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Beethoven Symphony facts

While investigating facts about Beethoven Symphony 9 and Beethoven Symphony 5, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When Beethoven's Ninth Symphony premiered, it was so new and innovative that some music critics didn't accept it, and one even called it "monstrous and tasteless."

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In 1877 when Brahms' released his First Symphony he was accused of plagiarizing Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, he replied with "any ass can see that"

What is beethoven 3rd symphony?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 46 of the best facts about Beethoven Symphony 7 and Beethoven Symphony 3 I managed to collect.

what is beethoven symphony?

  1. Beethoven's 9th Symphony is traditionally performed in Japan at the end of the year, which was introduced in WWI by German prisoners. In December 2009, for example, there were 55 performances of the symphony throughout Japan

  2. Beethoven's 3rd Symphony was originally named 'Bonaparte' and dedicated to him. But when he learned that Napoleon crowned himself Emperor, he was so angered that he scratched the name off the title page with such vehemence it tore a hole.

  3. The developers of the compact disc (CD) chose its playing time to ensure that Beethoven's 9th symphony (70 minutes) could be played on a single disc.

  4. The morse code symbol for the letter V, dit-dit-dit-dah, is the same as the famous motif from Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, which can be represented by the Roman Numeral V.

  5. The BBC used the opening bars of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony during WWII because it simulated the Morse Code "V" for Victory ...-

  6. When co-inventing the CD, Sony and Phillips agreed the length should be 74 minutes as to fit Beethoven's 9th Symphony

  7. The standard diameter of a CD is 12cm because it must hold all of Beethoven's 9th Symphony.

  8. Beethoven tore up the title page to his symphony "Eroica" upon hearing Napoleon proclaim himself Emperor, hating all things French ever since.

  9. "Smoke on the Water" riff is an interpretation of Beethoven's 5th Symphony, Played Backwards.

  10. CDs are 74 minutes long because Sony's Norio Ohga wanted the new medium to hold Beethoven's 9th Symphony.

beethoven symphony facts
What are the best facts about Beethoven Symphony?

What is true about beethoven symphony?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

After hearing about JFK's assassination conductor Erich Leinsdorf announces the death of JFK to a live audience at Boston's Symphony Hall and then proceeds to play Beethoven's Funeral March.

Beethoven dedicated his third symphony to Napoleon Bonaparte at first, but after Napoleon announced himself the emperor, Beethoven got mad and scratched his name from the dedication statement. - source

The first composer to create a symphony trombone part was Beethoven who included it in his famous "Fifth Symphony".

In response to criticism for not following "standard form" in his compositions, Beethoven composed the second scherzo movement of his 9th symphony in "standard" triple time, but punctuated it so it sounded like it was in quadruple time.

During joint development of the audio CD Sony made Philips accept the 120 mm disc diameter to make the existing Philips-owned 115 mm disc plant useless. Sony convinced them by saying that the discs needed to be bigger to fit the 1951 Bayreuth Festival version of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. - source

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Beethoven's Ninth Symphony was directly influenced by the actual contemporary Bavarian Illuminati

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Beethoven's ninth symphony is traditionally performed throughout Japan at the end of the year. It was introduced during WWI by German prisoners held at POW camps.

Symphony No 3 was written for Napoleon. When Beethoven learned Napoleon had declared himself Emperor, he removed Napoleon's name, and warned that he would end up a tyrant.

By the time Beethoven wrote his 9th and final symphony (age 53) he was so deaf he couldn't tell if people were applauding

According to Beethoven's secretary, Beethoven had titled his Third Symphony after Napoleon, who he thought embodied the idea of anti-monarchism. However, when he learned that Napoleon had crowned himself emperor, he broke into a rage and renamed the symphony the "Heroic Symphony".

After becoming completely deaf, Beethoven used bone conduction hearing to create his symphonies and TIME magazine has an article on it dating back to August 21, 1933

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Audio CDs are 74 minutes long because that is the length of the longest recording of Beethoven's 9th Symphony

Ito-Yokado (A Japanese department store) plays Symphony No. 5/1. Allegro con brio by Beethoven if there is a bomb threat at the store.

By the time Beethoven wrote his 9th symphony, his most iconic, he was already completely deaf

On Christmas Day 1989 when Leonard Bernstein conducted a performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony to celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall, they replaced the word "Freude" (joy) with "Freiheit" (freedom).

About Japans "Beethoven", the celebrated deaf composer whose symphony "Hiroshima" became an anthem for Hiroshima survivors, composed soundtracks for Resident Evil, and a theme for the Sochi Olympics. In 2014 he was outed as a fraud: was not even deaf, a did not write any of his famous works.

How to play beethoven symphony 9?

The capacity of the CDs was initially set to contain the whole London Philarmonic Orchestra's performance of the 9th symphony of Beethoven.

In December 1989, to celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall, Leonard Bernstein and an international orchestra & chorus performed in Berlin a version of Beethoven's 9th Symphony, in which Freude (Joy) was changed to Freiheit (Freedom).

The standard set for Compact Discs to be able to hold 74 minutes of audio, was made so that one disc could hold Wilhelm Furtwanglers recording of Beethoven's Symphony no.9 from the 1951 Bayteuth Festival.

Walter Murphy, the composer of the Disco adaptation of Beethoven's 5th symphony known as "A Fifth of Beethoven", has also served as one of the main composers for the TV show Family Guy since 1999

Beethoven's 5th symphony was also known as the Victory Symphony. Coincidentally, the Roman numeral V is 5. Also, V in Morse code is short-short-short-long, similar to the opening motif.

Beethoven's Second Symphony may have had a fart joke in it

The 74-minute standard on a CD was chosen because it was long enough for a full performance of Beethoven's 9th Symphony

A writer asked Beethoven about the reason for the unusual opening for the 5th symphony and its meaning. Beethoven answered: "‘The beginning sounds and means: You are too dumb.’"

When the audience applauded during the premiere of his Ninth Symphony, Beethoven was several measures off from the orchestra and still conducting. Because of that, a singer had to walk over and turn Beethoven around to accept the audience's cheers and applause.

When Philips and Sony developed the compact disc format in the late 1970s, they specifically set its maximum length at 74 minutes to ensure that a single disc could hold all of Beethoven's 9th Symphony.

CD capacity was specifically determined to hold the length of Beethoven's 9th Symphony.

Friedrich Schiller thought his poem 'Ode to Joy' (which inspired Beethoven to write his Symphony No. 9) was a failure that only had value to himself and the friend for whom he wrote it, but not the world at large or the art of poetry.

Beethoven composed the famous "Ninth Symphony" after he had gone totally deaf

When Beethoven first performed his Ninth Symphony, as he couldn’t hear the rapturous applause it received due to his deafness, one of his singers approached him and turned him around so that he could see and then accept the standing ovation he was receiving.

In the movie V for Vendetta, the letter "V" is hidden everywhere: Fireworks, bloodstain, flags, clock... My favorite one is in the 4 first musical notes of Beethoven's 5th Symphony. ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▄▄ = "V" in morse code

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Beethoven Symphony. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Beethoven Symphony so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor