Native Speakers facts
While investigating facts about Native Speakers Of English and Native Speakers Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Hebrew was a dead language for about 1400 years, surviving only in written form. In the 1880s, Jewish linguists attempted to revive it, standardizing and developing Hebrew as a spoken language. Today, it has over 5 million native speakers.
how native speakers learn english?
A major reason why native English speakers have issues understanding German humour, is that the German language is way too precise to allow for the humorous confusions found in English. Also, German humour is usually delivered with a deadpan, which makes foreigners think they're being serious.
What language has the most native speakers?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the easiest language to learn for native english speakers. Here are 50 of the best facts about Native Speakers By Language and Native Speakers Of Esperanto I managed to collect.
what english sounds like to non native speakers?
The language spoken in Wakanda is Xhosa, an official language of South Africa and Zimbabwe and that John Kani who played King T'Chaka is a native speaker
There are more people who have learned English as a second language than there are native speakers.
Louisiana has its own version of French called "Creole French" which only 70'000 people can speak. It varies so much from standard French that native French speakers cannot understand it.
Phrases like, "Long time no see," and "Chop chop" are gramatically incorrect and originate from Chinese immigrants. These phrases may have been coined by native speakers immitating these immigrants.
The United States has the 4th largest native Spanish-speaking population in the world, and has more native speakers than Spain
A shibboleth is a word that can only be said correctly by native speakers. During WW2, American troops used the word "lollapalooza" to check unidentified people. Japanese spies would often go to areas posing as allied men, if the first two syllables come back as rorra, they would kill them.
An extinct language no longer has any speakers. A dead language is no longer the native language of any community, even if it is still in use.
There are more people who have learned English as a second language than there are native English speakers, and that English is the most commonly learned second language.
Native German and Russian speaker's tongues naturally rest on the bottom of their mouths while English speakers tongues rest on the top.
Native Speakers data charts
For your convenience take a look at Native Speakers figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why i can't understand native speakers?
You can easily fact check why native english speakers are hard to understand by examining the linked well-known sources.
While Mandarin Has Twice as Many Native Speakers as English, English Has Twice as Many Total Speakers.
Ainu, a critically endangered language in Japan with only ten native speakers. - source
Newborns recognize their native language. In an experiment on 4 day olds, researchers presented French babies with recordings of a bilingual speaker telling the same story once in French, and once in Russian. The babies,who had “overheard” French in the womb, showed a preference for French - source
Native English speakers are never taught the correct way to order adjectives: they just know it
"A sentence must not end in a preposition." is one of many misconceptions about the English language that even native speakers can't get rid of. - source
When did the last native latin speakers died?
In 1950 over 1 million French citizens were native speakers of a Celtic language called Breton, today there are less than 250,000. The language is isolated to the Brittany peninsula in Northwest France.
How native speakers speak?
The Mexican language of Ayapa Zoque has only two native speakers left, and they refuse to talk to each other.
Giancarlo Esposito, who portrayed the villain Gustavo Fring in Breaking Bad, has such a poor Spanish accent that some native speakers have described it as 'Nails on chalkboard'.
US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is not a native English speaker and spoke exclusively the Gullah language until his teens
The last native speaker of Scottish Norse died in 1850, and fragments survived until at least the 1890s
The first native English speaker to teach English in Japan was named Ranald MacDonald
Native speakers infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Native Speakers numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.