Lucid Dreams facts
While investigating facts about Lucid Dreams Lyrics and Lucid Dreams Clean, I found out little known, but curios details like:
People who play video games are more likely to be lucid dreamers (have control over their actions in dreams) than those who don't
how lucid dreams happen?
Trained lucid dreamers were able to communicate with researchers while dreaming by using eye movement signals.
What lucid dreams can do for you?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what lucid dreams like. Here are 35 of the best facts about Lucid Dreams Meaning and Lucid Dreams Song Download I managed to collect.
what lucid dreams mean?
Gamers' brains are better at lucid dreaming and beating nightmares
Lucid dreaming is a learnable skill, according to new research. Researchers have found that a specific combination of techniques will increase people’s chances of having lucid dreams, in which the dreamer is aware they’re dreaming while it’s still happening and can control the experience.
A dreamachine is a device made with a light bulb and a record turntable that reportedly induces lucid dreaming.
Practicing something in a lucid dream improves your real world preformance.
Some people can lucid dream in their sleep, where they are completely aware that they are dreaming and can exert some control over what happens in the dream
Aphex Twin was inspired by lucid dreams when producing Selected Ambient Works Volume II, and upon awaking would attempt to re-create the sounds and record them. He claimed to have natural synaesthesia, contributing to the album.
People who frequently play video games are more likely to have lucid dreams.
People that practice the art of Lucid Dreaming can intentionally manipulate and direct any element of the dream experience to his or her personal desires
The term 'lucid dreaming,' used to describe when someone becomes aware that they are dreaming while dreaming, was coined by Fredrick van Eeden in 1913, and it was also discussed in an unpublished letter by Freud to Eeden, but the development of the concept on lucid dreaming remains unclear.
People who can lucid dream proficiently are called "oneironauts".
Lucid Dreams data charts
For your convenience take a look at Lucid Dreams figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why lucid dreams are bad?
You can easily fact check why do i have lucid dreams by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Dreammachine, a device made with a light bulb and a record turntable that reportedly induces lucid dreaming.
Learn more about Lucid Dreaming and what exactly it is - Have you ever had a dream where you realise that you are dreaming in a dream? Very likely it happened to you when you were a little kid. That is called a Lucid Dream. A dream where you are aware that you are dreaming while sound asleep. - source
There's a Wearable form of AI That Allows You To Experience and Control Lucid Dreams - source
The ancient Egyptian high priest and Pharaohs were Masters at the State of Consciousness today we call lucid dreaming.
The most common activity that people lucid dream about is flying. - source
When lucid dreams died?
The first scientific proof of Lucid Dreaming, or dreaming in which you recognize that you are in a dream state, was discovered in 1975 by the English parapsychologist Dr. Keith Hearne.
How lucid dreams was made?
Lucid Dreaming Secrets of Charlie Morley expand your consciousness beyond the waking state to access deeper understanding and higher realities
Lucid Dreaming like from Inception is a REAL thing that you can learn to control your dreams
How To Lucid Dream, Dream Journal, Reality Checks MILD, REM SLEEP. Happy Dreaming Oneironauts!
How to make Lucid Lucid dream characters, this is as unique as videos come. Instill lucidity and memores into dream characters threw intention makeing them become aware and remember past experiances together.
Lucid Dreaming Secrets of Charlie Morley expand your consciousness beyond the waking state to access deeper understanding and higher realities