Nypd Officers facts
While investigating facts about Nypd Officers Poisoned and Nypd Officers Doused With Water, I found out little known, but curios details like:
On September 11th, 2001, Officer John Perry of the NYPD went to headquarters to file retirement paperwork. When he heard the explosion at the world trade center he immediately responded and was later killed when one of the towers collapsed. He was the only off-duty officer killed on 9/11.
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In 1953, a paper boy acquired a hollowed-out nickel containing a ciphered message while collecting for his deliveries. He told the daughter of an NYPD officer and the news got to the FBI, eventually leading to the arrest and conviction of KGB agent Vilyam Fisher four years later.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do nypd officers carry. Here are 50 of the best facts about Nypd Officers Shot and Nypd Officers Water I managed to collect.
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In 2011, NYPD officer Patrick Luca was in a kayaking accident with his son Caden, 5. Caden had a life jacket, but Patrick didn’t. His last words were, “Keep blowing that whistle until someone finds you. Daddy is going to go under water now, and not come back up. Daddy is going to heaven.”
A person tries to jump off the George Washington Bridge every 3.5 days, and NYPD officers routinely talk people out of it.
when Andre the Giant would go drinking in Manhatten, the NYPD would have an officer follow him around town to make sure he didn't drunkenly fall on anyone again.
The actor who played Detective Angel Batista (David Zayas) in the show Dexter, was an actual police officer in the NYPD for 15 years.
While filming “The Princess Bride” in 1987, Cary Elwes (Westley) claims the NYPD had an undercover office follow around Andre the Giant when he went out drinking to make sure Andre didn’t pass out and fall on anyone.
James Smith, husband of Moira, an NYPD officer who died saving people in the towers on 9/11 and was awarded "Woman Of The Year" by Glamour, returned the award after seeing it be given to Caitlyn Jenner, stating "Is this the best you could do?"
Between 1990-2008 forty smart, popular, and attractive college-age males died in "accidental drownings"; but two retired NYPD officers believe it is the work of a serial killer or killers which they have dubbed the Smiley Face Murders.
NYPD sent an undercover officer to follow André the Giant around whenever he went out drinking in their city to make sure he didn't fall on anyone (again).
46 years ago today, a NYPD Officer was shot in the face during a drug raid and the officers officers with him refused to make the call to the dispatcher indicating an officer was shot
In 2012 the NYPD declared a couple to be "professional agitators" because they filmed videos of police conducting stop-and-frisks and uploaded them to YouTube. Cops posted their mugshots in a stationhouse and warned officers to be on guard against them.
Nypd Officers data charts
For your convenience take a look at Nypd Officers figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why were nypd officers drenched with water?
You can easily fact check why are so many nypd officers irish by examining the linked well-known sources.
The NYPD has two official beekeepers - officers who are also bee enthusiasts - who get called to relocate hives/swarms when they are in dangerous places
The NYPD Created It's Own Intelligence Agency After 9/11 and Currently has Officers embed in 13 Oversea Cities - source
George H.W. Bush carried the badge of a 22-year old NYPD officer who was murdered by drug dealers while protecting a key witness on his 1988 campaign for president. - source
It was illegal for the NYPD to protest Mayor De Blasio's speech at the fallen officers' funerals
In 2012 only 60 NYPD officers discharged their weapons.(0.17%) Of the 26,091 weapons arrest, 26,000 were completed without an officer firing their weapon. The race stats of the officers who discharged weapons almost directly matches the racial makeup of the NYPD. - source
When do nypd officers retire?
There's an organization of NYPD dedicated to appearing at the funerals of officers no matter where they are in the U.S.
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The NYPD had a decades-long culture of clearing traffic ticket violations for fellow officers, relatives, and highly-placed individuals...
The NYPD has officers stationed in 11 foreign cities such as London, Paris, Madrid, and Tel Aviv, where they work with local police and act as the NYPD's eyes and ears overseas gathering intelligence.
Abner Louima was assaulted, brutalized and forcibly sodomized with a broken-off broom handle by NYPD officers. One officer got 30 yrs w/out possibility of parole, a $525 fine + $277,495 restitution. Other NYPD officers had charges reversed/overturned after indictment, one got 5 years for perjury
By the turn of the 20th century, five out of six NYPD officers were Irish born or of Irish descent.
The NYPD use a clip from the movie "Road House", to train officers to be nice.