Mpaa Rating facts
While investigating facts about Mpaa Ratings and Mpaa Ratings Updates, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Despite multiple uses of the word "fuck", the MPAA voted to override their guidelines and give The Martian a PG-13 rating
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South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut was originally rated NC-17, and every time the creators sent it to MPAA for a re-rating, they edited in more vulgar scenes. Jack Valenti, president of the MPAA, said that he regretted not rating it NC-17.
What is mpaa rating?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was the first film to be given an x rating by the mpaa. Here are 47 of the best facts about Mpaa Ratings Bulletin and Mpaa Ratings History I managed to collect.
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After making edits and appealing to the MPAA for an R rating, Scarface director Brian DePalma felt that the cuts he made were so minor no one would notice if he put them back in, so he did.
The Temple of Doom led to the creation of the PG-13 rating; Spielberg wrote to the MPAA asking for a rating between PG and R
The film "Scream" was originally rated 'NC-17' by the MPAA 9 times. To convince them otherwise, Exec. Producer Bob Weinstein explained that the MPAA needed to see Scream more as a comedy than a horror film. This completely changed the MPAA's view, and the film's rating was changed to 'R'.
Trey Parker and Matt Stone wrote a song called "Motherfucker" for their 1999 South Park movie debut, but the MPAA threatened them with an NC-17 rating. They circumvented the threat by changing the song to "Uncle Fucka".
The samurai scene in Kill Bill where The Bride fights against the Crazy 88 was so bloody that the MPAA wanted director Quentin Tarantino to cut it in order to maintain an R rating. To get around it, he altered the colors in the scene to black and white.
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut was originally rated NC-17, and every time the creators sent it to MPAA for a re-rating, they edited in more vulgar scenes. Jack Valenti, president of the MPAA, said that he regretted not rating it NC-17.
At least 9 versions of the infamous puppet sex scene from 'Team America: World Police' had to be shown to the MPAA before they finally allowed the film to be given an R rating instead of an NC-17 rating.
In the 1996 movie "Bound," which was the Wachowskis' directorial debut, the lesbian sex scenes were choreographed by feminist writer and sex educator Susie Bright. The MPAA threatened an NC-17 rating on the first cut because a sex scene appeared too realistic due to "hand sex."
John Carpenter's 1976 film 'Assault on Precinct 13' received an X rating by the MPAA for having a little girl murdered on screen, which they cut from the film for re-review, they then received an R rating and then re-added the footage back into the film for cinematic release.
When making the 1990 film 'Frankenhooker', director Frank Henenlotter had difficulty obtaining an R rating from the MPAA. An MPAA representative called the production company's secretary and said "Congratulations, you're the first film rated S." She replied, "S? For sex?" "No, S for shit."
Mpaa Rating data charts
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Why did mpaa create an nc-17 rating?
You can easily fact check why him mpaa rating by examining the linked well-known sources.
Following controversy over the violent nature of his two recent PG films, Gremlins(1984) and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom(1984), Steven Spielberg suggested that the MPAA revise their rating system to better advise potential viewers about content. Months later PG-13 was created.
Gunner Palace, a documentary about US soldiers in Iraq, got a PG-13 rating by the MPAA despite over 40 uses of "fuck." The director appealed the original R-rating saying it showed what overseas army life was like and the importance for younger viewers to connect with and understand the soldiers. - source
The R-rated South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut intentionally used 399 swears, since the MPAA would give an NC-17 rating to any movie using 400 or more swears. - source
Multiple Hollywood films with an 'X' rating have won prestigious award nominations. It was the porn industry that ran with the made up 'XXX' porn rating which has no connection to the MPAA rating system.
Two professors conducted a study on the American ratings system for film (MPAA) and discovered there is a bias towards studio film vs. independent films. A studio film bordering between an R/PG 13 rating had a better chance of getting a PG-13 rating than an indie film with similar content. - source
When did mpaa ratings start?
Temple of Doom and Gremlins were the 2 films that prompted the MPAA to create the PG-13 rating, as they were to light to be rated R but too mature to be rated PG. Red Dawn was the first film to be rated PG-13
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Night of The Living Dead premiered in October 1968. At the time, pre-teens and adolescents were allowed to watch the movie during Saturday afternoon matinees. Most of them were upset by the film's graphic violence. Ironically the MPAA film rating system was released in November 1968.
The original Red Dawn was the first motion picture to be released with an MPAA PG-13 rating
Stone & Parker made many edits to South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut for an R rating from the MPAA, including: “we put a new storyboard in for clarification in the scene with Saddam Hussein's penis. The intent now is that you never see Saddam's real penis, he in fact is using dildos both times.”
The Wolf of Wall Street used the word 'F*CK' 3.16 times every minute, with a total of 569 'F*CKs' during the entire 180 minute movie, the third most used 'F*CKs' of any non-porno, English speaking, MPAA rated film ever made.
Predator 2(1990) was so graphic and violent that it was rejected by the MPAA 20 times, being recut each time, until they finally approved it for release with the R rating the studio wanted instead of the NC-17 rating it would have had without the recuts