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National Treasure facts

While investigating facts about National Treasure 3 and National Treasure 2, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Washington Post's movie critic said Groundhog Day would "never be designated a national film treasure by the Library of Congress." In 2006, the film was designated a national film treasure by the Library of Congress.

how many national treasure movies are there?

Roger Ebert said the 2004 film National Treasure was "so silly that the Monty Python version could use the same screenplay, line for line."

What was on page 47 in national treasure 2?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was on page 47 in national treasure. Here are 50 of the best facts about National Treasure Cast and National Treasure Movies I managed to collect.

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  1. moon rocks are a “National Treasure” and cannot be sold in the United States of America.

  2. In a review of the film "Groundhog Day", The Washington Post noted it was a good Bill Murray vehicle, but wrote "It will never be designated a national film treasure by the Library of Congress". The film was selected for preservation in the Library of Congress in 2006.

  3. About Himeji Castle located in Himeji, Japan. The castle is the largest and best-preserved samurai fortification in the country and is both an official National Treasure of Japan and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

  4. The sculptor of Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Gutzon Borglum, planned to make a secret room behind the hairline of Abraham Lincoln which was supposed to be a doorway to a chamber originally intended to hold some of America's most treasured documents but was left unfinished due to his death.

  5. In the UK it is illegal to find and keep buried treasure to yourself. You are required by law to report the find to a coroner and then offer it for sale to a national museum. Failure to do so can lead to imprisonment.

  6. When Groundhog Day was released, the Washington Post wrote that it "...will never be designated a national film treasure by the Library of Congress". In 2006, the film was selected by the National Film Preservation Board for preservation in the Library of Congress.

  7. The first baby born in independent South Sudan was a boy named Independence Moses. He was delivered in a hospital,immunized and cherished as a national treasure but got sick and died seven months later

  8. By the late 1800s protection for Mesa Verde was necessary as tourists and treasure hunters were gathering and selling artifacts from the area.

  9. Marcel Marceau, the famous mime and actor, was considered a national treasure in Japan and was friends with Michael Jackson for nearly 20 years (and Jackson used a lot of his techniques in his dancing).

  10. The town of Nikko and Nikko National Park have a total of 103 historical buildings, 94 culturally important buildings, and 9 national treasures.

national treasure facts
What is a national treasure?

Why wasn't there a national treasure 3?

You can easily fact check why didn't they make a national treasure 3 by examining the linked well-known sources.

It is believed that at one time pirates may have sought refuge at Chankanaab's lagoon. They may have used it as a place to bury treasure.

Many people believe that there is a secret message written on the back of the Declaration of Independence. The words are in reality only "Original Declaration of Independence / dated 4th July 1776". The movie National Treasure continued this myth when it's main character claimed there was a secret map on the reverse side.

Bandō Mitsugorō VIII was one of Japan's most revered Kabuki actors and was declared a "living national treasure" by the Japanese government in 1973. He died in 1975, when he ate four portions of poisonous puffer fish liver, claiming he could survive the fish’s poison. He lasted seven hours. - source

Nicolas Cage went to a psychic in New Orleans to find guidance on how to rejuvenate his career. She told him to buy land there. He followed her advice and built a large pyramid shaped tomb with the quote “Omnia AB Uno” meaning “Everything From One” from his movie franchise National Treasure.

Bandō Mitsugorō VIII was one of Japan's most revered Kabuki actors and was declared a "living national treasure" by the Japanese government in 1973. He died in 1975 when he ate four portions of poisonous puffer fish liver, claiming he could survive the fish’s poison. He lasted seven hours. - source

When national treasure 3 coming out?

There are approximately 1,000 surviving giant panda's, most of them living in the Sichuan Province. This animal is China's national treasure.

How many national treasure movies?

For more than a year, Chinese museums have been displaying ancient cultural treasures from the National Museum of Afghanistan with the aim of protecting them before they are shipped to another country for exhibition

Pelé was declared a national treasure by the Brazilian President after the 1962 World cup, to prevent him from transferring to foreign clubs

About Korean National Treasure #904, a Corinthian helmet that was gifted to Sohn Kee-Chung, a gold medalist who competed for the Japan at the 1936 Olympics; He wasn't given it until 50 years later, upon which Sohn donated it to Korea. It is the only Western piece on the list of Korean treasures.

Pelé was declared a national treasure by the Brazilian president in 1961 to avoid him from moving to clubs in Europe

The United Nations estimates that there are over three million shipwrecks on the ocean floors. Lost, destroyed, or deliberately sunk, these wrecks are of interest to divers, underwater archaeologists, and treasure hunters alike.

When does national treasure 3 come out?

The Smithsonian displays a Mr. Roger's sweater as a 'National Treasure'

The National Treasure films grossed a combined total of $800,000,000.

American national treasure John Wayne managed to smoke an astonishing 7 packs of cigarettes a day. He proceeded to require the removal of his left lung, due to a baseball sized tumor.

About the tombs of Petra’s sister city Mada’in Saleh. A national treasure of Saudi Arabia, these fantastic carved megaliths contribute to the stark beauty of the desert landscape.

Astronaut urine is considered to be a National Treasure

How many national treasures are there?

During the Spanish Inquisition the Ottoman Sultan sent his Navy to bring refuge seeking Jews to the Ottoman empire and he supportedly said, "those who say that Ferdinand and Isabella are wise are indeed fools; for he gives me, his enemy, his national treasure, the Jews."

National Treasure actually made more money overseas than in the U.S.

There is a popular Japanese cartoon character for children called Marimokkori, a personification of Marimo moss balls, a national treasure. He also appears to have a perpetual erection

About a possible buried treasure (worth over $43 million) reminiscent of National Treasure. There are three ciphers, one of which was deciphered using the US Constitution. The other two ciphers, which contain the supposed location of the treasure and the heirs who it belong to.

New Zealand national treasure, Sir Edmund Hillary, lead the first team to make the South Pole overland by Motor Vehicle and the first to reach the South Pole overland since Robert Falcon Scott in 1912

Turkish Angora is one of the national treasures of Turkey. Breeding program established in 1917 in Ankara Zoo is working on the preservation of this breed.

Japan designates some people as "National Living Treasures", for their mastery over certain art forms or crafts.

Mount Rushmore is also featured in the movies National Treasure: Book of Secrets, Team America: World Police, Mars Attacks! And many more.

Because of his "service to our country" in National Treasure, at least 3,526 people signed a petition to give Nicolas Cage the Declaration of Independence. However, the movement did not receive the 100,000 signatures required for a White House response.

The Hills Hoist (washing line) is an Australian National Treasure, and have been known to be the only thing left standing after cyclones.

While filming National Treasure, Sean Bean and Nicolas Cage went back to Cage's house to play pool, where Cage accidentally knocked over and smashed a prehistoric cave bear skull. The next day an upset Cage buried it in a field, whilst Bean proposed glueing the peices back together.

In 1993, a Washington Post review said Groundhog Day "will never be designated a national film treasure by the Library of Congress." In 2006, the National Film Preservation Board selected that movie for preservation in the Library of Congress.

The time on Independence Hall’s bell tower clock on the $100 bill reads 4:10, despite the 2:22 plot device used in the film "National Treasure". The time on the newer bill was changed to 10:30, which seems to be a time of no historical significance

The Nicholas Cage National Treasure Movies were at least partially based on historical artifacts and events

National Treasure 2 predicted the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. (Go to 3:10 in the video.)

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about National Treasure. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is National Treasure so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor