Speak English facts
While investigating facts about Speak English Video and Speak English Picture, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Enligsh is the universal "language of the skies". All pilots must learn and speak English, regardless of their origin.
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On the Lewis and Clark expedition in order to speak to a indian tribe they spoke English to a man who knew French that spoke to a man who knew French and Hidatsa so he told his wife Sacagawea who knew Hidatsa and Shoshone then she would tell the tribes slave who knew Shoshone and Salishan.
Countries what speak english?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what european countries speak english. Here are 50 of the best facts about Speak English Conversation and Speak English Fluently I managed to collect.
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Natalie Portman speaks Hebrew(native), English, French, German, Spanish and Japanese. As a student, she co-authored two research papers that were published in scientific journals.
All astronauts have to learn how to speak Russian, and all cosmonauts have to learn how to speak English
Catherine Yasinchuk, a Ukrainian woman who was wrongly institutionalized for 48 years in a Philadelphia asylum because she did not speak English and no one understood her. She’d come to the USA alone at the age of 15, and suffered a nervous breakdown after losing her husband and baby.
In non-English speaking countries, Dora the Explorer teaches you... English!
After Nigel the English-speaking African grey parrot vanished from his owner's California home for four years, making a return fairly unlikely, amazingly he not only returned but could now speak Spanish.
The Wizard of Oz' saved the lives of the "munchkins." In 1938, the Nazis plan was "exterminating undesirables," including those born with a physical impairment. Landing their roles allowed them to escape Nazi Germany and come to US. They couldn't speak english; their voices are someone else's.
In 1942 a Finnish sound engineer secretly recorded 11 minutes of a candid conversation between Adolf Hitler and Finnish Defence Chief Gustaf Mannerheim before being caught by the SS. It is the only known recording of Hitler's normal speaking voice. (11 min, english translation)
A greater percentage of Dutch people speak English than Canadians. 90% of Dutch people speak English. Only 85% of Canadians do.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is capable of speaking English without his accent, but chooses to speak with an accent as it's tied to his public image and for his fans
Tech companies often test new products in New Zealand because they're an ethnically diverse, tech-savvy, and English-speaking nation, yet still relatively isolated. If a product is a flop there, news is unlikely to spread quickly to the rest of the world and damage a company's reputation.
Speak English data charts
For your convenience take a look at Speak English figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check philippines why speak english by examining the linked well-known sources.
A captive beluga whale learned how to speak rudimentary English after 7 years in captivity; it was only known after a diver visiting his tank at night heard voices telling him to "get out" when no one else was in sight, it was actually the beluga whale.
USA is the only English speaking country that pronounces Z as zee instead of zed - source
Zoo keepers in England had to learn French in order to speak to baboons coming from a french zoo, because the animals didn't respond to english commands. - source
During the Battle of the Bulge, German troops who could speak English were air-dropped behind Allied lines while wearing American uniforms to cause confusion for the Allies
That, in order to communicate with the Shoshone tribe, Lewis and Clark would speak English to Corps member Francois Labiche, who would speak French to the interpreter Toussaint Charbonneau, who would speak Hidatsa to his Shoshone wife Sacagawea, who would speak Shoshone to Chief Cameahwait. - source
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We say "pardon my French" after swearing because in the 19th century, English-speaking people would drop French phrases into conversation to display class, apologizing because many of their listeners wouldn't know the language. Then people hid swear words under the pretense of them being French.
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James Earl Jones was a functional mute for 8 years due to a stutter he had developed as a child. He credits his English teacher, Donald Crouch, with helping him end his silence. Crouch believed forced public speaking would help Jones gain confidence and insisted he recite a poem every day.
During the negotiations for the Treaty of Paris to end the American Revolutionary War, the French delegate told the English diplomat that the USA "would form the greatest empire in the world." The English diplomat shot back, "Yes sir, and they will all speak English; every one of 'em."
Tesla could speak eight languages : Serbo-Croatian, Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, and even Latin.
The color orange was called "red-yellow" until the English-speaking world was introduced to the fruit that was named "orange."
The language you grow up speaking determines how quickly you will learn to count. Chinese speaking children learn to count to 100 an entire year earlier than their English speaking counterparts.