Middle Finger facts
While investigating facts about Middle Finger Emoji and Middle Finger Gif, I found out little known, but curios details like:
James Doohan, Star Trek’s Scotty, was shot 6 times during D-Day and had his middle finger amputated. He went on to conceal it on screen throughout his acting career.
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The middle finger has been used as a derogatory gesture for at least 2400 years, with the middle finger representing a phallus and the ring and index fingers representing testicles.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does the middle finger mean. Here are 50 of the best facts about Middle Finger Meaning and Middle Finger Pain I managed to collect.
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A man in Vermont, upset with local officials for denying a building permit for his proposed business, paid $4,000 to build a giant illuminated middle finger statue on his property. “If you don’t want to look at the building, look at this." He said to the Development Review Board.
US sailors captured by North Korea, were flipping the middle finger in photos to protest the propaganda on their treatment. The North Koreans for months photographed them without knowing the real meaning of the finger, while the sailors explained that the sign meant good luck in Hawaii.
John Rhys-Davies, who plays Gimli in ‘Lord of the Rings,’ lost the top of his middle finger as a kid and had special prosthetic made. He played a prank on Peter Jackson where he cut off the tip of the prosthetic, covered it with blood, walked up to Peter and said, “Boss, I had an accident.”
After North Korea captured a group of Navy officers, the officers raised their middle finger, telling their captors it was a “Hawaiian good luck sign.”
Tony Iommi lost the tips of his middle and ring finger in an accident at the age of 17. He ended up tuning his strings to lower pitches so that the thimbles he had fitted could bend the strings more easily. This lead to Black Sabbath's distinctive sound and the invention of heavy metal.
James Doohan , "Scotty" on Star Trek , was shot by 6 bullets storming Juno beach on D-Day : four in his leg, one in the chest, and one through his right middle finger
There is an animal that looks like a gremlin with a "long, bony, witch-like middle finger" called an Aye Aye. These gentle, harmless animals are killed due to local superstition that aye-ayes are harbingers of death, and if an aye-aye points its middle finger at you, it's a death sentence.
Charles "Old Hoss" Radbourn, a baseball pitcher and Hall of Famer who, in 1886, became the first person to be captured on camera giving the middle finger
The NFL tried to sue rapper M.I.A. for 100% of her earnings for life (if she ever earned over U.S. $2million) because she flipped a middle finger at the 2012 super bowl halftime show.
In 2013, a man bought a house next to his ex-wife, so he could install a middle finger statue.
Middle Finger data charts
For your convenience take a look at Middle Finger figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why middle finger pain?
You can easily fact check why middle finger numb by examining the linked well-known sources.
If you bend your middle finger under your palm on the table, you can lift the thumb, index, and little finger, but it is impossible to lift your ring finger. This is because the tendons in all fingers are independent, except those on the middle and ring finger.
A man flipped off a woman while entering a freeway, and proceeded to have his middle finger shot off by her with a .357-caliber revolver. - source
The shaka or 'hang loose' gesture originated when a Hawaiian named Hamana Kalili lost his three middle fingers in a sugar mill accident - source
Galileo's middle finger is up for display at a museum in Florence, Italy
A man flipped off a woman while entering a Utah Freeway, and proceeded to have his middle finger shot off by her with a .357-caliber revolver - source
When middle finger goes numb?
When Jerry Garcia was a child his brother cut off his middle finger in an axe accident. He also watched his father drown.
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Santo Condorelli, a Canadian swimmer, who gives his dad the middle finger before every race he participates in.
Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan installed an 11 meter (36 ft) tall marble statue of a middle finger directly in front of the Milan Stock exchange as a clear message to Italy's CEOs and Bankers
Italy has a giant middle finger sculpture placed in front of the stock exchange in Milan
Galileo Galilei was initially buried in a smaller less important location, and was re-buried in a better spot in 1737. Before the reburying, three fingers and a tooth were removed from his body. His middle finger is currently on display in the Museo Galileo.
The middle finger has been considered offensive since Roman times. When Caligula would have his defeated enemies kiss his middle finger to add insult them.