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Monsoon Season facts

While investigating facts about Monsoon Season Thailand and Monsoon Season Arizona, I found out little known, but curios details like:

During the Vietnam War, the U.S. carried out Operation Popeye, a "cloud-seeding" mission to stimulate clouds in Vietnam to increase rainfall and lengthen the monsoon season. After the operation was declassified in 1974, the United Nations banned the weaponization of weather.

how monsoon seasons?

Declassified Documents Prove the US used "Cloud Seeding" to extend the monsoon season during the Vietnam War

What is monsoon season in arizona?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is monsoon season in india. Here are 33 of the best facts about Monsoon Season India and Monsoon Season Az I managed to collect.

what's monsoon season?

  1. Operation Popeye was a US military program attempting to extend the monsoon season through weather modification during the Vietnam War.

  2. Crocodiles mate during monsoon season. Female lays 20-80 eggs and take care of them 3 months.

  3. In India, during monsoon season, it is common to see a mouse on the back of frog. They do this to escape the floodwaters.

  4. The best time to visit Ranthambore National Park is from November to March, and visiting in July and August is not possible because the park is closed due to it being monsoon season.

  5. Kuala Lumpur is prone to flooding during periods of heavy rain, with an average elevation above sea level of only 72 feet. Monsoon season can often cause flash flooding.

  6. During dry season, gaurs live in small groups, residing on the smaller altitudes. During monsoon season, they gather in large groups and move toward the hills.

  7. Chitwan National Park exists within a high humidity region that experiences a tropical monsoon climate. The monsoon season runs from the middle of June until the end of September.

  8. In the United States, Southwest Texas, New Mexico and Arizona are all part of a monsoon season from June 15th to September 30th each year.

  9. Mating season of saola overlaps with season of monsoons. It takes place from February to March in Vietnam, and from April to June in Laos.

  10. Monsoon season in the Yellow Sea runs from late in November until March each year.

monsoon season facts
What is monsoon season in thailand?

Why does monsoon season occur?

You can easily fact check why is the monsoon the best season to wander about by examining the linked well-known sources.

Mating season of pygmy hog lasts from November to February. Most babies are born at the beginning of the monsoon season, when food is abundant.

Tree kangaroos mate during the monsoon season. Males mate with couple of females, but do not form harems.

Monsoon season officially ends on September 30th each year.

Mating season of Indian star tortoises takes place at the beginning of the monsoon season.

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About Bhupathy's purple frog, it burrows underground for most of the year except 2-3 weeks during monsoon season to mate.

How to prepare for monsoon season in arizona?

Through 1967-1972 the United States Military was successfully able to extend the East Asian Monsoon season by manipulating the weather and using it as a 'weapon' as an effort of having it work towards their advantage in war.

The word monsoon is believed to be derived from the Arabic word ‘mausim". Mausim means a shift in wind or season.

There is a Hindu festival celebrating menstruation. The festival (Ambubachi Mela) takes place during the monsoon season and the Hindu sect believes it represents their goddess (Kamakhya) is menstruating.

Larva digs a burrow and hides itself underground during a period of around 5 months. Larva can reach 5 inches in length. When the season of monsoon starts, larva will stop its further development and turn itself into pupa.

When monsoon season starts?

During the Vietnam war the US successful utilized weather modification to extend monsoon season and disrupt enemy mobility.

People in Meghalaya train tree roots, turning them into bridges, so they can cross the raging rivers during monsoon season.

During the Vietnam War the Air Force pilots unofficial moniker was "Make mud, not war" because the goal was to extend the monsoon season and flood the Ho Chi Minh Trail, the system of supply routes used by enemy fighters in Vietnam.

In Sri Lanka the Yala monsoon season (May to August) brings rain to the South and West (while the North and East are dry) and the Maha monsoon season (October to January) keeps the North and East wet (while the South and West are dry)

How long is monsoon season?

Operation Popeye was the first and only instance of weather warfare. The US seeded the clouds over Vietnam to extend their monsoon season, specifically over key supply lines like the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

Operation Popeye, a weather modification program where the US seeded clouds in Southeast Asia to manipulate weather conditions during the Vietnam War and extended the monsoon season

About the Tonlé Sap, a massive Cambodian lake. A major river flows into it during the rainy season, then reverses course and drains the lake after the monsoon has passed.

A remote region in northern India receives an average of nearly 450 in (37.5 ft) of rain during their monsoon season (April to October) or roughly the amount of rain London would receive in two decades.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Monsoon Season. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Monsoon Season so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor