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Musical Notes facts

While investigating facts about Musical Notes Images and Musical Notes Symbols, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Two trapped miners once asked for an ipod with The Foo Fighters music on it to keep their spirits up. After hearing this, Dave Grohl wrote a note saying "I want you to know that when you come home, there's two tickets to any Foos show, anywhere, and two cold beers waiting for you".

how musical notes were invented?

Isaac Newton set out the colors of the rainbow we memorize today. However, he originally didn't include orange or indigo. He only added them later because of his occult belief that there must be 7 separate colors, just like there are 7 notes in a musical scale and 7 days of the week.

What musical notes go well together?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the 7 musical notes. Here are 50 of the best facts about Musical Notes Names and Musical Notes Clip Art I managed to collect.

what musical notes mean?

  1. While Beethoven was going deaf, he composed more music with low notes. This was because he had to put his head close to his piano to feel the vibrations. After going completely deaf, his compositions contained more high notes - because he simply began composing directly from his head.

  2. In music, an 8th note is called a 'Quaver', a 16th note is called a 'Semiquaver', a 32nd note is called a 'Demisemiquaver', a 64th note is called a 'Hemidemisemiquaver', a 128th note is called a 'Semihemidemisemiquaver' and a 256th note is called a 'Demisemihemidemisemiquaver'.

  3. The actor/comedian Chevy Chase has “Absolute Pitch”, which is defined as being able to identify or re-create any given musical note without the benefit of a reference tone.

  4. Sergei Prokofiev died the same day as Stalin in 1953. Millions attended Stalin's funeral, but only 40 for Prokofiev's. A musical periodical noted his death on p. 116, with pages 1 to 115 devoted to Stalin. Flowers were so scarce in Moscow that Prokofiev's family used cuttings from house plants.

  5. The Law & Order sound is trademarked, and described as "two musical notes, a strike and a rapid rearticulation of a perfect fifth pitch interval, which in the key of C sounds the notes C and G, struck concurrently"

  6. Isaac Newton believed colors of the rainbow were analogous to notes on the 7note musical scale. In his diagrams of colors and equivalent notes, he added orange & indigo as half steps on the scale. Its unclear if those colors had been observed or if Newton added them to better fit his analogy.

  7. There is a music note played for 1⁄256 of a whole note and it is named a demisemihemidemisemiquaver

  8. Keynote addresses are named as such because it sets the tone for the rest of a conference, just as the key note on a piano is played before an a cappella group (or other musical group) begins a performance.

  9. The slowest musical piece in history, As SLow aS Possible (ASLSP) by John Cage, is currently being played for the next 639 years. It started 2001 and the last note change was in 2013.

  10. Kenny G holds the Guinness Book of World Records award for the longest-held musical note, at 45 minutes and 47 seconds. He used a technique known as circular breathing.

musical notes facts
What are the 12 musical notes?

Musical Notes data charts

For your convenience take a look at Musical Notes figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

musical notes fact data chart about Spectrogram of a piano composition, you can see the differen
Spectrogram of a piano composition, you can see the different musical notes

musical notes fact data chart about Which notes most often form chords in piano music by Rachman
Which notes most often form chords in piano music by Rachmaninov? (Alike intervals form diagonal lines)

Why are some musical notes upside down?

You can easily fact check why are musical notes named the way they are by examining the linked well-known sources.

There is a genre of music called Black MIDI named so due to it's appearance as a thick, dense, black nest of potentially millions of notes when transcribed to sheet music.

Shorter xylophone bars produce high notes and longer xylophone bars produce lower notes.

There is a musical piece named "As Slow as Possible" which has an interpretation playing on organ from 2001 and is scheduled to end 2640. The next note change isn't until September 2020. - source

Many confuse MIDI with digital but they are not the same. Digital audio is a method of recording that represents the note's sound while MIDI represents the note itself.

The note produced by a tam-tam when it is struck can resonate for as long as several minutes.

When were musical notes invented?

The musicians hand position affects note pitch and this means the musician must be aware of more than lip tension and breathing techniques to play properly.

How musical notes are written?

Black MIDI is a genre in which composers cram as many notes together as possible in a MIDI file to achieve unique sounds. When you write it out in sheet music, the bars get "blacked" out by the notes, hence the term "Black MIDI".

Spinet Hammond organ models have 44 note manuals arranged similar to the keyboard of a piano, as well as one octave of pedals. These models have an internal amplifier and speaker system.

There is a genre of music called Black Midi: songs of average length that can feature over 280 million notes

There is a musical genre called Black MIDI. It is made up of MIDI files used to create compositions that feature staggering numbers of notes. When you look at the music in the form of standard notation, it looks like almost solid black.

Vangelis, the composer who composed the theme for Chariots of Fire, The Blade Runner, and much more, have no knowledge on how to read musical notes.

Interesting facts about musical notes

The Shepard tone, an musical technique that gives off the illusion of a tune that continually ascends or descends in pitch but always returns to the starting note. It was used to create the sound of the Batpod in The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises

The "musical saw," a handsaw played with a bow. The players of their haunting notes are called "sawists."

Recorders that are capable of higher notes than the soprano recorder are the sopranino recorder and the Garklein recorder.

The notes of the Hang are domes. The tuning process is difficult and hard to teach because of how involved it is.

In some cases the musician must strike the instrument to begin the vibration prior to actually striking it to make a note.

How to read musical notes?

Honda created a "musical road" to play the William Tell Overture when driven over, but they forgot to take into account the width of the grooves when changing the spacing between them, so all the notes are wrong. Three years later the road was redone with the same mistake.

When conga drums are being used as purely a percussion instrument they do not require tuning to a specific note. When played as part of the harmony in music they must be properly tuned to specific notes.

Playing the celesta is similar to playing the piano with keys and a pedal. The pedal is used when playing to prolong the notes" sound.

Longer bars on the glockenspiel will create a lower note and shorter bars result in higher notes.

The Hang is produced with two half-shelled shape nitride steel pieces with seven notes tuned around a center tone.

While Al-Farabi also made important contributions in many fields, including music, psychology, and philosophy—founding his own school of Islamic philosophy—he is also a noted physicist.

A tuba is used to produce the brass section of an orchestra's bass notes. They are usually found in jazz music and in brass bands as well.

The technical term for a sixty-fourth note in music is a hemidemisemiquaver

When a key is pressed on the organ, the note sounds until the key is released, unlike when playing a key on a piano.

Unrehearsed and unknowing crowds of people are able to collectively and simultaneously "expect" and predict what notes are coming next in a musical sequence because of the pentatonic scale that appears frequently in western music.

Vangelis, the composer who wrote the scores for the movies Blade Runner, Chariots of Fire, and the theme to Carl Sagan's Cosmos can barely read a note of music.

The interval between two notes, called a tritone in music theory, is referred to as "The Devil's Interval" and even has a reputation for being banned by religious groups throughout history

Black Midi: a music genre compassing a visual and audio usage of digital music to such an extent that if written on paper would only appear blacked out. The notes scroll downward by the millions in various colors to create shapes and sounds simultaneously

In Germany, Bach's homeland, H is also a musical note making his name to spell out a melody. Furthermore, it was noted by his son that Bach died when he brought in B-A-C-H as a theme in his unfinished final piece, "Art of the Fugue"

While early bugles did not have valves the more modern bugles do have them. Without valves the bugler has to use their lips to change the pitch, and only the harmonic series of notes can be played.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Musical Notes. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Musical Notes so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor