Chess Player facts
While investigating facts about Chess Player Rankings and Chess Players In India, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Psychologist László Polgár theorized that any child could become a genius in a chosen field with early training. As an experiment, he trained his daughters in chess from age 4. All three went on to become chess prodigies, and the youngest, Judit, is considered the best female player in history.
how chess players think?
Actor Humphrey Bogart was an avid chess player, often playing on set between takes. During World War II, he played correspondence chess with members of the military posted overseas or in hospitals. The FBI intercepted this mail and thought he was sending secret codes to Europe.
What chess player are you?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what makes a good chess player. Here are 50 of the best facts about Chess Player Name and Chess Players Burn Calories I managed to collect.
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About Chess960 - a game created by Bobby Fischer which uses the same board and pieces of regular chess, but randomly shuffles the home row to prevent players from relying on memorized strategies and instead rely on their own creativity
In 1997 supercomputer Deep Blue made a completely counter-intuitive move against chess player Garry Kasparov that got into his head and may have caused him to lose the match; It was later revealed that a bug caused the computer to make the move at random
Chess players can burn up to 6,000 calories a day while playing in a tournament. Based on "breathing rates, blood pressure, and muscle contractions, top players' stress responses to chess are similar to what elite athletes experience."
When chess player Bobby Fischer beat soviet grandmaster Taimanov, Taimanov was thrown off the USSR team, forbidden to travel, banned from writing articles, and deprived of his monthly stipend. It virtually ended his career.
Famous Chess Player Igor Ivanov Defected To Canada In 1980 While Traveling Home To Moscow On A Czechoslovakian Airliner. His Plane Made An Emergency Stop in Newfoundland, Canada. Taking The Chance, He Ran From The Plane While Being Chased By KGB Agents and Was Granted Political Asylum
Heath Ledger was an exceptional chess player, winning the national junior championship in Australia at the age of 10 and was planning on directing his first feature based on The Queen's Gambit, a book about chess when he passed away at age 28,
Heath Ledger was an accomplished chess player and won the Western Australia’s Junior Chess Championship at 10-years old.
Charles Babbage lost 2 games of chess to the Mechanical Turk, an automaton with a chess player hidden inside that fooled people that a machine could play chess. He knew it was a hoax but it inspired his work on the Difference Engine and then the Analytical Engine, the world's first computer.
Before 1600, a game of chess could be won by capturing all of the opponent's pieces, leaving a bare king; a style of play known as "annihilation". In Medieval times, players considered it nobler to win by checkmate, so annihilation became a half win for a while, until it was abandoned.
Professional chess players can burn up to 6,000 calories a day despite their limited movement thanks to elevated blood pressures during matches.
Chess Player data charts
For your convenience take a look at Chess Player figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why chess players lose weight?
You can easily fact check why do chess players resign by examining the linked well-known sources.
There is only 1 woman in the top 100 chess players in the world, and no woman has ever won a world championship.
About a variant of chess called Dunsany's, or Horde chess in which one player's pieces are set up identical to regular chess, while the other player starts with a horde of 32 pawns. - source
Heath Ledger was an avid chess player having won junior chess championship in Western Australia at the age of 10. He was to perform and direct a chess movie based on the novel “The Queen’s Gambit” before his death. - source
Many story arcs from the novel "Forrest Gump" didn't make it into the film adaption. This includes Forrest going on a mission for NASA with an ape named Sue, being held by cannibals for four years and having a professional career as a wrestler, chess player and stuntman
About Chess Boxing. A combination of four-minute speed chess followed by three-minute boxing. To win, a player should either do a knockout or a checkmate. - source
Chess opening when player sacrifices a pawn?
There’s a version of chess called "quantum chess" where the pieces are in a state of superposition; the player doesn't know what a piece will be until it is selected for play. Once selected, it behaves as any one of the conventional pieces and returns to its state of superposition after the move
How chess players are rated?
A Hungarian man named László Polgár believed that any child could become a genius in any field as long as education starts before thet turn 3 and they begin to specialise at 6. His youngest, Judit, became the strongest female chess player of all time and ranked within the world's top ten.
In WW2 the US and Canada banned postal chess (a form of chess where players play by marking a card and mailing it from one to another, in which games take months or years) as they were worried that the games "were being used to send secret messages to enemy forces."
Chess is a sport recognized by the IOC and therefore players are subject to Drug Testing
About solved games. Solved games are games whose outcome can be correctly predicted from any position, assuming both players play the best possible moves. Tic-tac-toe is easily solvable. Chess may never be fully solved.
Bobby Fischer developed a variant of chess where the starting positions were randomized because he thought too many top level players were simply memorizing opening positions