Michelin Guide facts
While investigating facts about Michelin Guide Los Angeles and Michelin Guide Hong Kong, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Michelin Guide has excluded Los Angeles since 2009. Former Michelin Guide director Jean-Luc Naret said, “The people in Los Angeles are not real foodies. They are not too interested in eating well but just in who goes to which restaurant and where they sit.”
how did the michelin guide start?
Bernard Loiseau, who committed suicide when he heard of rumors of of his restaurant being downgraded from a Michelin Guide three-star restaurant to two-stars. This was the basis for the character "Gusteau" in "Ratatouille".
What does michelin guide mean?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is michelin guide vs star. Here are 25 of the best facts about Michelin Guide Singapore and Michelin Guide London I managed to collect.
what's michelin guide?
The 1939 Michelin Guide to France was reprinted in 1944 for Allied military use, as its maps of the country were regarded as the best and most up-to-date of all available.
When France's Michelin tire company published its first restaurant guide, there were only 3,000 cars on the road in all of France, and the guide was meant to be an attempt from Michelin to get people to travel more so that they would eventually come around to needing to buy more tires.
The prestigious Michelin Guide for restaurants is put out by Michelin the tire company and was started in 1889 (current Star system added in 1920s) to promote the travel of motorists leading to more tire sales
The founding brothers of Michelin tires started the Michelin Guide in 1900 when they decided that a ratings guide (Michelin Stars) for hotels and restaurants would compel the limited number of drivers to use up their tires and subsequently buy more.
Chef Marco Pierre White, in order to obtain the highest grade in the Michelin guide, added additional touches to service within his restaurant. This included not issuing old money. Change given to customers was only issued in brand new notes or previously unused coins.
The MICHELIN guide that awards MICHELIN stars to restaurants was created by the brothers that started the Michelin tire company. The guide was a originally way maps to gas stations and other useful information. It evolved into a guide for restaurants that would hand out stars.
Bernard Loiseau, famous French chef, committed suicide after a journalist hinted in a national newspaper the loss of one of his Michelin Star. Turns out the Guide had decided to keep his 3-star status.
In 1900 during the advent of the automobile, two brothers decided to publish a travel guide in hopes that it would get more cars on the road. The Guide incorporated a star system for restaurants which is known today as the prestigious Michelin Star.
Michelin Guide began as a free guide providing useful information to motorists, like maps, tyre repair and replacement instructions, hotels, and petrol stations.They later hired a team of anonymous inspectors to review restaurants, recognizing the growing popularity of the restaurant section.
The brothers behind Michelin tyres also created a guide of where to eat and stay. The Michelin star was born shortly after.
Michelin Guide data charts
For your convenience take a look at Michelin Guide figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why was the michelin guide created?
You can easily fact check why did the michelin guide start by examining the linked well-known sources.
Printing of the Michelin Guide (of Michelin Star fame) was suspended at the beginning of WWII, but the 1939 edition was specially reprinted for Allied forces because its maps were considered the best and most up-to-date available. - source
The Michelin Star Guide system started as a way to promote the use of cars (and tires, by extension) in France
Michelin stars used to grade restaurants were founded by the same people responsible for Michelin Tyres. When they had little custom and there wasn't many garages, they created a small guide about where you could stop your car, get serviced, and get something to eat. - source
When did the michelin guide start?
The Michelin Tyre brand made the Michelin Star Guide for hotels and restaurants to promote customers to use up there tyres and buy more.
How does michelin guide make money?
The legendary Michelin Guide, know for it's classification of the most elite restaurants world-wide, is operated by the same Michelin as the tire company and Michelin Man
Michelin guide has a special category called Bib Gourmand, which highlight restaurants offering "exceptionally good food at moderate price” (usually below 30 USD). This store called “A Noodle Story” has been in Singapore Michelin guide for 4 years and only cost 6 USD per bowl of Ramen