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Idea Scrapped facts

While investigating facts about Scrapped The Idea and Jurassic Park 4 Scrapped Idea, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The inventor of the USB had originally intended for it to be flippable, however that idea was scrapped due to the extra cost. Despite USB becoming the standard, he still regrets that decision. "In hindsight, we blew it," he said.

how did ida b wells die?

Steve Jobs wanted to hide a man wearing a fedora in the first Mac. Dubbed "Mr. Macintosh," the character would appear after opening the menu bar several thousand times then quickly disappear, leaving users to question their sanity. The idea was scrapped due to the Mac's paltry 128KB of RAM.

What was ida b wells known for?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is ida b wells best known for. Here are 33 of the best facts about Idea Scrapped I managed to collect.

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  1. The song “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” from The Lion King, was originally meant to have been sung by Timon and Pumbaa. This idea was scrapped after Elton John himself intervened, saying “I don't want a big, stinky warthog singing my love song!".

  2. The original idea behind Marge Simpson's hair was to conceal large rabbit ears. The gag was intended to be revealed in the final episode of the series, but was scrapped early on due to inconsistencies.

  3. The original idea for the episode, Jurassic Bark, was to have Fry's mother fossilized instead of Seymour, but this idea was scrapped after it was thought to be too upsetting to the audience.

  4. Guillermo Del Toro left a notebook containing 4 years' worth of ideas for Pan's Labyrinth in the back seat of a London cab. The cab driver used a scrap of stationery from Del Toro's hotel he found in the book to return it. Del Toro gave him a $900 reward.

  5. Han Solo's ship looked dramatically different during the final concept designs. It wasn't til a TV show came out with a ship very similar to it that Lucas scrapped it, not wanting to appear as if it was taking ideas from a "cheap TV show."

  6. There was set to be a prequel to the Saw franchise based on an event in Jigsaw's childhood. This idea was scrapped but the movie was pushed through anyway, being released as "The Collector"

  7. Android was originally developed as an advanced operating system for digital cameras. This idea was scrapped because the market for cameras was not large enough and the OS was transitioned to become a competitor to Symbian and Windows Mobile.

  8. 20th Century Fox in the 50s had plans to develop 260 acres of their property into commercial real estate. However, its studio head scrapped that idea and decided to sell the land for $43 million to finance the movie 'Cleopatra'. That land became Century City and is now worth 6.4 billion.

  9. In the 1960s, Merv Griffin originally planned for his quiz show to be called "What's the Question?" until an NBC network executive rejected the idea, saying "it doesn't have enough jeopardies". He then scrapped the original title and renamed it to "Jeopardy!".

  10. In 2002, Acclaim Entertainment, a video game developer, wanted to advertise its new game "Shadow Man 2" with mini-billboards on the tombstones of the recently deceased in exchange for a payment to the relatives of the deceased. The idea was scrapped after the public backlash they received.

idea scrapped facts
What was ida b wells famous for?

Why is ida b wells famous?

You can easily fact check why is ida b wells a hero by examining the linked well-known sources.

At one time Nintendo played with the idea of using a first-person point of view but determined that players would prefer to see Link. So they scrapped the idea.

Mythbusters scrapped an idea for an episode focusing on the vulnerabilities of RFID chips following pressure from major credit card firms on Discovery Channel. - source

"Emperor's New Groove", the animated Disney movie, was rewritten 4 years into its production. This was due to the terrible ratings that the movie received during its first screening. The assigned crew had to scrap the original idea and rebuild the movie, plot and focus from the ground up. - source

The Nintendo arcade game Donkey Kong was originally conceived as a Popeye video game by Shigeru Miyamoto. However, due to licensing disagreements with King Features, this idea was scrapped.

Edward J. Hock invented the safety belt first used by the Ford Motor Co. as standard equipment, and Hock was awarded $20.50 for his invention. The original schematic and blueprints shows that he utilized scrap parachute strapping to implement his idea. - source

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After closing Discovery island in the 1990's, Disney considered teaming up with the creators of Myst to create a "cutting edge interactive experience" to be called "Myst Island" but scrapped the idea.

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H.R. Giger was supposed to design the Batmobile for the movie "Batman forever", but his idea was scrapped in favor of the car they used in the movie.

During WWII Nazi Germany proposed the Madagascar Plan with the intention to deport Polish Jews to the island of Madagascar yet due to the British blockade and losing the Battle of Britain the idea was postponed and with the start of the Final Solution it was scrapped.

During World War 2, a dentist from Pennsylvania convinced President Roosevelt to use bats tied with timed explosives to bomb Japan. The bombed bats were later accidentally released and destroyed their test facility, so they scrapped the idea.

Pete Townshend of The Who had the idea of Lifehouse, a rock opera that would be adapted to the audience' biographical data and astrological chart at each concert in order to create mass nirvana among the audience. The idea was scrapped, but the storyline was turned into Who's Next.

USB was supposed to be flippable from the start, but the developer, Ajay Bhatt, scrapped the idea because of the costs

When did ida b wells die?

In 2005 Youtube started as a video dating site with the slogan "tune in hook up". Desperate for actual dating videos the site made craigslist ads offering women $20 to upload videos of themselves. With no takers the idea was scrapped and the site was changed to accept all videos.

Walt Disney's original plan for Disney World in this film he made just before he died. Sadly, it seems the idea that he intended to build Disney World around was completely scrapped after he died.

Chopped originally planned to have a butler holding a Chihuahua that would eat the losing chefs' dishes. Food Network scrapped this idea, said it was "a little too weird," and decided to go with the straightforward competition format.

Mortal Kombat was initially designed as a fighting game centered around Jean Claude Van Damme, with the movie star set to star in the game. The idea was scrapped due to another deal JCVD was working on with Sega.

Workers in Thailand once tried to use elephants as a cheap form of soil compaction, but the idea was scrapped because elephants quickly learn to walk on previously made footprints

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In World War 2, Britain briefly considered building an aircraft carrier out of wood pulp and ice. The idea was eventually scrapped due to cost concerns

Disney's Pocahontas' friend was supposed to be a talking turkey voiced by John Candy until the idea was scrapped due to his death and replaced by the meerkat, where it was decided the animals wouldn't talk

Steve Jobs wanted to hide a man wearing a fedora in the first Mac. Dubbed “Mr. Macintosh,” the character would appear after opening the menu bar several thousand times then quickly disappear, leaving users to question their sanity. The idea was scrapped due to Mac’s paltry 128KB of RAM.

In "The Empire Strikes Back," George Lucas originally intended for Yoda to be played by a monkey, wearing a mask and holding the Jedi Master's signature cane. The idea was then scrapped over fears that the monkey would hold up production by pulling off its mask too much.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Idea Scrapped. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Idea Scrapped so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor