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Originally Intended facts

While investigating facts about Originally Intended End Of The Pennine Way and Originally Intended Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The inventor of the USB had originally intended for it to be flippable, however that idea was scrapped due to the extra cost. Despite USB becoming the standard, he still regrets that decision. "In hindsight, we blew it," he said.

how were the psalms originally intended to be used?

The Emperor's New Groove was originally intended to be a musical epic similar to the Lion King titled Kingdom of the Sun, but after bad test screenings, the poor box office performance of Pocahontas, and creative differences between the directors, it was made into a light comedy

What country was the statue of liberty originally intended for?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering the eiffel tower was originally intended for what city. Here are 50 of the best facts about Originally Intended Use and Originally Intended Definition I managed to collect.

what was the statue of liberty originally intended to symbolize?

  1. The original actor for Dumbledore, Richard Harris, intended to turn down the role due to his declining health, but later agreed to play the character after his 11-year-old granddaughter threatened to never speak to him if he refused the role.

  2. The writers of 'Friends' didn't originally intend for Joey to be dim, but when LeBlanc auditioned for the role, he put a "different spin" on the character, convincing the writers that his being dumb would be a great source of comedy.

  3. The Illinois Tollroads were originally intended to collect tolls until the bonds to construct them were paid off. The Tollroads were constructed in 1953

  4. The original idea behind Marge Simpson's hair was to conceal large rabbit ears. The gag was intended to be revealed in the final episode of the series, but was scrapped early on due to inconsistencies.

  5. According to Norse mythology, Thor's hammer Mjölnir was originally intended to be wielded with both hands. Its characteristically short handle is due to a manufacturing defect caused by Loki who harrased the dwarven brothers Sindri and Brokkr while they were forging the weapon.

  6. ATM PINs were originally intended to have six digits, but have four because the inventor's wife said she could only remember that many.

  7. The name for Hannah Montana was originally intended to be Alexis Texas.

  8. Having bridesmaids in a wedding wasn't originally for moral support. They were "intended to confuse evil spirits or those who wished to harm the bride."

  9. Tea bags were originally just intended to be packaged samples of tea, but buyers found it easier to leave it in the bag to brew.

  10. The drawer under your stove is not originally intended for storing extra cookware, but for keeping cooked food warm during meal preparation.

originally intended facts
Kleenex tissues were originally intended as what in 1915?

Why was the origin of species banned?

You can easily fact check why is the origin of species important by examining the linked well-known sources.

The 2005 film "Brokeback Mountain" originally intended to star Mark Wahlberg and Joaquin Phoenix but both actors were uncomfortable with the film's sex scenes and declined the parts.

Marlboro cigarettes were originally designed for women. The iconic red stripe was intended to hide lipstick stains, thus making it appealing to women. When it failed to attract women, the company changed the filter color to a muted brown, slapped a cowboy on it and marketed it to men. - source

North Korean exists because Taiwan exists: China was prevented by the US 7th Fleet from invading Taiwan in June 1950, so Mao Zedong announced China would enter the Korean war with the invasion force originally intended for Taiwan, and by October this force saved North Korea from imminent defeat - source

Final Destination (released in 2000) was originally intended to be be an episode of the X-Files - source

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The United States anticipated so many casualties in the planned invasion of Japan during WW2, that it is still awarding Purple Hearts originally manufactured during the war and intended for troops of that invasion.

How was the equal protection clause originally intended to protect?

Adding milk before pouring tea was originally intended to cool it so poor-quality cups would not crack from the heat. Adding one's milk second showed you had the finest china and were a better class of person.

Mattel made and sold Wonder Woman’s “invisible jet” as a collectible. The package was an empty plastic shell with nothing inside, and was originally intended as an April Fool’s joke.

The sculptor of Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Gutzon Borglum, planned to make a secret room behind the hairline of Abraham Lincoln which was supposed to be a doorway to a chamber originally intended to hold some of America's most treasured documents but was left unfinished due to his death.

Studded and spiked dog collars were originally intended to protect dogs from wolves, coyotes, and other predators.

Oscar, the character from The Office, was not originally intended to be gay. This choice was inspired by an early episode in which he wore a pink shirt.

Interesting facts about originally intended

Carrots were originally purple. The orange ones we are familiar with today started as a hybrid intended to be sweeter.

Link, from The Legend Of Zelda, was originally intended to have a button nose similar to Mario, but the wife of game designer Yoshiaki Koizumi convinced him to change it to a sharper one because she thought Nintendo didn't have enough handsome characters.

When developing N64s Goldeneye, Rare developers used a modified Sega Saturn controller for early playtesting & originally intended for weapon-reloading to be by unplugging/reinserting the N64 controller rumble pack. Each cartridge also contains a ZX Spectrum Emulator with 10 Rare-developed games

Bubble Wrap was originally intended to be used as 3D wallpaper

In 1926 a Pasadena mailman planted some avocado seeds intending to graft with the desirable Fuerte variety. The graft repeatedly failed on one tree and he was going to cut it down, but was advised to “wait and see what happens”. It became the mother tree from which all Hass avocados originate.

Sister Act was originally intended as a vehicle for Bette Midler. When Whoopi Goldberg got the role, after Midler turned it down, the writer, Paul Rudnick, did not want to be associated with the film and was credited under a pseudonym.

The Higgs boson, commonly refered to as the "God Particle", was originally intended to be name the "goddamn particle", but Leon Lederman's publisher asked that it be changed. Higgs, an atheist, was unhappy with the nickname because he thought the term "might offend people who are religious"

Marge Simpson was originally intended to have rabbit ears hidden in her hair. You can see them on her sprite from The Simpsons arcade game.

Mattel made and sold Wonder Woman's "invisible jet" as a collectible. The package was an empty plastic shell with nothing inside, and was originally intended as an April Fool's joke. It now sells for several hundred dollars.

The Energizer bunny was intended to be a parody of Duracell, which advertised using a pink bunny mascot as early as the 70s (15 years before Energizer). However, Energizer got the trademark first, and last year sued Duracell for selling their original pink bunny packaging in some US stores.

X-Men writer Chris Claremont intended the character Destiny to be the lover of Mystique, a shape shifter, and had originally intended for Destiny and Mystique to be Nightcrawler's biological parents, with Mystique taking the form of a man for the conception

George Lucas originally intended to be a race-car driver, but in 1962, his car flipped, nearly killing him, and causing him to lose interest in racing.

The US government has over one billion cubic meters of helium stored in a strategic reserve in Texas. The reserve was started in the 1920s and was originally intended for airships, but was later used as a coolant for the space program.

Nintendo never intended to create Mario. The original arcade Donkey Kong was intended to be a Popeye game. When they lost the license, they came up with their own characters; Mario for Popeye, Donkey Kong for Bluto and Pauline for Olive Oyl.

The director of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre originally intended for the film to have a PG rating. Ultimately the film was given an R rating for what is implied to happen off-screen.

The Michael J. Fox movie "The Frighteners" was originally intended to be a "Tales From The Crypt" spin-off

The Dracula Musical in Forgetting Sarah Marshall was originally written by Jason Segel years before the movie when he was out of work. Bonus, he didn’t originally intend it to be a comedy

The Hulk was originally intended to be grey and became green due to a printing press malfunction

The role of Winston in the original Ghostbusters was originally intended for Eddie Murphy

The Appalachian Trail was originally designed in 1921 by Benton Mackaye as a way to transform what he saw as the rapid decay of American life, and was intended to be a transformative redevelopment project to help allay the dysfunctions of modern society.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Originally Intended. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Originally Intended so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor