whole plot was supposed to be based on Hans Christian Andersen's "The Snow Queen".

Mount Rushmore was originally supposed to be the president's from head to waist but due to lack of funding they stopped construction

Han Solo was original supposed to die in Return of the Jedi and the Rebels were supposed to be in tatters, but it was changed so Lucas could sell more toys

Originally, Toto in the Wizard of Oz was supposed to be a dachshund named Otto, but anti-German sentiments at the time, a Cairn Terrier, Toto, was used instead.

The original definition of a comedy such as Dante's divine comedy meant the story had a happy ending and does not mean it was supposed to be humorous

Beastie Boys' album "Licensed to Ill" was originally supposed to be called "Don't be a Faggot."

The first ever Academy Award for Best Actor was originally supposed to go to famed dog actor Rin Tin Tin. Although Rin Tin Tin received the most votes, the award was given to Emil Jannings instead, as members of the Academy wanted to establish that the award was serious and important.

All Bill Murray's lines in Caddyshack were unscripted, and that he was not originally supposed to play a large role in the movie.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Originally Supposed. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Originally Supposed so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor