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Hourly Wage facts

While investigating facts about Hourly Wage Calculator and Hourly Wage To Salary, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Henry Ford introduced a $5 min wage. The move made national news as it constituted double the industry norm—and double the pay of most of Ford’s own employees. He also reduced the working day from 9 hours to 8 —becoming one of the first companies in America to adopt the 40-hour work week.

how hourly wages?

Entrepreneur George F. Johnson pioneered 40 hour workweeks, paid industry-leading wages, sold homes to employees at a loss, built parks, pools, medical facilities, etc. and still turned a profit with his 10,000 employee company.

What hourly wage should i ask for?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what hourly wage is 40000 a year. Here are 31 of the best facts about Hourly Wage Calculator Uk and Hourly Wage To Salary Calculator I managed to collect.

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  1. It was Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company, that established the 5-day, 40-hour work week. He switched his workers from the standard 6-day, 48-hour workweek, but still paid them the same wages.

  2. During his six years as an Associate Justice, Hughes judged as a progressive, ruling in favor of state laws pertaining to eight hour work days, minimum wage, and Congress" ability to regulate business.

  3. Para athlete Jeff Skiba and Ronda Rousey worked for Home Depot as part of Home Depot's Olympic Job Opportunity Program which pays athletes a full time wage who are working part time hours and training at the same time for their sport.

  4. In Japan, thousands of unemployed and low-wage workers have taken to living in 24 hour internet cafes

  5. Getting an extra one hour of sleep per week increases wages by 5% on average

  6. California utilizes over 3,000 prison inmate firefighters, paid $1 per hour, saving the state up to $100 million per year in wages.

  7. Egyptian president suffered a heart attack the following day after the Ten Hour War Israel had waged against Egypt

  8. In 2014 only 4% of hourly workers made minimum wage down from 13% in 1979, and of those, about 1/2 are under the age of 25

  9. There is no male-female wage gap, unemployment is higher among men than women, and men work an average of 8.75 hours per day on the job versus 8.01 hours per day women work on the job. Differences in male/female pay can be explained by reasons other than discrimination.

  10. In North Carolina the Wage and Hour Act does not require mandatory rest breaks or meal breaks for employees 16 years of age or older. The only required rest breaks or meal breaks are for youths under 16 years of age.

hourly wage facts
What hourly wage is good?

Hourly Wage data charts

For your convenience take a look at Hourly Wage figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

hourly wage fact data chart about Work hours needed per week at the federal minimum wage to pu
Work hours needed per week at the federal minimum wage to purchase the consumer price index's "representative basket of goods and services" | 1938-2015

hourly wage fact data chart about % of U.S. hourly workers at or below minimum wage since 2001
% of U.S. hourly workers at or below minimum wage since 2001

What is true about hourly wage?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The average hourly wage in the US is $24.57.

There is no minimum wage in Denmark, but McDonalds employees still earn $20 an hour. And the price of the BigMac is still cheaper than in the US. - source

Lyft Express drivers in San Francisco make around $11.26 an hour, less than $13 minimum wage working for Burger King - source

The gender wage-gap is a myth, with men having better paying jobs & working longer hours than women on average.

If each Fantasy Football player in the US and Canada spends just one hour a week updating their roster, conducting trades, etc at work, an estimated $16B will be lost by employers in productivity and wages - source

How to calculate hourly rate when salary?

The minimum Federal hourly wage in the US was $1.40 an hour in 1967, which in 2017 dollars is about $10.37 an hour.

How to calculate hourly wage?

In 1979, a student working a minimum-wage job could pay for a year's tuition at MSU by working 182 hours. In the year 2013, a year's tuition at the same University would take 991 hours of minimum-wage work. (Roughly 5.5x as much.)

In USA an employer of a tipped employee is only required to pay $2.13 an hour in direct wages

Pegatron, The Chinese factory that assembles Apple iPhones. It has been criticized for child labor, forced overtime and work weeks of 66 hours over six 11-hour days. Pay - $1.50 p/h before overtime. It’s half the average monthly income of $764 and far below the basic living wage in Shanghai.

Goodwill considers themselves a charity because they hire disabled people even though they get government grant money for it and pay them less than minimum wage by using an old law. Some workers have been paid as little as 22 cents an hour.

Costco pays it's employees $20 an hour, while the minimum wage is $7.25 (Jul 2015)!

Hourly wage infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Hourly Wage numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

hourly wage fact infographic about Minimum wage from 1965-1981 adjusted for inflation, because

Minimum wage from 1965-1981 adjusted for inflation, because I'm tired of adults telling us they made "2 dollars an hour" when they were kids

hourly wage fact infographic about Federal minimum wage (blue) vs. What the federal minimum wag

Federal minimum wage (blue) vs. What the federal minimum wage has to be for 40 hours a week to meet the federal poverty line (red) for the USA since 1960

Interesting facts about hourly wage

The US federal minimum wage for employees who earn tips is only $2.13 an hour.

Germany's minimum wage starting in 2015 is 8.5 euro (or $11.50) per hour, but the wage does not cover minors, interns, trainees or long-term unemployed people for their first six months at work.

If the minimum wage had kept pace with productivity and the rise in executive salaries, America's poorest paid workers would be making over $20 an hour.

After adjusting for inflation, today’s average hourly wage has about the same purchasing power as it did in 1978.

Service Employees International Union (SEIU) has already spent some $30 million in support of Fight for 15, the organizing campaign to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour

How to figure out hourly wage?

In the United States average hourly wages haven't grown since 1964

In 1914 Ford raised his workers' minimum wage to, the equivalent of, $15 an hour in 2015 dollars. In 1914 money, he raised wages to $5 a day.

The wage gap is 94 cents to the dollar when adjusted for the amount of hours worked per week and the flexibility of the selected career path. The gap is almost within the margin of error.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Hourly Wage. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Hourly Wage so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor