Nicolas Cage facts
While investigating facts about Nicolas Cage Movies and Nicolas Cage Net Worth, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Nicolas Cage once outbid Leonardo DiCaprio for a 70 million year old dinosaur skull paying $276,000 for it. After later finding out that the skull was stolen he agreed to return it to the Mongolian authorities.
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In the movie 'Lord of War' starring Nicolas Cage, the production team bought 3,000 real SA Vz. 58 rifles to stand in for AK-47s because they were cheaper than prop movie guns.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happened to nicolas cage. Here are 50 of the best facts about Nicolas Cage Son and Nicolas Cage Wife I managed to collect.
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Jim Carrey offered Nicolas Cage to co-star with him in 'Dumb and Dumber' (1994), however Cage wanted to do a much smaller movie instead called Leaving Las Vegas. 'Leaving Las Vegas' (1995) ended up earning Nicolas Cage an Academy Award for Best Actor in 1996.
Nicolas Cage was arrested in 2011 for public intoxication, and was bailed out by a fan who was a bail bondsman. That bail bondsman was non other than Dog The Bounty Hunter.
Nicolas Cage purchased a rare dinosaur skull for $276,000 in an auction after winning a bidding contest against Leonardo DiCaprio. After being contacted by authorities, he discovered that the skull was stolen and he returned it to the Mongolian Government.
Nicolas Cage proposed to Patricia Arquette on the day he met her. Arquette thought it was strange but played along by creating a list of things to fulfill to win her. As he worked through the list, she got scared and avoided him. Strangely, they met again years later and eventually married.
In 2011 Nicolas Cage woke up in his Orange County house in the middle of the night to find a naked man, wearing Cage’s leather jacket, and eating a Fudgesicle in front of his bed. The man was arrested by police, but Cage didn’t press charges.
On a flight, Nicolas Cage used the PA system and said that he was the pilot and was not feeling well. At the airport, police prepared to arrest Cage and his travelling partner Charlie Sheen. After Cage politely talked his way out of it, he later discovered that Sheen was carrying cocaine on him.
Nicolas Cage had magic mushrooms with his cat, Lewis. Seeing Lewis eating the shrooms, Cage responded, "What the heck, I better do it with him." Cage recalls laying in bed for hours and staring at Lewis, as Lewis stared back. Cage concluded sagely, "and I had no doubt that he was my brother."
Nicholas cage did shrooms with his cat Lewis. I remember lying in my bed for hours," he went on, "and Lewis was on the desk across from the bed for hours, staring at each other . . . not moving. But he would stare at me," Nicolas concluded sagely, "and I had no doubt that he was my brother.
Nicolas Cage once awoke to a naked man wearing a leather jacket eating a Fudgesicle in front of his bed, in his Orange County house. Cage couldn't live in that house again and moved to the Bahamas.
Nicolas Cage data charts
For your convenience take a look at Nicolas Cage figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Nicolas Cage has already bought his grave. It's a 9-foot pyramid in New Orleans.
Nicolas Cage lost over $100 Million of his net worth after purchasing 15 homes, including two castles, a private island, four yachts, and a 67 million year old dinosaur skull. - source
Russell Crowe, Daniel Day-Lewis, Vin Diesel and Nicolas Cage all turned down the part of Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. - source
Nicolas Cage preferred doing a scene where he picked up a poisonous copperhead rather than one that had no poison because it would relax him and he wouldn't have to act.
Nicolas Cage will be buried in a pyramid. - source
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To avoid the appearance of nepotism as the nephew of Francis Ford Coppola, Nicolas Kim Coppola changed his name early in his career to Nicolas Cage, inspired in part by the Marvel Comics superhero Luke Cage.
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Nicolas Cage once ate mushrooms with his cat. Nic Cage told David Letterman in an interview that his cat once ate some mushrooms that he accidentally left out. Cage decided the only sociable thing to do was to partake as well and join his cat on its "trip."
Nicolas Cage bought a "haunted house" in Louisiana where dozens of slaves were tortured and killed. He then lost it to foreclosure in 2009.
Nicolas Cage is credited with helping to find a missing girl. The father of the missing girl approached Cage in a desperate plea to find his daughter. Cage posed with a poster of the girl, causing the image to go viral. The father feels that Cage's photo raised awareness of his missing daughter.
Will Smith, Nicolas Cage, Brad Pitt, Van Kilmer declined the role of being "Neo" from The Matrix trilogy. When they declined, the studio pushed for Reeves, who won the role over Johnny Depp, the Wachowskis' first choice.
A list was compiled of actors with the most on-screen kills, which included (understandably) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, and Clint Eastwood, but also at #7, beating out Jet Li, is Nicolas Cage with 204 on-screen kills.