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Cloud Seeding facts

While investigating facts about Cloud Seeding Uae and Cloud Seeding Dubai, I found out little known, but curios details like:

During the Vietnam War, the U.S. carried out Operation Popeye, a "cloud-seeding" mission to stimulate clouds in Vietnam to increase rainfall and lengthen the monsoon season. After the operation was declassified in 1974, the United Nations banned the weaponization of weather.

how cloud seeding works?

A "rainmaker" was hired in 1916 to end a drought in San Diego. He was so successful he flooded the city, killing 50. Turns out he had likely developed an early form of cloud seeding.

What cloud seeding means?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what cloud seeding process. Here are 40 of the best facts about Cloud Seeding Compound Crossword and Cloud Seeding Meaning I managed to collect.

what's cloud seeding?

  1. Because of the frequency and massive destruction cause by hail in Alberta, insurance companies pay for cloud seeding planes that spray silver iodine to make the rain fall before it becomes hail.

  2. Operation Popeye was the first example of weather warfare. During the Vietnam War, aircraft would "seed" clouds, causing them to precipitate with an 82% success rate. The operational slogan was, "Make mud, not war."

  3. Kurt Vonnegut's brother Bernard invented seeding clouds to create rain, a form of weather control that Kurt would parody with "Ice-Nine" in his book "Cat's Cradle."

  4. The CIA used "weather modification" as a tactical weapon by increasing rains(cloud seeding) over Vietnam during the Vietnam War in order to slow Vietnamese military activity in the region.

  5. Declassified Documents Prove the US used "Cloud Seeding" to extend the monsoon season during the Vietnam War

  6. Cargo ships leave the equivalent of contrails along their route that can be seen from space. Water molecules accumulate on pollutants coming from the exhaust of ships which essentially seeds clouds. These clouds are known as ship tracks.

  7. Almost every country participates in "Cloud Seeding", A method of increasing rainfall from a cloud. Most places use aircraft to disperse something advanced like Silver Iodide or Dry Ice, but Russia tried using Cement and accidentally dropped a 25 Kg sack of cement through somebody house.

  8. In 1948 Mayor Carl B. Close of Alexandria, Louisiana used "cloud seeding" with dry ice to create 0.85" of rainfall during a drought

  9. Russia has spent millions of rubles on 'Cloud Seeding' the past decades to prevent rain on its public holiday, and at one point it rained cement chunks through the roof of a Moscow suburban home.

  10. The breakthrough discovery that silver iodide could be used effectively in cloud seeding to artificially produce snow and rain was made by Bernard Vonnegut, the older brother of American novelist Kurt Vonnegut.

cloud seeding facts
What is cloud seeding in uae?

Why cloud seeding is bad?

You can easily fact check why cloud seeding is important by examining the linked well-known sources.

About Project Stormfury: An 1980s US Government program to weaken hurricanes via airborne cloud seeding. It was a follow on to a earlier attempt that ended in an apparently harmless, receding hurricane, being 'bombed' with dry ice, changing course, and striking Savannah, Georgia.

When the UK was experimenting with cloud seeding, they accidentally caused a flash flood that nearly destroyed a town and killed people because it was more potent than they had expected. - source

In 1967 U.S. began rainmaking campaign over Vietnam known as Operation Popeye. Cloud seeding involves spraying fine particles of silver iodide into a cloud system. 52+ countries have current weather modification programs. China’s said to have used ahead of Beijing Olympics-forcing early rain.

Kurt Vonnegut's brother Bernard was a famous scientist who discovered that clouds seeded with silver iodide could produce rain and snow. - source

When did cloud seeding start?

Cloud seeding is a form of weather modification that aims to change the amount or type of precipitation that falls from clouds, by dispersing substances into the air.

How cloud seeding is done?

The state of Colorado seeds it's clouds in the winter.

They used to try to make it rain ('cloud seeding') by shooting giant cannons into the air, known as the 'Steiger Vortex rain making gun':

A piece of cement once fell through the roof of a house in Russia, creating a hole around a metre wide. The Russian air force had been seeding clouds with such materials to remove moisture, to improve the weather for a public holiday.

Bird poop helps cool the Arctic. Emissions of ammonia from guano ultimately leads to could formation. The low-lying clouds seeded by the ammonia reflect incoming sunlight and ultimately have a cooling effect on the region

When was cloud seeding invented?

Mushrooms are reproductive organs of fungi and they shoot... pores that helps seed clouds.

During Operation Popeye, the US seeded rain clouds over Vietnam and extended their monsoon by a month. Such tactics have since been banned by the Geneva Convention.

Cloud seeding; a way to modify the weather and form rain by spreading either dry ice, or more commonly, silver iodide aerosols, into the upper part of clouds usually by way of aircrafts

Who invented cloud seeding?

Kurt Vonnegut's brother helped pioneer cloud seeding.

There is a company the can guarantee a rain free wedding using cloud seeding

Operation Popeye was the first and only instance of weather warfare. The US seeded the clouds over Vietnam to extend their monsoon season, specifically over key supply lines like the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

Operation Popeye, a weather modification program where the US seeded clouds in Southeast Asia to manipulate weather conditions during the Vietnam War and extended the monsoon season

There is a company outside of Bowman, ND that offers 'weather modification' services to increase precipitation and augment snowfall through a process called 'cloud seeding'

Here in Australia, we are seeding clouds!

Cloud seeding" increases precipitation by up to 15% and the government has been doing it since the 40's

Some new knowledge :Fresh-baked fossils, cloud-seeding algae, and how ancient farmers braved global cooling

After the meltdown in Chernobyl, Russian military pilots seeded clouds using silver iodine to "wash out" radioactive particles drifting towards densely populated cities. People in Belarus reported black-colored rain shortly after aircraft had been spotted ejecting colored material behind them.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Cloud Seeding. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Cloud Seeding so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor