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Lowest Rated facts

While investigating facts about Lowest Rated Movie and Lowest Rated Movie On Rotten Tomatoes, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Down syndrome is practically non-existent in Iceland. Since introducing the screening tests back in the early 2000s, nearly 100% of women whose fetus tested positive ended up terminating the pregnancy. It has resulted in Iceland having one of the lowest rates of Down syndrome in the world.

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Nunavut has the lowest graduation rate in Canada and a student from Qikiqtarjuaq became the first high schooler to graduate in four years in 2016

What is the lowest rated movie?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the lowest rated movie on imdb. Here are 50 of the best facts about Lowest Rated Movie On Imdb and Lowest Rated Rotten Tomatoes I managed to collect.

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  1. The holiday suicide myth supports misinformation about suicide that might ultimately hamper prevention efforts. The idea that suicide rates increase during the holiday season is a myth perpetuated by the media. In fact, suicide rates are the lowest in December.

  2. The Simpsons' episode guest starring Lady Gaga is the lowest rated episode in the show's history

  3. Divorce data from the US Census Bureau was analyzed to see how divorce rates varied by occupation. The lowest rate was found among actuaries, people who assess and manage risk, and the highest rate was found among gaming managers, who manage casinos and other gambling establishments.

  4. A Harvard study followed men for 75 years, including a subject named Godfrey Minot Camille. He began the study with the lowest rating for future stability of all the subjects and he had previously attempted suicide. But at the end of his life, he was one of the happiest of all.

  5. Black people with the lowest test scores have a better acceptance rate into med school than Asians with the highest test scores.

  6. Liechtenstein, one of the smallest countries in the world, has one of the lowest business and corporate tax rates, highest GDP per capita, zero external debt, and more registered businesses than people.

  7. 16% of polled Czech citizens believe in a god, giving it the lowest rate in the EU

  8. The professions with the lowest rates of sociopathy are, in order: care aide, nurse, therapist, craftsperson, beautician/stylist, charity worker, teacher, creative artist, doctor (excepting surgeons), accountant

  9. In 2010 US crime rates were at their lowest in the past 40 years

  10. The countries with the highest rates of female in management positions are Russia, Latvia and Indonesia, while the lowest are the US, the UK, Spain, Denmark and Germany

lowest rated facts
What is the lowest rated show on fox news?

Lowest Rated data charts

For your convenience take a look at Lowest Rated figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

lowest rated fact data chart about In the 15th century the literacy rate in Italy was 15%, one
In the 15th century the literacy rate in Italy was 15%, one of the highest in Western Europe. By the 18th century it had increased to just 23%, one of the lowest

lowest rated fact data chart about States with the highest support for deportation also have th
States with the highest support for deportation also have the lowest rates of unauthorized immigrants per capita

What is true about lowest rated?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

As of 2006, Asian drivers in America have the lowest rate of traffic fatalities of any ethnicity.

The city with the lowest marriage rate in the United States is Washington D.C. - source

The US Homeownership Rate Is Now the Lowest Since 1989 - source

In 2015, there were only 14 murders in the entire state of New Hampshire, making it the state with lowest rate of murder per capita at just 1.1 per 100,000.

Harry Truman held both the highest (at 91%) and tied for the lowest (at 22%) approval ratings since Gallup started compiling them in 1937 - source

When are presidential approval ratings typically the highest and the lowest?

A parameter for the work place called power distance to determine how much a supervisor's word goes unquestioned. The US has a score of 40. Denmark, one of the countries with the highest worker satisfaction rate, is the lowest at 18. By law Danish companies have employees at the executive board.

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Director of the next Star Wars film, Rian Johnson, directed just three episodes of Breaking Bad, this includes the highest ever rated episode 'Ozymandias', and the lowest ever rated episode 'Fly'.

Sally Tompkins, a nurse, was the first woman to be commissioned as an officer in any form of the United States army. She was commissioned as a captain in 1861. Under her supervision, she had the lowest death rate of any hospital -- Union or Confederate.

Cuba's infant mortality rate still among lowest in world. In 2015 Cuba’s infant mortality rate was 4.3 per 1,000 live births--with 535 child deaths out of 125,064 births recorded in the year.

Iceland has one of the largest gun ownership rates in the world, and yet has one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

Philadelphia, home of Comcast, has the second-lowest rate of broadband access (71.6%) of the US's 25 largest cities, and was the only large city to record a decrease in internet access (2.7%) between 2016 and 2017.

Lowest rated infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Lowest Rated numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

lowest rated fact infographic about Game of Thrones: 4 out of 5 Lowest-rated Episodes are from S

Game of Thrones: 4 out of 5 Lowest-rated Episodes are from S8

lowest rated fact infographic about TV shows with episodes scoring 9.7 or higher versus their hi

TV shows with episodes scoring 9.7 or higher versus their highest and lowest rated episodes

When are presidential approval ratings highest and lowest?

Daniel Green's doctor measured his heart rate at 26 beats per minute the lowest BPM ever recorded, roughly that of an elephant.

The lowest rated movie on IMDB is called Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny (1972) with a score of 1.3/10. When Santa's sleigh gets stuck in Florida, he tells a group of kids the story of Thumbelina.

Norway has the highest rate of gun ownership of any Western European country at 32%. It also has the lowest murder rate.

Germany has the lowest birth rate in the world while the highest birth rates are in Africa with Niger at the top of the list

Abraham Lincoln might have had the lowest approval ratings of any U.S president during time in office

Lowest rated how i met your mother episode?

The United States has the 2nd lowest voter turnout among OECD nations. Only Korea has a lower turnout rate.

China has one of the lowest rates of cheese consumption in the world. On average, a Chinese citizen consumes only ~50 grams of cheese annually, or less than 0.2% of the same amount a Frenchman eats in the same period.

Although Mississippi has one of the lowest per capita income rates in the United States, Mississippians consistently rank as one of the highest per capita in charitable contributions

Despite having the second lowest educational attainment rate in the country in 2013, Mississippi scored highest in having the most voter turnout.

Natural Light is the lowest rated beer in the world by both RateBeer and BeerAdvocate

Kevin Federline's rap album, that was produced by his then wife Britney Spears, has the lowest rating of any album that is on Metacritic.

Indians have the lowest rate of meat consumption in the world. Most restaurants in India clearly distinguish and market themselves as being either "non-vegetarian", "vegetarian", or "pure vegetarian".

Colorado has the lowest obesity rate in America.

Men who regularly get less than 6 hours of sleep can have the lowest sperm count and sperm survival rates

The US state with the *lowest* rate of adult obesity still tips the scales at 22.6%. In thirteen states, one third or more of adults are obese.

Elephants have one of the lowest cancer mortality rates in the animal kingdom. Elephants are relatively cancer-free.

UK breastfeeding rates are the lowest in the world

Detroit's Midtown neighborhood has one of the lowest crime rates in city, in part due to its relationship with the Wayne State University Police who patrol the neighborhood in addition to the Detroit Police. From 2008 to 2015, crime decreased 52 percent in Midtown

Women's Health magazine rated Voss first among several bottled waters. However, in tests sponsored by Finland's national broadcasting company, three blindfolded wine experts rated Voss water lowest of the six waters tested, which included Helsinki public tap water.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Lowest Rated. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Lowest Rated so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor