Nicholas Cage facts
While investigating facts about Nicolas Cage and Nicolas Cage Movies, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Nicholas Cage has a Goth Son who sang in a Black Metal band and invented a genre called "Ghost Metal" in which he incorporates ancient instruments, like the Bouzouki, to invoke a "ghostly feeling".
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Nicholas Cage was forced to return a T-Rex Skull that was deemed stolen after paying $276k for it.
What's nicolas cage doing now?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's nicolas cage worth. Here are 50 of the best facts about Nicolas Cage Net Worth and Nicolas Cage Son I managed to collect.
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Nicholas cage did shrooms with his cat Lewis. I remember lying in my bed for hours," he went on, "and Lewis was on the desk across from the bed for hours, staring at each other . . . not moving. But he would stare at me," Nicolas concluded sagely, "and I had no doubt that he was my brother.
Nicholas Cage was on the cover of a Serbian biology textbook from 1991 to 2003
While on the set on Bringing Out the Dead (1999), Nicholas Cage had a stalker who also happened to be a mime. When talking about the experience Cage said, ""I was being stalked by a mime—silent, but maybe deadly."
Elvis Presley's daughter has been married to both Michael Jackson and Nicholas Cage
In 2011, Nicholas Cage sold a copy of the first appearance of Superman for 2 million dollars, rescuing him from bankruptcy
In 2011, a copy of Action Comics No 1 (the first comic featuring Superman) was found in an abandoned storage unit, estimated to be worth over $1 million. The comic actually belonged to Nicholas Cage, who had it stolen from his house 11 years earlier, and was returned to him immediately
the basis for incorrect and false descriptions of the Iraqi chemical weapons program was a 1998 action movie called The Rock starring Sean Connery, Nicholas Cage and Ed Harris.
Nicholas Cage owns a large, pyramid-shaped tomb already erected in a New Orleans cemetary
Nicholas Cage turned down the role of Aragorn in Lord of the Rings and Neo in the Matrix trilogy amongst many iconic roles.
Nicholas Cage, to avoid the appearance of nepotism as the nephew of Francis Ford Coppola, he changed his name early in his career to Nicolas Cage, inspired in part by the Marvel Comics superhero Luke Cage.
Nicholas Cage data charts
For your convenience take a look at Nicholas Cage figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why is nicolas cage famous by examining the linked well-known sources.
Nicholas Cage was offered the role of Aragorn in Lord of the Rings
Nicholas Cage was held in custody and was bailed out by TV's bounty hunter Duane "The Dog" Chapman. - source
Will Smith turned down the role of Neo in The Matrix because he was unsure about the ambitious special effects. Nicholas Cage, Val Kilmer, and Brad Pitt also turned down the role. The Wachowski's wanted Johnny Depp but the studio pushed for Keanu Reeves. - source
After Nicholas Cage was arrested for battery and intoxication in 2011, his $11,000 bond was posted by Dog the Bounty Hunter.
Nicholas Cage invented his own acting style, known as "Nouveau Shamanic". He plans on one day writing a book about the method. - source
Nicolas cage born?
Nicholas Cage changed his name from “Nicholas Coppola” after working on his first movie, Fast Times At Ridgemont High, because his coworkers resented him for being related to renowned director Francis Ford Coppola.
Nicolas cage worth?
Nicholas Cage's net worth was once about $150M. He squandered it away on a string of expensive and often eccentric purchases such as a 9-foot-tall burial tomb, shrunken pygmy heads and a dinosaur skull, eventually owing the IRS $6.3 million. As of 2017, his net worth stands at around $25M.
Both Nicholas Cage and Michael Jackson shared the same wife, Elvis Presley's daughter.
In the 90's there was a Tim Burton Superman movie in development with Nicholas Cage signed on as the man of steel. Link includes pictures of Cage's wardrobe test.
The meaning behind the song "Iris" by Goo Goo Dolls derived from Nicholas Cage's film "City of Angels". It was written from Cage's characters perspective.
Nicholas Cage was offered the role in Lord of the Rings of Aragorn. Nicholas Cage turned it down due to family commitments and the role went to Viggi Mortenson