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Nfl Cheerleaders facts

While investigating facts about Nfl Cheerleaders Salary and Nfl Cheerleaders Pay, I found out little known, but curios details like:

NFL Cheerleaders make less than $1,250 a season and less than 5 dollars an hour

how nfl cheerleaders get paid?

Phyllis Smith from The Office was a NFL cheerleader and burlesque dancer.

What nfl cheerleaders get paid?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what nfl cheerleaders make the most money. Here are 17 of the best facts about Nfl Cheerleaders 2019 and Nfl Cheerleaders Swimsuit I managed to collect.

what nfl cheerleaders get paid the most?

  1. Phyllis (from The Office US) was once an NFL cheerleader and a burlesque dancer.

  2. There's a group called "Science Cheerleaders", made up of NBA and NFL cheerleaders who also work or study in STEM fields, that encourage girls to get into science studies

  3. Phyllis Smith, commonly known for her role as Phyllis Vance in the Office, was once a burlesque dancer and a cheerleader for the old St. Louis Cardinals NFL team.

  4. New Orleans Saints cheerleaders are forbidden from eating in the same restaurant as any NFL player and if they are already dining at a restaurant and an NFL player comes in after, the cheerleaders are required to leave.

  5. NFL & NBA Cheerleaders Make Less Than $1000 A Year

  6. Barry Breman, also known as "The Great Imposter." Breman was a salesman who posed as a Major League Baseball umpire at the World Series, a player in a MLB All-Star Game, a player in a NBA All-Star Game, a referee in the NFL, a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader, an Emmy Award accepter, and much more

  7. NFL cheerleaders would earn more money serving beer at concessions stands

  8. NFL cheerleaders on average earn $60-70 per game

  9. Phyllis from "The Office" was an NFL Cheerleader for the then St. Louis Cardinals (Now the Arizona Cardinals)

  10. Phyllis Smith (of “The Office” fame), was once an NFL Cheerleader and burlesque dancer.

nfl cheerleaders facts
What nfl teams don't have cheerleaders?

Why are nfl cheerleaders paid so little?

You can easily fact check why can't nfl cheerleaders talk to players by examining the linked well-known sources.

7 NFL teams do not have cheerleaders, including the Steelers, Packers, and Giants.

NFL cheerleaders are required to block NFL players from following them on social media - source

The first NFL team to have cheerleaders was the Indianapolis Colts; they originally marched with the band in 1960s. - source

Phyllis from The Office was an NFL cheerleader.

The NFL's New Orleans Saints have a 41 year old cheerleader. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Nfl Cheerleaders. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Nfl Cheerleaders so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor