While investigating facts about Northern Hemisphere Countries and Northern Hemisphere Map, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The reason why clocks run clockwise. They do because in the Northern hemisphere that's how sundials cast shadow
how much of the world's population lives in the northern hemisphere?
Clocks run from left to right because in the Northern hemisphere that's how sundials cast shadows (bonus: in an attempt to recover their cultural identity, Bolivians installed an anti-clockwise clock in their Congress building)
Hawaii is in what northern hemisphere?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what countries are in the northern hemisphere. Here are 50 of the best facts about Northern Hemisphere Constellations and Northern Hemisphere Seasons I managed to collect.
what's northern hemisphere?
Toilets and drains DO NOT rotate differently in the southern and northern hemisphere
Africa is the only continent that is in all four hemispheres. (Northern, Southern, Western, Eastern)
90% of the world's population lives on the northern hemisphere
88% of the world's population lives in the Northern Hemisphere
The belief that water rotates in opposite directions in the northern and southern hemisphere is largely a misconception
90 percent of the world's people live in the Northern Hemisphere.
The dog days of summer are named for the period that Sirius, the dog star, returns to the night sky in the Northern Hemisphere. Many ancient astronomers believed Sirius, the brightest star visible from earth, augmented the Sun’s heat.
In the northern hemisphere, EVERYTHING visible in the night sky with the naked eye is within in our milky way galaxy...except one "star" which is actually the entire Andromeda galaxy.
What indicates that an area in the northern hemisphere is experiencing summer?
Northern Hemisphere data charts
For your convenience take a look at Northern Hemisphere figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.
The traffic stats for a niche sunburn-based subreddit coincides with the northern hemisphere's summer. Now that it's April, traffic is already starting to increase again. Magnitude of northern and southern hemisphere star vs. Wikipedia pages views (animation from star chart)
Related Topics to explore further why northern hemisphere is called land hemisphere?
You can easily fact check why northern hemisphere colder than southern by examining the linked well-known sources.
Because it extends into the Eastern hemisphere, Alaska is the western most, eastern most and the northern most state of USA.
A compass calibrated for the Northern Hemisphere will not work properly in the Southern Hemisphere and vice versa. - source
Some of the constellations in the northern hemisphere include Andromeda (princess), Aquila (eagle), Bootes (herdman), Canis Major (big dog), Canis Minor (little dog), Draco (dragon), Lyra (harp), Orion (hunter), Perseus (Medusa's killer), Ursa Major (big bear), Ursa Minor (little bear), and Vulpecula (little fox).
From late autumn to spring the Cancer constellation can be seen in the Northern hemisphere.
On June 3, 1980, seven tornadoes struck Grand Island, Nebraska in four hours. Several of them looped back over their own path at least once. Three of them spun counterclockwise - the direction in which only ~2% of Northern Hemisphere tornadoes spin. - source
When northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun?
When the autumnal equinox is occurring in the northern hemisphere those in the southern hemisphere refer to it as the vernal equinox.
In the northern hemisphere how do the winds of a hurricane rotate?
The vernal equinox marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere, but in the southern hemisphere it marks the beginning of autumn. This reverses in September.
Influenza season occurs in the winter. In the Northern and Southern hemispheres flu season (and winter) occurs at different times of the year.
Wolfberry blooms from June to September (in the northern hemisphere). It produces bell-shaped flowers that grow in the axils of leaves. They are lavender or light purple colored.
Monte Iberia eleuth is the smallest frog in the Northern Hemisphere and the third smallest frog in the world (newly discovered species of frog from Papua New Guinea and Brazilian golden frog are smaller than Monte Iberia eleuth).
Although earthquakes occur in both hemispheres, the northern hemisphere experiences more.
Earth when northern hemisphere?
In the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, average temperatures are increasing at a rate that is equivalent to moving south about 10 meters (30 feet) each day.
Influenza is more prevalent in the winter months, so it is considered flu season in the Northern Hemisphere at a different time than in the Southern Hemisphere.
In the northern hemisphere the autumnal equinox occurs on September 22nd, 23rd, or 24th each year. This marks the vernal equinox for those in the southern hemisphere.
The North Face is called after the north face of mountains, which in the northern hemisphere pose the hardest route up a mountain
Lychee blooms from November to February in the northern hemisphere and from April to August in the southern hemisphere. Flowers are fragrant and they attract bees, main pollinators of this plant.
How many countries are in the northern hemisphere?
88% of the population lives in the Northern Hemisphere
The vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere marks the time when the sunrise begins to occur earlier and night comes later. This is the time when plants begin to sprout and days become warmer.
When the summer solstice occurs in the northern hemisphere, thousands of people flock to Stonehenge, an ancient stone site in Wiltshire, England. There they watch the sun rise, where it creates an illusion that the sun is balancing one of the main stones.
When Liebig was 13 the northern hemisphere experienced a devastating winter when the majority of food crops were destroyed by the weather and Germany was very hard hit in the global famine.
When summer solstice occurs in the northern hemisphere, it experiences its longest day and shortest night of the year. The opposite is true when the winter solstice occurs, when the northern hemisphere experiences its longest night and shortest day.
Following the winter solstice the temperatures become colder. In the northern hemisphere the coldest months are December, January and February, while in the summer hemisphere the coldest months are June, July, and August.
People viewing meteor showers from the Northern Hemisphere are in the best position to catch the best showing. The best season to view a meteor shower is Summer and the best time would be in the pre-dawn hours.
Using a southern hemisphere planisphere in the northern hemisphere will not provide accurate data. The same is true if a northern hemisphere planisphere is used in the southern hemisphere.
Tornadoes in the northern hemisphere usually rotate counter-clockwise while tornadoes in the southern hemisphere usually rotate clockwise.
Planispheres for the northern and southern hemispheres are designed differently based on location.
NASA has a set of star wheels, or planispheres, called the Kepler Star Wheels. They can be printed out and used from either the northern hemisphere or southern hemisphere. The name Kepler originated from Johannes Kepler, an astronomer and astrologer considered to be a key figure in the scientific revolution in the 1600s.
It was once assumed that oysters were only safe to eat in months with the letter ‘r’ in their English and French names. This myth is based in truth, in that in the Northern Hemisphere, oysters are much more likely to spoil in May, June, July, and August."
Common heather blooms from July to November in the northern hemisphere. It produces large quantities of nectar that is important source of food for the butterflies, bees and moths, main pollinators of this plant.
Cocklebur blooms from July to October in the northern hemisphere. It requires prolonged night for the successful development of flowers (short-day plant). Cocklebur is designed for the pollination by wind.
Moss mostly, not exclusively, grows on the north side of trees, but only in the northern hemisphere. It's reversed in the southern hemisphere.
This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Northern Hemisphere. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Northern Hemisphere so important!